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itsmect itsmect
Posts 8
Comments 153
Return of the king
  • vedal is baaack

  • CUDIMM Standard Set to Make Desktop Memory a Bit Smarter and a Lot More Robust
  • LPCAMM seems more useful overall as a product.

    Only if you need 2-4 sticks, otherwise they take up too much PCB space. Look at servers and how a good chunk of their volume is filled with dozens of sticks. You cant simply lay them down flat.

  • Looking for new Site Admins
  • Man this job posting is worse then all the garbage that companies put out. There will be very few people who tolerate KYC for non-paying volunteer internet janny job - and those who do should probably never be mods. Good luck tho, you'll need it.

  • CUDIMM Standard Set to Make Desktop Memory a Bit Smarter and a Lot More Robust
  • LPCAMM may have better specs, but DIMM requires a smaller area on the PCB and can make better use of the vertical space.

  • Lemmy is like a public library of the internet: it's one of the few places where you can exist without the expectation of paying either through watching ads or through direct payments
  • I'm not suggesting to pay one euro each month, I'm suggesting that you treat your lemmy instance as a 12 euro per year subscription. Compared to literally every other service it is basically free.

  • Urge people to move on &
  • requires javascript to run, which is suspicious considering the purpose of the site

  • [meme] Part of my ongoing efforts to rebrand urbanist ideas as patriotic and pro-freedom (which they unironically are)
  • Oh man all the party poopers in the comments. These memes are funny instead of the usual preachy content - doesn't matter if its slightly inaccurate

  • warning: do not use XMR to pay azirevpn!
  • I have used them back when they cost 3.5€/mo instead of the 5€/mo you pay for mullvad or ivpn. Gave them a try specifically because the support XMR, and it worked flawlessly for each of the 5 (?) payments I made. Service is fine, no complaints, but the desktop app is shit. Can't easily configure local bypass which is supported by mullvad/ivpn. At the new pricing their offer doesn't really make sense anymore.

  • Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • A slight heating is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. A microwave is fine tuned to heat food, or more precisely the water within. Other materials such as the glass on the back of the phone also absorb some energy, but only a tiny fraction.

  • Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • People joke about this all the time, and I here the sarcasm in your comment, but technology has come far since the iphone 6 or 7.

    Most high end phones have wireless charging build it. Between the receiver coil and the rest of the phone is a thin sheet of ferrite material to prevent the electromagnetic field from getting to the sensitive electronics. Battery technology has also improved a lot, so much that even relatively cheap phones like the Realme GT Neo 5 charge at 150W!

    From the technical perspective the limit is the cable and connector, because there would be too much losses that heat up the cable to dangerous levels and rapidly degrade the contact area in the connectors. Manufacturers don't want to deal with this security risk, not the increased RMA rates within the mandated guarantee period, so they artificially limit the charging rate.

    Thing is: You absolutely can charge at higher speeds if you bypass the cable altogether! A microwave outputs usually somewhere between 150W-1000W, so stick to the lower end to be on the safe side. The screen of the phone must face down, because the charging coil is placed on the back. You also must prevent overcharging by setting the timer correctly: If your phone battery has 15Wh capacity, and you are charging with 150W, you must at most charge for 1/10 of an hour, or 6 minutes (less if you are just topping up your phone).

    One final note: fast charging does put increased wear on the battery, so I only recommend to use it when you need it, for example when you need to make a flight and are already running late.

  • Holy shit Majestic Bank is still around, I had forgotten about them.
  • I recall one instance where a user only got their coins after contacting people in the community who then put pressure onto majestic bank. Higher then advertised rates also happened more then once.

  • HavenoMain - Yet another instance of HavenoDex
  • fuck off. seriously.

    THERE IS NO OFFICIAL HAVENO INSTANCE, because no one involved with making haveno is running a haveno network, and not even endorsing one. This is very impotent to mitigate legal risks, because apparently governments pull reasons out of their asses to prosecute open source devs they don't like. Your centralized "fund" shows blatantly that you have no fucking clue what you are doing, and you should not be trusted with an important piece of infrastructure.

    If you are looking for a real network, check out the first and only instance of haveno:

    For tutorials on how to use it, check out nihilism's excellent guides:

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • I am aware of the basic arguments behind inflation/deflation, and neither is good in excess.

    Typically central banks targets inflation of 2% these days, but we all know the real inflation for necessities is far higher (>4%). Inflation disproportionately affects the poorer - rich people have the fast majority of their wealth "stored" in stocks or real estate, which rise in valuation as people rush into these markets to protect the little they have. I'd argue that inflation rates are artificially pushed far higher then is sustainable, simply because those who decide are the same people who benefit the most.

    I consider a low but predictable inflation rate about 1% ideal (0-2% is acceptable short term variation) for the following reasons:

    • No one has to worry about debasing/devaluing your currency by injecting more supply.
    • Nobody "passively" gains wealth by sitting on it.
    • If you want to keep your wealth, you have to take some risk and use it.
    • Inflation rate is not so high, that you need super high risk investments to keep up, making it more accessible to small players.
    • Large player can not as easily game the market by skimming of value from the lower to upper middle class.

    Yes, this idea is not without risks. But the way I see it the forced "we have to improve value by 2% every year" exponential grow can only go on so long before we (humanity) hit the finite limits of this planet.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • At least with the government you can vote the bastards out.

    In theory. In reality all parties serve the same lobbyists.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • Continuous exponential growth is actually something our financial system was DESIGNED FOR. It it makes no sense our inflationary money makes no sense.

    This is the most hilarious part. One system literally has exponential growth, while the other is literally created to combat this.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • >hide money


    If you really need to hide money from your government, pls consider a pocket change amount of xmr in case shtf. Take care brother, don't let the feds get you.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • One time phone numbers are another good thing, to avoid the ever increasing tracking we are all exposed to.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • Love it for donations. Monero specifically is also super fast: open wallet, scan QR, enter amount, hit send. Easily done in 30s or less.

    It's also good for VPNs, because now the VPN provider needs to figure out who owns the IP, rather then looking up the clear name in the payment info. Doesn't make you anonymous, but reduces risk of data brokers buying your personal info.

  • [Meta] Looking for new mod to take over

    As explained in this post I was appointed as a mod of this community without being asked. However I do not really care about the topic myself and would like to pass on the role to someone who does. Besides this, there are no requirements.

    If you want to take over please comment below and include a single sentence why you care.

    If I can not find someone to take over by 2024-01-07 I will assume this community is not needed and can be closed.


    How tf did I become mod at /c/homesteading?

    I made one post, that's it. I never wanted to mod that community and never agreed to it. It seems like the original mod appointed me somehow and then left?

    If anyone is interested in modding this very quiet community please speak up, otherwise I'll close it by end of year.

    Edit: If you want to take over this role, please comment on [Meta] Looking for new mod to take over

    privacy itsmect now requires email verification - any alternatives?

    In the past I’ve recommended sms-activate for easy, quick and low cost phone verification. When you want to log in, they now force you to click on a verification link send by email, meaning you are f’ed if you used a single-use email address.

    Are there any alternative options that accept monero and don’t have this restriction?


    Today I learned that there are Open Source plant seeds

    This is important because this means you can not only re-plant the seeds from your harvest, but also have a legal framework and full permission to do so. Personally I never cared much for gardening, but the independence from big companies makes growing your own food much more attractive.

    cryptocurrency itsmect

    PayPal is Introducing a new crypto currency. PayPal Stablecoin | US Dollar Cryptocurrency

    PayPal Stablecoin is a US dollar cryptocurrency now available to consumers. Learn more about our stablecoin and how to buy it here.

    PayPal Stablecoin | US Dollar Cryptocurrency

    cross-posted from:

    > PayPal is Introducing a new crypto currency and you’ll be able to buy, sell, hold, and transfer it in the app. > 1 USD : 1 PYUSD on PayPal

    privacy itsmect

    PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default


    Finished Monero-chan on - Great Work Everyone <3

    See it yourself here:

    If you want to help fixing any damaged pixels, please use the latest template and leave the surrounding artworks unharmed.
