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heavytf2 heavy weapons guy

heavy tf2 fan. ml in training.


Posts 2
Comments 2
What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?
  • i do not know if this counts, but i have seen wild hottakes related to communism mentioned by you all, so might as well.

    one time, an in-law talked with my dad, as i have mentioned to them that i have studied a bit of marxism and feminism in literature theory class.

    the reactions were funny. they said "oh my god are you brainwashed? marxism is satanic! i forgot why and i can't show a video about it, but it's satanic and evil" (they like jordan peterson which explains it all.) while my dad said "karl marx is german so he made nazism".

    my dad's claim is especially funny as he lived during the communist era of my country.

    i hear a ton of stupid stuff from my relatives, but this is my favorite

  • Help me debunk post-modernist Marxism in a college course
  • My intentions was to find out if this is accurate to Marxist theory, as educational institutions only show Marxism as a very negative ideology, from what I heard. It had basic mentions of dialectical materialism and kind of felt accurate when it came to basic Marxist terms, but I just felt skeptical about it.

  • Help me debunk post-modernist Marxism in a college course

    Hello! This is my first post on Lemmygrad.

    I have a lesson from my Literature Theory class in college about Marxist analysis. It has some stuff about "British Cultural Materialism", "American New Historicism" and calls Simone de Beauvoir a Marxist among other things. I have a basic understanding of ML theory, though not enough to properly counter what is being said here.

    The lesson is in PDF form, but I formatted it to Markdown and uploaded it to PrivateBin, here. I will also attach a screenshot showing the final questions regarding the lesson.

    What points are there to be made against what is written there? It often feels like idealism and the lesson itself is filled with pseudo-Marxists.

    Thank you comrades!
