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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Resurgent malware targets Outlook and Thunderbird users but bypasses Russia
  • articles don't mention mitigation methods.

    what to disable in thunderbird to not be vulnerable to "obfuscated JavaScript file that is sent to the victim through emails in archive files." and prevent that "The JavaScript file drops a self-copy at “C:\Users\<Username>” location with random names like “needlereportcreepy.bat”. The bat file is then executed"?

  • Millions of Docker repos found pushing malware, phishing sites
  • adding PPAs or RPM repos, or installing things from source, I'd say that number is a lot higher than 0.

    Nothing wrong with that. Unlike docker that's cryptographically protected toolchain/buildchain/depchain. Thus, a PPA owner is much less likely to get compromised.

    Installing things from source in a secure environment is about as safe as you can get, when obtaining the source securely.

    Docker contains that nonsense in a way that's easy to update.

    Really? Ist there already a builtin way to update all installed docker containers?

    What's uneasy about apt full-upgrade?

    Package managers don't provide a sandbox.

    I didn't say that.

    average user who doesn't run updates consistently, may add sketchy dependencies, and doesn't audit things would be better off with Docker.

    That's false.

    but they're less likely to cause widespread issues since each is in its own sandbox.

    Also false. Sandbox evasion is very easy and the next local PE kernel vulnerability only weeks away. Also VM evasion is a thing.

    Basically one compromised container giving local execution is enough to pwn your complete host.

  • Millions of Docker repos found pushing malware, phishing sites
  • in the same way that installing a malware-laden executable isn't an OS problem

    except no one is doing that. Every major distro hast mechanisms for software supply chain security and reproducible builds.

    Do your due diligence, especially if you're not a developer and thus looking at the Dockerfiles is impractical.

    You're on to something here. If you automate that process, you end up with something we call a package manager.

    it's likely blog posts and users that are at fault.

    Exactly. And sincer reviewing Dockerfiles is impractical, there's no way docker prevents you from shooting your own foot. Distros learned that long ago: Insecure default configs or injected dependencies are a thing of the past there. With docker, those get reintroduced.

  • Millions of Docker repos found pushing malware, phishing sites
  • What you are saying is not new but you don't seem to grasp the difference in risk when you run someone else's configured environment on your system vs. manually setting them up yourself. You save a lot of time by using docker images but it comes with a price.

    There's no docker vulnerability

    No need to. Like sudo doesn't need a vulnerability when you let contributors of some repository use it on your box.

    Things like snyk exist for a reason but it's not mitigation, just monitoring.

    You should stop telling people that using docker is no security problem because that's wrong, as it adds attack surface to even the most secure projects. Sure, it saves time but things like OPs news will keep popping up in the future like it did in the past. It can't be fixed other than just not using it in production. At least build your own containers.

    Don't forget various past issues:

  • Millions of Docker repos found pushing malware, phishing sites
  • This entirely misses the point of Docker.

    It's just pointing out the risk of letting someone you don't know with no legal obligations setup your complete environment.

    How likely

    Probably as likely as someone cracking your really secure ssh password. Still, any sane expert will recommend disabling password auth.

    I only pull containers based on some official project.

    How do you know they weren't compromised?

    but I don't see anything here about Docker itself being a problem

    The problem is that rootless docker is a pain and no one does it. Privileged software sideloading other software is a huge risk.

    That risk now became an incident. Even if you're not affected, the risk still remains.

  • Corporate Open Source is Dead
  • exactly. Forking for any reason is the essence of FOSS.

    Scenarios like OPs were taken care of right from the start. That's just the legal side, tho. But someone still needs to do the actual work which is why it sometimes fails.

  • Bayern: Gymnasium verbietet queere AG
  • Exemplarisch für den verkommenen akademischen Gedanken im Schulsystem: Nämlich sich mit einem Spezialgebiet beschäftigen, es vertiefen, Thesen aufzustellen, diese diskutieren/belegen/wiederlegen/verteidigen, gewonnene Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlich konform verschriftlichen usw.

    Genau DAS sollte die (weiterführende) Schule eigentlich spielerisch vermitteln und fördern.

    Egal ob da T-Shirts gefärbt, Stinkbomben gebastelt, Roboter konstruiert oder über irgendein Thema diskutiert wird - solange es pädagogisch wertvoll ist, erwarte ich, dass das Schulsystem jegliches freiwillige Engagement von Schülern bestmöglich unterstützt.

  • I love programming but I hate the programming industry
  • either earn a good living being a code monkey, or find a job in a small company that has passion

    crazy idea: let's publicly fund FOSS projects so devs working on stuff they like with a passion can actually make a good living and enable sustainable non-profits to hire expertise, marketing and all the stuff a company needs

    the result would be actually good software and happy devs

  • Warme Sommernacht im April
  • In deutschen Wohnungen produzieren sie normalerweise rasch tropische Schwüle.

    Das stimmt, aber da es immer ein Feuchtigkeitsgefälle nach aussen gibt, funktioniert das mit Lüften ganz gut.

    Mit "knochentrockener" Luft funktioniert es natürlich am besten aber Deutschland ist nicht der Amazonas und hier macht es zumindest für mich an heissen Tagen viel Unterschied und kost praktisch nix.

    Wenn die Sommer noch heisser werden, kommt Klimaanlage mit PV her.

  • Warme Sommernacht im April
  • Hier eine Studie die den Effekt quantitativ untersucht hat. Die hier erklärt den Effekt.

    Das wird in Teilen Indiens und Pakistans schon seit tausend Jahren so gemacht und funktioniert prima.

    Niemand behauptet, dass man damit ein Kühlhaus bekommt wie mit einer 750W Klimaanlage die durchgehend läuft.

    Aber wenn man nicht zu doof für die einfache Anleitung ist und die Luft durch häufiges Lüften trocken hält, kann man, (je nachdem), über ein paar Tage der Bausubstanz des Dachgeschosses durchaus 2-3°C an Wärmeenergie entziehen, was an heissen Tagen definitiv einen Unterschied macht.

    Ich mach das ständig. Klappt prima.

  • Warme Sommernacht im April
  • feuchte Stoffe zum trocknen aufhängen und viel lüften. Das kost nix und bringt viel.

    Bonuspunkte wenn die nachts richtig auskühlen können und dann tagsüber mehr Wärmeenergie aufnehmen umwandeln.

    ...oder halt PV + Klimaanlage für cheatmode.

  • Any tips to help a scientist become a better programmer?
  • 25 years in the industry here. As I said there's nothing against learning something new but I doubt it's as easy as "leveling up".

    Both fields profit a lot from experience and it's as much gain for a scientist do become a software dev as an architect becoming a carpenter. It's simply not productive.

    there is so much time lost in research institutes because of shoddy programming

    Well, that's the way it is. Scientific code and production code have different requirements. To me that sounds like "that machine prototype is inefficient - just skip the prototype next time and build the real thing right away."

  • Any tips to help a scientist become a better programmer?
  • It's always good to learn new stuff but in terms of productivity: Don't attempt to be a programmer. Rather attempt to write better research code (clean up code, revision control, better commenting, maybe testing...)

    Rather try to improve cooperation with programmers, if necessary. Close cooperation, asking stupid questions instead of making assumptions etc. makes the process easy for both of you.

    Also don't be afraid to consult different programmers since beyond a certain level, experience and expertise in programming is vastly fragmented.

    Experienced programmers mostly suck on your field and vice versa and that's a good thing.