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If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.
  • @plants Citrus obovata, Fukushu/Changsou kumquat

    What the insides of the fruit look like.

    The peel comes away from the fruit easily and the fruit is sectional/easy to pull apart like a mandarin. The taste of the fruit is like a tart orange but the pith has sugar in it so it’s not completely sour. The peel is very sweet. Sometimes the fruit is seedless, but no more than 2 seeds per fruit.

    #gardening #jardin #fruit #frutas #organic #permaculture #trees #arbol #GrowYourOwn

  • If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.

    If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.

    Citrus obovata, Fukushu kumquat

    Cold hardy to 28F/-2C, can be grown in a pot. Fruits 4-5 yrs from seed.

    It’s the fruit that makes it so special. The peel is very sweet and chewy and the fruit inside balances it with a nice tartness. And bc you eat fruit+peel, it’s very nutritious.

    I sell seedlings for $15 plus shipping available in early spring. Open to reservations now.

    \#gardening #organic #fruit #permaculture #trees @plants

    UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @IPXFong @plants I get almost 50 inches of rainfall a year (120cm), is that too much for this plant?

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @IPXFong @plants red licorice, like twizzlers? Is it nice enough to make it worth it to grow?

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides

    UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides

    Winter didn’t kill this perennial even though it dipped below freezing. The fruits grown from seed are highly variable and mine taste like sugary battery acid.

    Well, it’s fruiting this summer and I was letting the birds have it (even they rejected it). The berries ripened until they fell off the plant. I tried the fallen berries and there is almost no caustic taste. Yay?

    \#gardening #jardin #plants #plantas #permaculture #GrowYourOwn #organic @plants


    Tradescantia virginiana, spiderwort

    Tradescantia virginiana, spiderwort

    Every part of this plant is edible if the bunnies don’t beat you to it. 🐰

    \#gardening #jardin #bloomscrolling #florespondence #GrowYourOwn #NativePlants #plantas #plants #rewilding #foraging #organic @plants


    First beans harvested. Aren’t they so pretty? 😊

    First beans harvested. Aren’t they so pretty? 😊

    They were intercropped with Solanum corymbiflora (seen in the background) and that kept the bunnies away. This Solanum “hardy tamarillo” is supposedly cold hardy to 15F/-9C and lives for 12 years.

    \#gardening #GrowYourOwn #organic #perennials #jardin #plantas #plants #vegetablegardening #permaculture @plants


    First maypop flower of the season. 🥳🎉

    First maypop flower of the season. 🥳🎉

    Passiflora incarnata

    \#bloomscrolling #florespondence #nativeplants #plants #gardening #organic #growyourown #foodsecurity @plants
