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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 79
Kamala Harris Planted Trees For Israel As A Child, Recalls Fond Memory After Netanyahu Meeting
  • Nobody said anything about calculators, you don't seem to understand the question. The comments about using commas in numbers in the U.S. are 100% correct.

    You have a keen interest in posting all day about politics in a country you arent from. Can never answer a question about your own background.

    Incessantly talk shit about Israeli policy from an anti Democratic perspective without a whif of criticism of the Republicans, who would be far worse in their full throated approval of Israeli warcrimes. What is your native language? Are you able to vote in the USA?

  • Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy
  • Got it, you are a Trump supporter that won't actually say it, loud and clear. Fact check me if I'm lying. You're a Trump shill through and through, otherwise it would be easy to denounce him.

    Clearly you dont actually give a shit about the only topic you post about. You are indistinguishable from a paid troll account. Fact check me though, I'd love to see where I'm not accurate.

    Is your position that Trump would somehow be less supportive of Israel?

  • Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy
  • Your track record seems to have zero criticism of Republicans, when we know Trump would be far worse in supporting Israeli warcrimes. Just this once, can you come out and say that Trump would actually be worse for the one topic you ever seem to discuss?

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • Well then they won't mind when we stop providing US made weapons to continue their aggressions, cutoff the billions in annual support, and stop blocking international efforts at holding them accountable. Why would Netanyahu be addressing our government if we had no skin in the game?

    You're either uninformed or trolling, we are Israel's largest ally and we constantly shield them from international repercussions.

  • ‘I Approve This Message’: Kamala Harris Instantly Uses Trump’s Own Words Against Him
  • Better to eat crow than the shit we'd be forced to swallow in a second trump term! Forreal though, thank you for coming out and saying it.

    Nobody needs to say "I told ya so" but clearly things are moving in an energetic direction, and those of us that are sane in this country should all be pleased! Keep dunking on the fascists and speaking the obvious truth to these morons!

  • The moviegoer experience these days
  • I understand resolution improvements but I don't understand the push for higher framerate for film. In real life motion is blurred when things move, the higher the framerate the less of that you see.

    For me it's awful, the "soap opera" effect or whatever else they call it kills me, like I'm seeing a cgi picture even when I know everything was captured in camera.

    24-30fps is the sweet spot for film and TV imho, I have yet to see a good argument for watching regular real time footage at a higher frame rate.

    (To be clear - of course high speed footage for super slo mo and all of that has plenty of cool applications)

  • Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns: Sources - ABC News
  • Her organization failed. As the head of the organization her job is to accept the failure and resign. Doesn't matter the exact reason, she needs to take the fall. Trump never should have been cleared to speak if his safety wasn't guaranteed. And I fucking hate the guy, but the secret service fucked up, a whole bunch of them should probably be fired, top brass first. Absolutely absurd to imagine they should keep their job after this. Normal people get fired for undercooking chicken, missing a day of work or delivering a package to the wrong place, what are we protecting here?

  • Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns: Sources - ABC News
  • She should get a promotion maybe? Some extra paid vacation time to sort it out and deal with all the extra stress? Several people are in here with this ridiculous take, I don't get it.

    She failed as the head of an extremely important high stakes organization. She no longer has the faith of those she reports to. Should have offered her resignation the day after it happened. That would have been at least been honorable, anything less is ridiculous.

  • Am I completely off base to expect my partner to be transparent about her inheritance?

    I've been the primary breadwinner for our small family since our son was born (he's 5). We aren't officially married and we keep separate bank accounts. I make decent money in a semi-rural area, but with most expenses on my shoulders, there’s typically just a few thousand dollars cushion left at any point in time. My partner has stayed home to raise our child, which I greatly appreciate, and there’s some occasional income from her side, but historically not enough to significantly ease the financial pressure on me. Recently she has been working more and there are positive signs that we will be able to improve our financial situation as kiddo transitions to regular school.

    Five months ago, her grandmother died, and she mentioned she would inherit around $20k or so. However, she never firmed up the number and hasn’t shared any details since. I’m starting to see indications that the actual number may be much larger and I feel like I have been intentionally misled. I’ve noticed quite a bit of increased spending. This is generally a good thing when it’s to help out around the house or for the family. I just have zero context for the scale of this inheritance. Is it enough to last a few weeks, months, or even years? Is it enough for a house down payment?

    This lack of transparency is frustrating and hurtful. I've always shared my financial situation with her, including bonuses and raises, and given her extra money whenever possible. I don’t understand why she’s being so secretive about this. It feels like she assumes I’ll put my hand in her pocket, which hurts given how generous I’ve tried to be.

    If we’re serious about building a future together, I believe we need to be open about our finances. If she’s sitting on a significant amount of money, I don’t see why I should continue shouldering 80% or more of the household expenses without an honest conversation where all the chips are on the table.

    I'm afraid she is intentionally keeping me in the dark, and it’s damaging our communication and trust even further. It makes me less willing to share details about any future inheritance I might receive. I don’t want to become bitter or retaliatory, but this situation is making me question a bunch of things.

    I finally asked her directly how much she inherited, and she refused to give a straight answer. Ooof, it’s probably a lot more than I thought with how rough that reaction was. Now when I’m thinking about all the recent times I’ve been “helping” her out financially, maybe I was helping someone who wasn’t being honest about even needing it. I also want to be transparent with her if/when I get an inheritance (unfortunately I am likely to be in this scenario within the next few years) but how can I do that when I’m kept in the dark on this? Am I just being greedy or something here? This seems like basic trust/ transparency stuff, and points at major structural issues......

    TLDR: I’m the primary breadwinner, my partner inherited money and refuses to even tell me how much, it feels like a lack of transparency and a barrier to us building a life together after I have been generous for years.
