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jaromil Jaromil

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"Professors at the European University Institute are warning of the rapid popularisation of generative-AI that makes threats of foreign interference and disinformation operations more subtle and harmful for our democracies than ever before. The number of violations reported just in Europe and only in 2024, also denounced by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, depicts well-established tactics of media warfare from which the population needs to be protected."


Don't try this at /home

Just imagine...
  • lol pic or never happened

  • Just imagine...
  • also the creator of systemd went to work at mikrosoft

  • Von der Leyen faces Socialist revolt over her far-right flirtation with Meloni
  • Meanwhile Meloni despises VdL and Europe on prime time Italian news media. She is poisonous.

  • Global collaboration, local production

    Dieses Buch gibt aktuelle interdisziplinΓ€re Forschungseinblicke rund um das Fab City-Konzept.

    Global collaboration, local production

    Just out the book featuring our two new essays:

    1. "Creative Flows" is a Keynes inspired grass-root economic system applicable to on-site as well on-line #DAO designs.
    2. "Digital Product Passport" documents our development using Valueflows in #OpenAccess
    systemd devs ship run0 to production
  • I love it, systemd has provided a lot of fun in the past 10 years πŸ˜‚

  • Bloat
  • try 1.5GB live OS including many pre installed applications like kdenlive, audacity, ardour and OBS...

  • Man pages bad
  • Wrong meme. The dark place is systemd.

  • The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony | Full Documentary

    Many state and public administrations from Helsinki to Lisbon operate with the software of the US corporation. It makes them vulnerable for hackers and spies, violates European public procurement l...

    The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony | Full Documentary
    API Good Boy vs The Badass Scraper
  • no reason, I added the title with terms I relate to easier

  • lol sudo rm -rf /
  • cheers mate. it's a virus because its copied all over ✌🏽 part of the artwork concept

  • Literature Against The Machine The 1st β€˜de-machine storytelling’ Contest

    Quella che segue Γ¨ una proposta di scrittura per comunicare senza essere comprensibili dalle AI generative come Chat-GPT o Gemini: un inedito !de-machine storytelling, un gesto provocatorio e irriv…

    The 1st β€˜de-machine storytelling’ Contest
    Time traveling to the present (New episode of Planet Dyne, S2024E02)
  • so good to read this, it's a brain massage.

  • Devuan-PI running Pi-Hole v6 faster than systemd bugged Raspbian

    Running the Devuan-PI Daedalus build from the difference with Raspbian and other ARM distros bugged by systemd becomes evident. Here we manage to run Pi_Hole v6-beta in less than 70MiB of RAM and below 50c temp on a RPi3-modelB πŸ’ͺ

    Orwell's nightmare "1984" and the mega corporations of today
  • they are signed "warakami", I found them in my friendly interwebz bubble of rebel feeds

  • Has anyone C code to filter frames to 1bit color depth approximation?
  • I'm looking for a source code in C that does that, to include it in frei0r, before I have to go and write it myself...

  • Has anyone C code to filter frames to 1bit color depth approximation?
  • yes I'm looking for C algorithms for that. I just searched for "1bit old-school image"

  • NSFW trivial posts on reddit rising in recent years
  • You make a good point. And yeas I also like NSFW (and well, at we do a lot of jokes at work....) but somehow the sort of stuff that goes around X and reddit is different and aggressive. Maybe my impression. But now I tend to agree with your remark here