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hankg hankg

Software developer and (sometimes) blogger trying to figure out secret to living a healthy and content life into his 100's. #fedi22 #developer #biohacker #flutter #dartlang #kotlin #python #astronomy #engineering #science #food #baking #foodhistory #history #YeastMasters #fediverse #friendica #uspoli #lgbt

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News from fediverse hankg

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client (v0.12.0) has just been released. This has some big updates including: being able to reshare Bluesky posts, a "focus mode" that lets

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client (v0.12.0) has just been released. This has some big updates including: being able to reshare Bluesky posts, a "focus mode" that lets you lock down the UI to only let you post/edit/comment on your own posts, and fixes for stuff that changed in the latest Friendica release from last month, and some other smaller bugfixes/tweaks. It is in review in the Apple Testflight for iOS and macOS as well as in the Google Play beta system. Downloads for Android, Linux, and Windows are on the install page of the main project. See the CHANGELOG on the project page for more information about this release too. #relatica #friendica #fediverse

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews hankg

More good news for Harris/Walz and by extension the rest of the country in the latest Cook. It's the mirror image of the May report, where Trump was leading in most of the battleground states. Now

More good news for Harris/Walz and by extension the rest of the country in the latest Cook. It's the mirror image of the May report, where Trump was leading in most of the battleground states. Now Harris is, by equally thin margins though. Lots of work to do but great momentum! Report…

The Mercers & co and the tech bros surely must now realise that Trump's a bad investment. He can't change. And a cocktail of dementia, hatred and narcissistic envy won't return Trump to the White
  • @NZedAUS The people of power who backed and propped up Hitler because he was a charismatic boob they thought they could harness and control were just as sorely mistaken. It's sort of a repeat. I'm not making that comparison in a "Trump is Hitler" Godwin way. I think he's more a repeat of Mussolini, which is bad enough. It's just the most poignant other time this sort of move blew up in a bunch of rich/powerful people's faces equally spectacularly.

  • Zone 2 Training Lessons
  • @marvinfreeman I don't so much mind the two runs a day part, or even running two days in a row. Although, I've only run two days in a row a handful of times. If I ever get to training runs that require me to run way more than 3 hours I could see that sort of breaking it up. The part that didn't resonate with me was the high mileage, six days of running, and no cross-training. For me this is primarily a longevity play with a mix of strength and cardio training to which I'm adding a secondary goal of doing longer distance races. I could potentially see the advantage if the racing was my primary focus though.

  • Zone 2 Training Lessons
  • @marvinfreeman I actually hadn’t heard of it until yesterday. This doesn’t sound like a training plan that would resonate with me. Thanks for the summary though!

  • Zone 2 Training Lessons
  • @fivemmvegemite @marvinfreeman Sorry, the Link to the podcast is below. The conversation is about the 23 minute mark. What I'm hoping is that by the time I'm trying to work up to marathon distances in a year my pace will be fast enough that it will be moot. Here's to hoping :)…

  • Zone 2 Training Lessons
  • @fivemmvegemite @marvinfreeman Ironically, on my 9 mile run yesterday I was listening to this podcast (among others) where she discussed not running more than 3 hours at a time. She PR'd her next marathon doing that guidance even though the longest she ran was 16 miles before then. One way she gets higher volume in a day is by doing two runs a day so evening run for 3 hours, then a 10 mile run the next morning. She referred to "The Hansons Method", which I haven't looked at. I'm personally doing 80% training so have one speed day on the road and one HIIT/Tabata bike day as well.

  • Default instance blocks should largely replace defederation
  • @masimatutu I agree that should be for the most egregious of circumstances. I know there is great debate about whether Threads servers would qualify.

  • Exited to join
  • @himohin Welcome to the fediverse :)