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hexaitos Hex

I am Hexaitos, a bateleur eagle from Germany. I like computers (I especially like working with Linux), birds (obviously), taking walks, learning languages, photography and whatever else I am currently fixated upon. My day job is working as a network and systems administrator.

Icon by Babanasaur.

Posts 0
Comments 8
That Time of Year
  • Robin in round mode, love it. Nice photo!

  • Rule updates and some other stuff!
  • Don’t worry about it! I think birdie made it clear in the rules that it’s become very difficult to tell if something is AI-generated or not and I certainly won’t swing the ban hammer immediately if someone posts something AI-generated. I had to look twice before realising what you posted was AI-generated too! It happens! v

    You’re more than welcome to continue crossposting bird content from Loops, I’m looking forward to it!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's a bird loaf if I've ever seen one. Cute pigeon! I guess that answers my question from earlier under another post :>

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • He. See the red spot at the back of his head. Females lack that. Juveniles (of any gender, I believe) actually have a red cap!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Is this your pigeon? At any rate, I am definitely not an expert whatsoever, but I would also say that it's simply moulting.

  • Variety Pack
  • Great collage! Almost didn't spot the tree creeper. Any idea which one it is, Short-Toed or Eurasian? I can never tell them apart, but considering the Short-Toed is more common (here), I usually just guess that.

  • Slightly-Black-Headed Gull
  • Names are always confusing. In German, "Schwarzkopfmöwe" (lit. black-headed gull) is "Mediterranean gull" in English. Your "Black-Headed Gull" is "Lachmöwe" in German (lit. laughing gull) and your "Laughing Gull" is an "Aztekenmöwe" in German. Not sure why it has to be so confusing!

    Anyway, great photo! :>

  • Rule updates and some other stuff!
  • Not sure why the only way to have someone appoint you as a mod is to post a comment in the community you want to become a mod of lol But hello!

  • Rule updates and some other stuff!
  • test