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Handheld consoles required to have replaceable batteries by 2027 - Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck
  • I really miss replaceable batteries in my phones. It was so good to just swap an empty battery out for a fully charged one. Glad to see that making a return.

  • Reddit enrages users again by ditching thank-you coins and awards
  • Then why don't they just alter the algorithm or remove any coin-related influence? The average redditor does not care/know that gilded posts reach the top.

  • A Verdict Has Been Reached in the Microsoft vs. FTC Trial
  • When was the last time such an acquisition led to something positive for gamers?

    I am all for timed exclusives if that means Microsoft or Sony help funding the game that wouldn't have the budget otherwise. However I am against acquisitions, be it from Microsoft or from Sony.

  • Lemmy apps
  • I can only speak for myself here of course, but it doesn't matter to me if an app is open or closed source. What matters is having a nice experience. I am currently very happy with Liftoff and I didn't even know it was open source.

    If another app comes along with new or better features, I will try it out and maybe even switch, regardless of whether it is closed or open source. And if they have an attractive pay model for interesting features, why not?

    We need to see how it all plays out. What about the Lemmy instances themselves? Especially the larger ones need to make money too. Can they survive solely on donations like Wikipedia, or do they have to run ads at some point in the future?

  • Welcome! Put your feet up and relax!
  • FFVII was my first title too. I was still in elementary school back then, but I had a blast playing it together with my friends after school. Obviously, I replayed it when I was older and understood the systems better. It wasn't until FFX that I played another FF game. While it was fun, it's not my favourite.

    I played FFXIII this year for the first time on my PS5, and I have to say it's a real contender for my favourite FF game. The characters are well-developed, the storyline is great, and I've spent more time on Triple Triad than I want to admit.

  • What was your creepiest paranormal experience?
  • A few years ago I went to the graveyard to visit my late godfather during the day. On the way out I noticed a woman walking on a parallel pathway. She had bright white clothes on. So I walked, looked over to her and for a short moment my line of sight was blocked from a tree between us. After that moment she was just gone.

    That being said, I didn't believe in ghosts and I still don't believe in them. There sure is a perfectly fine explanation. However, you can bet that I bolted from that graveyard.

  • Still pretty bad at this game, but really enjoying it
  • Generally everyone I encountered is pretty nice and noone seems to be sweaty or talking down to someone. As long as you are having fun you don't need to get good in the game. And as a medic or support you can be on the top of the leaderboard while having barely any kills, if you fulfill your role.

  • What are your most beloved FF Games? :)
  • I missed a lot of entries in the series but I do love FF6 and FF7 (the original one) the most. I played the remake and while it is a masterpiece in itself I am not a fan of the battle system.

  • What games did you enjoy so much that you still think about them?
  • The original GTA for PS1, Super Mario world and Yoshi's Island. Mainly because these were my first video games that I can remember and I have fond memories of them.

  • Just deleted my 6 year old reddit account!
  • You should have done it before deleting using something like shreddit to automate the process. Nevertheless, good that you have taken the step.

  • what's your favorite Gameboy game that isn't Pokemon or Mario?
  • Advance Wars and the Fire Emblem games helped me pass the time when I was in hospital. All of them are just great I recommend playing them if you haven't already.

  • "So the billionaires’ families are gonna get billed for all of this like the time my family got billed for my ambulance ride, right? Right?"
  • That should be on case in all of Europe (in Germany and Italy for sure). It's covered but your insurance as long as there is an emergency. So you can't just use the ambulance as a taxi, then you would be billed the whole amount.