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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Pls someone make this reality
  • I never thought muscle memory was "stored" in the muscles. The same way a memory of a smell is not stored in the nose. I was quite confused to see this as a common misconception but it makes sense from the name

  • What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • Only if they can be turned off (same as the cryo sleep). The whole ship either has to have enough energy to last potentially 100000 years (no theoretical power source exists like that) or enter a state of 0 energy consumption. Solar/radiation collectors dont work if you are to far from a star. Synthetic life still needs energy

  • Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
  • While I agree on the facts I want to offer a slightly different (possible) conclusion: a organisation like wikileaks needs resources and supporters. If they are targeted by all the "good guy"-countries and the only one willing to support them is "evil guy" Russia, then they are not in a position to resist. They chose to compromise their integrity instead of just not existing.

    If the western world wants a whistleblower/leaks organisation that follows journalistic integrity and ethics, they need to fund it even if it leaks their own internal documents.

  • What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • Would you need a power source? If you aim your ship correctly, then put everything alive into cryo, the ship could go completely dark, vent all heat and become a frozen rock. Then after [very long time] the ship enters the vicinity of a different star and can be reactivated and unfrozen using solar energy. You dont need energy to maintain cryo if the whole ship is at 1° kelvin.

    (Of course that relies on cryo sleep being possible)

  • Move Stonehenge to Tuvalu to Protect it from the Effects of Climate Change Activism
  • Activism can never ever ever ever ever achieve anything if it doest cause discomfort. A demonstration that doesn't block roads or disrupt services is just invisible. And causing damage to a landmark is disruptive and discomforting.

    There is also the point that oil companies will just shoot you if you were to vandalise their office.

  • I mean it.
  • If your train is canceled, your ticket is automatically valid for all other trains going in the same direction (doesnt have to be the same route, as long as it will reasonably take you to your destination) for the whole day.

    Depending on how mutch later the next connection arrives, you can get all/parts of your ticket price back.

  • get between two countries
  • I feel cheated by a certain micro country. I got the challenge with one wrong country. The country is almost entirely covered by the (thick) line as it is drawn on the map, but the actuall 1 dimensional line doesn't pass through it...

  • How to safely delete my home directory completely?
  • Deleting a file does not overwrite the data. It just marks that area of the drive as "free". Using forensic tools (or simply dd) you can read data from "empty" parts of the drive. To be save you have to overwrite each file. You can try tools like shred to scramble the data of a file before deleting it, but as they say themselfes, unfortunately your filesystem might not actually let you do that (scroll to the CAUTION section).

    You can use dd to write bytes to arbitrary places of the drive, but again, the filesystem might lie to you where a file is actually located. The ONLY way to be entirely sure is to wipe the whole drive. And if your IT does not do that before handing a system to a new employee, then they are not doing their job correctly.

    Not legal advice: just tell them you installed a few viruses (while the system was not connected to the company network of course) and they should nuke the system before handing it to anybody else.

    (You can also wipe the drive yourself by booting from a stick and overwriting the entire drive)

  • Anon thinks about CPUs
  • How is software without a CPU useful? Its literally a list of instructions for a CPU.

    Also a CPU can still calculate stuff if you just send electrical signals to the right connections. Software is just a way for the CPU to keep going and do more calculations with the results.

  • Tajikistan Set To Outlaw Islamic Hijab After Years Of Unofficial Ban
  • Dont get me wrong, Tajikistan is a capital D dictatorship. With pictures of the president on every public building and daily propaganda prodcasts from megaphones installed at public squares. Its also not the first time the government banned certain traditions (such as a way to celebrate weddings).

    They are banning the symptom instead of the cause. Instead of banning preachers of foreign schools of Islam they are banning something that is central to those preachings.

    I agree, banning religious expression is generally a bad thing, I am just happy they are fighting to keep radical Islam out of the country. For reference, Tajiks are the second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan (~25% of the population) so there is bound to be cultural exchange between the countries. a And Tajikistan is very afraid of the Taliban getting any support in Tajikistan. And the first step of that support is through religious radicalization.

  • Tajikistan Set To Outlaw Islamic Hijab After Years Of Unofficial Ban
  • Tajik Islam is its own thing. They are (relatively) open and women are frequently seen in public. They can walk around on their own and they dont cover their heads with hijabs or similar. They are also very vary of foreign influences such as Arabic Islam, Turkish Islam and above all Taliban influences. The hijab is a staple in all of these forms of Islam, so banning it is essentialy telling those groups to stop trying to take over Tajik Islam. This is a good thing. It is protecting women from a shift to much more oppressing religious practices.

  • I watched Nvidia's Computex 2024 keynote and it made my blood run cold
  • It doesn't matter if AI is run on green energy as long as other things are still running on fossil fuels. There is a limit to how fast renewables energy sources are built and if the power consumption of AI eats away all of that growth, then the amount of fossil energy doesn't change.

    All increases in energy consumption are not green because they force something else to run on fossil energy for longer.

  • Use a spare router as a server

    I have a few spare routers accumulated from moving houses, upgrading, home mates leaving theirs when they move etc.

    So I was wondering what to do with these instead of throwing them out. Does anybody have experience with using a router as for example a media server, pihole , fan controller for the server shelf ...

    What OS would be compatible or are routers just to limited in their computational power?

    For reference, i have: Speedport smart 4 plus, Fritz!Box 3270, Fritz!Box 7530, EasyBox 804
