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herhandsmyhands azteclady

Reads (mostly genre romance). Crafts. Rabble rouses. Rants. She/her. Doesn't look like Rita Hayworth. Sweary. Blocks with abandon.

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Comments 17
"men always supposed their feelings were much too complicated for any one to understand them."
  • @willaful I started KJ Charles's _An Unnatural Vice_, second in the Sins of the City trilogy (which I've had in the TBR for seven years, as I hoard her backlist for hard times). And then I immediately started the third and last in the trilogy, because of course once that door was opened, there was no shutting it close again.


  • #WhatchaReading ? I enjoyed Come As You Are by Jess K. Hardy, a romance with middle-aged characters! (Though still in great shape.) FMC is trying to save her father's ski hill, which her evil
  • @willaful I finished _Murder in Belgravia_, by Lynn Brittney; very much a historical procedural, set in Edwardian London. Read it in one long gulp, and now I'm struggling to write the review. Positive: a lot of historical fact woven into the narrative in ways that make sense. Negative: setting up a love triangle for the series, and a slight tendency towards exposition..


  • #WhatchaReading ? I started Early Morning Riser... I'm not sure it's romance? But I really like the voice and I'm pretty sure a romance reader rec'd it so am hoping for the best.
  • @willaful Struggling with _Death at a Scottish Wedding_, the second in a cozy series by Lucy Connelly/Candace Havens. The ARC needed a serious copy editing pass, and the setting (snowed in an old Scottish castle with some 50 strangers and murder) has been for the most part wasted.

    Ah well.

    #WAtchaReading @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • #WhatchaReading ? I finished the most waste of time old Harlequin, The Wild Side by Diana Hamilton. One of those awful misogynistic old skool books that's pretty fun if you're in the right mood -- but
  • @willaful Reading 'Nathan Burgoine's "Handmade Holidays" and crying my heart out in the best possible way.


    ETA: it's low angst, it's just incredibly heartfelt and so real.

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WhatchaReading]( ? I finished Evvie Drake Starts Over and am so glad I gave it a chance. (I had read it was NOT a romance, which made me very nervous.
  • @willaful

    I have vague memories of liking Maureen Johnson's work in category--but it's vague, likely pre-blog.

    I just started reading another cozy mystery, _Death by Demo_ by Callie Carpenter, and i am really liking the writing voice; there's very good deep point of view from the heroine, without being first person.

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WhatchaReading]( ? I just finished Seeing Blind by Poppy Dale, a very sweet, sort of "shop around the corner" romance which is my catnip. Part epistol
  • @willaful Reading a short cozy mystery, involving finding a precious antiquity in a small town on the Chesapeake Bay. Not terribly impressed so far, I'm sorry to say.

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WhatchaReading]( ? I just finished Dionysus in Wisconsin and I'd feel a little delicate about mentioning it since the author is on this instance, but
  • @willaful I've stalled in reading my TBR Challenge book--Darynda Jones' _First Grave on the Right_. For once, it's not the first person (Charley Davidson is a sarcastic flippant smartypants, and so far I like her) but me.

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WhatchaReading]( ? I'm reading Upside Down by N.R. Walker and am confused, because there is so much kvelling about its asexual rep. And so far, in a s
  • @willaful Reading Vanessa Riley's first Lady Worthing mystery, _Murder in Westminster_; I'm compelled to keep reading, even though the narration sometimes feels a bit stream-of-consciousness (first person, part tense), in what feels like an established universe I've just been dropped into without warning.


    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WatchaReading]( ? I started Wolf at Bay, the Sequel to Wolf at the Door. I find it fascinating that the main character, though gay and out, has so many
  • @willaful I'm reading an ARC for _Slashing Through the Snow_, the third in a cozy mystery series; I sort of get what it's going for, but the twee Christmassy sweetness grates on me, and the writing can get pretty tortured in parts:
    "I shook my twenty-eight-year-old head" (Chapter 4)

    Next up is _A Moment in Crime_, which is just the most fabulous title; it's the second in the Santa Fe Revival cozy series--fingers crossed (author is Amanda Allen aka Amanda McCabe)

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WhatchaReading]( ? If "too much sex" reviews make you perk, you'll want to check out Her Halloween Treat by Reisz. Nothing but sex and banter, often a
  • @willaful I'm reading an ARC _Friends Don't Fall in Love_ by Erin Hahn; it's loosely tied to her release last year (_Built to Last_), and so far, so good: despite generally not liking first person, present tense, the characters grabbed me from the get. It's about two longtime friends who once had a one-night stand and now are convinced the other doesn't want to go back there, ever.

    It releases next Tuesday, and I hope to have a review up tomorrow or Saturday.

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#WhatchaReading]( ? I read The Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project by Lisa Henry, which was very fun, but also made me uncomfortable in a way I find ha
  • @willaful I'm reading Lisa Peers' _Love at 350 degrees_, and f/f romance with protagonists over 40, set in the context of a "reality tv" baking competition.

    So far it's so, so good (I'm at 39%)

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • [\#DailyDiva](
  • @notTheAudience Personally, I think the #CinnamonRollHero should show the sweetness openly, not just to their chosen one/group.

    I think we need a term for the crusty-exterior-gooey-center, but cinnamon roll isn't it, IMO

    @Anthro_CLH @lenoreo @Diva007 @romancelandia @romancebooks @OliviaWrites

  • [\#DailyDiva](
  • @wendypalmer

    From the same world, but easily read as a stand alone, I recommend _Honey and Pepper_; Nikias is absolutely a cinnamon roll hero who takes charge in the bedroom.

    My review:

    @Diva007 @romancelandia @romancebooks