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grumpybozo 🆘Bill Cole 🇺🇦

Dad, Husband, Sysadmin, Anti-Spammer, Disillusioned Radical Lefty|Old GenX-er|DREAD Pirate| I'm fat and I have a headache|AntiFa Patriot| BLACK LIVES MATTER! Living on occupied land previously shared by many Anishinaabe peoples.

\#Detroit #Michigan #USA #Sysadminnery #BadDad #ADHD #infosec #IWeepSixColors #Spam #ASF #SpamAssassin

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Comments 28
We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • @Varyk Kurzweil thought we’d all be quasi-cyborgs on 2 wheels by now.

  • what if, right, what *if* our super-duper-autocomplete was just *tricking* us so it could TAKE OVER ZEE VORLD AHAHAHAHAHAHA! that'd be wild, hey
  • @skillissuer I have no idea how they could have been *needed* against Ukrainian tanks. My impression was that they didn’t have any tanks with active defense until they got EU/NATO models, but I could be wrong.

  • EA is becoming a cult? It must be wokeism fault
  • @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM @sneerclub The joke is in fact so much better, explained.
    Thank you.

  • TracingWoodgrains launches a defense of Manifest's controversial reputation, all without betraying a basic understanding of what the word "controversial" means.
  • @sinedpick @sneerclub Nah, I think don’t think he ultimately means icky children living in poverty (ewww) but rather more digital humans living in computers. Unless I’m conflating him with so many flaky/evil others.

  • TracingWoodgrains launches a defense of Manifest's controversial reputation, all without betraying a basic understanding of what the word "controversial" means.
  • @froztbyte @sneerclub Well, if the vast majority of people in a community share a consensus reality and basic principles, you don’t need a formal governance structure to oppress hallucinating sociopaths.

  • another banger from Roko, definitely a thinker of a time. I would first guess that this time it was a trans woman he came onto and she kicked him in the nuts
  • @o7___o7 As this is human perception and emotion being discussed, the viewpoint is not inconsistent with the emotion. I’ve known people who exhibit both together.

  • America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
  • @fuckingkangaroos @sneerclub I’m just glad that I’m old enough that I likely won’t have to watch the process by which we get to a smaller and more sustainable human population. I fear that what we’ll actually get is the first movers towards a smaller (and on average better-off) human species are those who salivate at the prospect of slaughtering “undesirables” for the good of the race. Those of us who just want to tax the rich to build better lives for all will lose.

  • America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
  • @fuckingkangaroos @sneerclub The TESCREAL (I prefer “STREACLE” but that ship has sailed) worldview implies a future with far fewer actual humans on Earth, something also foreseen as necessary for a widespread sustainable high standard of living by people who don’t share their essentially fascist views. We should not get there by having any set of “elites” self-select their own survival. The inevitability of an outcome does not justify any arbitrary path to that end.

  • America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
  • @fuckingkangaroos @sneerclub Not because the planet cannot carry 8 billion humans, but because no known humane socioeconomic system can provably do so. That problem is exacerbated by the fact that all evidence suggests that the best first step towards a solution would be to lose the richest billion, not the poorest, and absolutely not the folks actually doing the hard work involved in directly feeding and caring for their fellow humans.

  • NSFW
    Honor Levy is the latest from Dimes Square. Truly breathtaking text production.
  • @dgerard @sneerclub That was a very difficult read. I feel dumber somehow…

  • NSFW
    Torres: "rumors have been swirling about the Future of Humanity Institute shutting down" after they got $665m in ETH from Buterin
  • @Soyweiser @sneerclub LOL. That might explain why I got suspended. For the past 18 months all I have done is suppress traffic to my timelines by blocking anything promoted, delete my messages programmatically, and try to unlike every tweet that I ever liked. That after years of using blocking tools to ultimately block hundreds of thousands of accounts. It would have been millions if they didn’t have a 64k at a time limit.

  • Since age 12, SBF was a dedicated utilitarian, mommy says. It's not fair to imprison him for life.
  • @TinyTimmyTokyo @sneerclub At 12, I was a dedicated utilitarian too. It’s hardly an advanced state. It’s something you grow out of.

  • LessWrong is a machine for causing depression in its cultists
  • @gnomicutterance @sneerclub Are you familiar with Amy Goodman’s “Democracy Now!”?