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iameru iameru

Interessiert an vielem. Software und Tauchen, Reisen und Nudeln, wandern und radeln, vim und nerd, Techno und Punk. Software engineer. Mags heiß, Sommer ist das beste! Viel draußen gerade :)

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Comments 3
Logauswertung der Bubatzkarte
  • @bubatzkarte @cannabis spannend :D sowohl die Technik als auch die Quellen deiner requests:D darf ich fragen wie du die Daten gesammelt und grafisch aufbereitet hast?

  • What is a Fediverse Galaxy?
  • @bloodaxe @liaizon @fediverse ah thanks. So basic content is shared or made sharable, like favorites getting read by Lemmy as upvotes.
    Btw, I use Mastodon aswell and isn't this a Mastodon thread? Or is this Lemmy and it's already so integrated I don't even recognize it? Are there hints to which service im talking to?

  • What is a Fediverse Galaxy?
  • @liaizon @fediverse as a newb to this (see my other post), what do they federate? Like from what I understand, Lemmy is a forum software. When I federate my Mastodon with someone's Lemmy, what do I see? Can I join in on threads on the Lemmy forum with Mastodon? and the other way around? Maybe I'm not getting the fediverse yet.
    Not asking your precious time to guide me through this but that information would also be helpful in a visualisation like yours

  • What is a Fediverse Galaxy?
  • @liaizon @fediverse @e Like the idea very much!
    On a side note: What I could need is an actual easy to understand "what is this even". I'm probably not the target audience but I don't understand the difference between #Mastodon and #calckey for example. and what most of these other tools do. But I'm also somewhat new to social media so maybe it takes time.