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hikaru755 hikaru755
Posts 9
Comments 248
Die Reicheltsche Kokainpsychose scheint neue Ausmaße anzunehmen
  • Ich bin draußen von der Schleife, was ist da in Essen passiert?

  • Airplane canopy opens mid-flight
  • It's in the description of the video, the canopy locking pin wasn't locked and she failed to notice during visual checks

  • Rule one of the road : Never trust an idle car.
  • It looks like they opened the door normally, until the motorcycle got caught on it and forced it all the way open

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • Gotcha, thanks for explaining!

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • Wait how is what you're proposing different from ICE hybrids?

  • xkcd #2947: Pascal's Wager Triangle
  • the religion that gets you the most stuff in the afterlife.

    I think it would be rather the opposite, should be the one that promises the worst fate in the afterlife to non-believers

  • Voyager 1 Once Again Returning Science Data From All Four Instruments
  • Except if you continue reading beyond your Quote, it goes on to explain why that actually doesn't help.

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • is a pretty good indication that the author(s) are deeply racist

    Or, maybe, they're just using the most well-known instance of fascism in history as a concrete example, in order to not overcomplicate the message. Jumping to accusations of racism at the slightest suspicion is not gonna help anyone.

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Companies and their legal departments do care though, and that's where the big money lies for Microsoft when it comes to Windows

  • DuckDuckGo offers “anonymous” access to AI chatbots through new service
  • Training and fine tuning happens offline for LLMs, it's not like they continuously learn by interacting with users. Sure, the company behind it might record conversations and use them to further tune the model, but it's not like these models inherently need that

  • ich_iel
  • Na ja, dein "wer da drinne das 2fa feature nutzt hat das konzept von 2fa nicht verstanden" klingt – gerade für Laien – schon sehr nach "dann kann man es auch gleich lassen". Das wollte ich nur richtig stellen.

  • ich_iel
  • wer da drinne das 2fa feature nutzt hat das konzept von 2fa nicht verstanden.

    Das würde ich nicht so hart sehen, 2FA im PW-Manager ist immer noch um Welten besser als kein 2FA, und für viele Normalos kannst du nichts komplizierteres als das empfehlen weil sie es sonst halt gar nicht benutzen würden.

    Passwörter können auf verschiedenen Wegen in die falschen Hände geraten, 2FA im Passwortmanager schützt immer noch prima gegen alle davon, außer halt wenn der Passwortmanager selbst geknackt wird. Und wenn das passiert, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch, dass der Angreifer es eh auch schon in eins meiner Geräte reingeschafft hat, und somit auch Zugriff auf eine etwaige getrennte 2FA-App hat. Um das zu verhindern, muss es dann halt wirklich schon die Yubikey-Lösung sein, was aber wiederum aktuell nichts ist, was die Non-Techies in meinem Leben realistisch tatsächlich benutzen würden.

    Edit: für meine Argumentation ist es wichtig dass du nicht ohne eins meiner Geräte in den PW-Manager reinkommst, aka das Modell von 1Password. Ich glaube Proton Pass ist nicht ganz so gut abgesichert, weil deine Daten da nur mit dem normalen Account-Passwoet verschlüsselt sind, nicht nochmal mit nem extra-Key

  • They're not "Minifigs," they're "Lego Men." Even the female ones. I feel very strongly about this.
  • Roombas


    Burger Kings


    I do agree that "Legos" is wrong, but it's not because you don't pluralize brand names in this way.

  • PayPal will use your purchase information and shopping patterns to sell targeted ads
  • And it makes sense to me that a business would leverage that data in ways to benefit themselves.

    Big fat nope on that one. This is exactly what the GDPR is about. I'm giving you my data for a specific purpose, and unless I tell you otherwise, you have no fucking business using that data for anything else. Gonna be interesting to see how this one plays out in the EU.

  • When did you get hit by "the tetris effect" AKA playing a video game so much that you get the urge to do moves/actions from the video game in real life?
  • Happened with Lone Echo for me. It's a VR game where you're in a space station, and you move around in zero g by just grabbing your surroundings and pulling yourself along or pushing yourself off of them. I started reflexively attempting to do that in real life for a bit after longer sessions

  • X considers "cisgender" a slur, and moderates it over actual slurs
  • Isn't that the difference between a slur and an insult, that a slur is offensive in itself against a certain group of people*, while an insult depends on context?

    *Unless used by people from that group itself

  • Gemini is the new Google+
  • HTTP is not Google-controlled, you don't need to replace that in order to build something new without Google

  • California Passes Bill Requiring New Cars To Beep At You When You're Speeding
  • I agree with your first point, but the latter two:

    —GPS data that could be stored and extracted from the dealership and sold or given to the government, insurance companies, and law enforcement. —GPS data that could be sent in real time if the car has a cellular connection or hijacks the cellular connection in your phone when you connect it to the car.

    Why do you think this is more likely to happen with this new regulation, when most modern cars already have a functioning GPS module for navigation and cellular connection for software updates?

  • [MOC] Brick Separator Snail

    Just a stupid little build I did a while back. What are the weirdest pieces you’ve used so far in your MOCs?

    (Cross-post from


    [MOC] Brick Separator Snail

    Just a stupid little build I did a while back. What are the weirdest pieces you've used so far in your MOCs?


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    cross-posted from:

    > I don't like the concept of GWPs in general, and the threshold is ludicrously high again (220$/220€), but if you've been dying to get them, now's your chance!


    Second chance to get the Bionicle and Blacktron GWPs during VIP Days! LEGO® Deals & Promo Codes | Official LEGO® Shop US

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    cross-posted from:

    > I don't like the concept of GWPs in general, and the threshold is ludicrously high again (220$/220€), but if you've been dying to get them, now's your chance!


    Second chance to get the Bionicle and Blacktron GWPs during VIP Days! LEGO® Deals & Promo Codes | Official LEGO® Shop US

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    I don't like the concept of GWPs in general, and the threshold is ludicrously high again (220$/220€), but if you've been dying to get them, now's your chance!
