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Firefox has surpassed Chrome on Speedometer
  • Brave is icky. It's smeared in crypto and they were caught injecting affiliate links in 2020.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't go shopping without a pair of effective active noise-cancelling headphones. Whether it's the terrible store music or random screaming kids, I don't need the distraction when trying to Get Shopping Done.

  • The Best Two-Factor Authentication App? (iOS)
  • I am all-in on Bitwarden - and I use Apple's 2FA with a widget shortcut to Passwords in settings to unlock Bitwarden. For maximum security it makes sense to keep your OTP in a separate app, but if you choose to keep them in Bitwarden, it will add your 2FA codes to your clipboard after inserting your login and password on the site. Extremely convenient.

    Bitwarden is light, multi-platform, will support Passkeys, open source, offers username and password generation, free (and VERY cheap if you want to unlock sharing). In my opinion nothing comes close.

  • Anyone else still rocking the 351V?
  • Yup. Rocking the latest ArkOS from June.

  • Apple Music or Spotify? what do you use and why?
  • Apple Music. The initial reason was that my own music was uploaded to be part of it. Along the way I've been using Spotify and many others. Today, I refuse to use Spotify. Why?

    • They pay musicians an even more ridiculously low amount per stream than most other services.
    • They have attempted to leech off the open podcast ecosystem to lure people into theirs and lock them there.
    • They actively pay and host Joe Rogan's lies and bullshit
  • We live in a time where Bing is better than Google
  • I know it's become less fashionable in recent times, but I still default to DuckDuckGo. Especially because I can very quickly perform my search again on a different site using bangs, if I don't find what I was looking for in the first try. (

  • IINA 1.3.2 - The modern media player for macOS - New Release
  • VLC is amazing, but it is also a cluttered mess. This feels more like some of the sleeker MPlayer GUIs and is worth giving a shot - if only to see just how different (and still good) it is.

    I always keep VLC around like a big Swiss knife, but it's nice to have something else that is elegant and ready to use to supplement it.

  • Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?
  • No regrets. No interest in going back. The future is federated.