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halfway_neko halfway_neko

hai :3

she/they btw

Posts 0
Comments 42
  • yeah, that's understandable. i'd never thought about it that way before.

    personally i use enby as a way to say that i am in the middle / don't really care.

    i think the issue comes from the fact that saying non-binary means specifically non-{man,woman}. whereas i've always interpreted it as just non-"specific gender".

    to me it's the etc. of gender labels, but i realise that not everyone that i think it describes would want to identify with it.

    (and that means it becomes it's own label, and now we have to figure out what to call everyone_else all over again. (maybe the whole idea of gender labels was rigged from the start))

  • What's the most seeming trivial thing you'll turn down a GF or BF for?
  • oh. i guess i'm using the wrong editors then :P

  • What's the most seeming trivial thing you'll turn down a GF or BF for?
  • i'd probably use tabs if they weren't so massive by default.

    do people actually use 8 space wide tabs? if so, what for?

  • everything zen
  • please do not wear the cat.

  • 99% of Lemmy users
  • real :(

  • Reading raw comments is like executing malware on your brain
  • yeah. you're right.

    it's not like i blindly trust the votes to tell me what's right and wrong, but they still influence my thoughts. i could just sort by new, but i feel like that's almost as easy to manipulate.

    i guess it comes back to the topic of the post. where and how i get my information is always going to affect me.

    i'm sure other platforms are no better than lemmy with manipulating content, but maybe for different reasons. i just have to choose the right places to spend my time.

  • Reading raw comments is like executing malware on your brain
  • isn't that what the upvote/downvote buttons are for? although to be fair, i'd much rather the people of lemmy decide which things are good and interesting than some "algorithm"

  • Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop
  • the real Year of the Linux Desktop™ was the friends we made along the way.

  • That remains to be seen
  • idk lol. i acquired this meme from someone else :P

  • What are your favorite classic PC games?
  • making/playing quake maps is fun :3

  • The people who made these back in the day are heroes
  • this extension is really nice to avoid fandom when possible.

    mediawiki got it right the first time :P

  • New friends acquired
  • the circle of life dungeon

  • After a county restricted transgender women in sports, a roller derby league said, 'No way'
  • thank you for this great idea. i'm saving it into my brain rn

  • Linux Gender?
  • i prefer my binaries to stay inside the computer. binary does not belong in brain >n<

  • Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?
  • they are very similar. my only problem with hyprland was that the mouse is still required for some things, and it's a bit annoying having to switch back and forth.

    on sway, everything can be done by keyboard. i still use the mouse a lot, but there's less switching in the middle of tasks.

    it's a little difference, but it was worth it for me.

    there's also the drama about some people being transphobic (i think?) in the hyprland discord, but i try not to pay too much attention to that.

    hyprland accomplishes it's goal of being pretty (and i got some really cool screenshots), but sway is pure functionality, and it's damn good at it.

  • Lemmy Babies of the Rexodus - it's been 9 months, how has Lemmy changed you?
  • i feel a little more comfortable commenting here.

    being a smaller community, i feel like i'm actually contributing when i post something, instead of just adding to a sea of noise

    it also helps that i've come up with this new "persona". i'm able to be more of the real me than i can with my main account.

    it's like half way between anonimity and publicity. this account has very little connection to my meatspace existance, so i feel safe to say anything. but at the same time i'm not gonna act like some 4chan user. halfway_neko's a good girl lol

  • Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?
  • ye. i've been using wayland since forever.

    started on hyprland, and then moved to sway, but it's been an almost perfect experience for me

    sometimes i have to install a different version of a package or smth, but otherwise everything works fine.

  • Thoughts on Cryptocurrency?
  • i think it's really cool in theory, but only the anonymous ones. i don't use crypto personally, but it's important that something like it exists.

    cryptobros and capitalism have ruined what little reputation the name had, and it's obviously not going to replace "normal" money any time soon.

    i feel like it's kind of similar to the cashless systems that most banks use, but you're trading lots of electricity for "not having the economy be owned by a couple of massive corporations". obviously it has it's flaws, but i see that as a worthwhile trade.

    edit: oh yeah, i didn't mention it, but this is another vote for monero (it's private and it's an esperanto word :P)

  • When viewing Lemmy, do you view "all" or your subscribed communities?
  • always All. it's how i find new communities. it would prob be good if i start subscribing to more of the communities that i like though.

    atm i'm just relying on the collective views of the threadiverse to feed me content.