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godfree2 godfree2

secular humanist, Bright, progressive, online since 1992 Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada might get me on XMPP [email protected]

Posts 54
Comments 14

Pierre Poilievre’s Hilarious Makeover Can’t Mask His Horrible Politics

The Red Pill Lie
  • strong, character, compassion, wisdom ... a good role model

  • Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All
  • down vote satire that you can't comprehend, keep it coming. rolls eyes

  • The Red Pill Lie
  • cos of lack of thinking understanding

  • Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All
  • stunningly brilliant assessment, GOAT

  • Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All
  • glad to see ignorance of down voting without cluing into the video mocking JP, well done non-thinkers

  • #astroturfing Scientific Method

    prime example of astroturfing, #OilGas


    Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All


    The Red Pill Lie

    [Online] Churches at War, Sun, Jul 23, 2023, 11:00 AM | Meetup Oasis
  • yes, so. The other Oasis is a sex club.

  • any lemmy groups that counter extremism?

    hoping to be able to contribute, I monitor some extremists groups on MEWE & discord

    Cloning a drive from one machine to another
  • what about clonezilla? does it have more safe guards and functionality?

  • secular humanism progressive news, human rights, goodness without godness, outreach, community building, support, recovery from religion secularhumanism -

    Secular Humanism, skepticism, Humanists, Skeptics, anti-propaganda. Progressive. No religion, no debates, no both sidesism.

    secularhumanism -

    secular humanism 10 commitments

    • Altruism
    • Critical Thinking
    • Empathy
    • Environmentalism
    • Ethical Development
    • Global Awareness
    • Humility
    • Peace and Social Justice
    • Responsibility
    • Service and Participation
    0 Support / Questions godfree2

    What will the moderator conduct enforcement be like?

    I've run into some bad mods in my years online, hoping for support in dealing with bad moderators. Is there a code of conduct oversight team?

    Simple LAN chat and file transfer
  • sure is, beats texting

  • No bigotry rule?
  • accountable moderation is a rare bird

  • You searched for canada - Media Bias/Fact Check

    Media Bias/Fact Check

    5 ‘A Disaster’: Postmedia And Toronto Star Owners Discuss Merger

    “This is the worst possible news. I feel sick to my stomach.”

    ‘A Disaster’: Postmedia And Toronto Star Owners Discuss Merger

    ‘A Disaster’: Postmedia And Toronto Star Owners Discuss Merger

    0 Documenting The Past 40 Years Of Media Election Endorsements

    Passage has compiled the endorsements 17 newspapers made for each of the 13 most recent federal elections.

    Documenting The Past 40 Years Of Media Election Endorsements

    #reference #bias


    Simple LAN chat and file transfer Pidgin

    Pidgin is a universal chat client, allowing you to consolidate all your different messaging apps into a single tool.


    use Pidgin and create a Bonjour account, it will find others on your LAN. If others don't show, go offline then Available to refresh LAN users. Be sure to install all dependencies for Pidgin


    simpleScreenRecorder, capture, stream, low on resources unlike OBS


    Linux users can use SimpleScreenRecorder, specify a 1280or1024x720 area of desktop to record, place your webcam output (gucview, vlc) in that frame along with other elements, select output profile YT stream, rtmp is then the output, enter in stream url. pick video (vp8 vp9, h264, h265) & audio (vorbis, mp3, aac) . start preview to check if everything is working, when ready hit RECORD. SSR will all pre encode that area of the screen and send it to the stream URL, there it gets rebroadcast to viewers


    Tip: stream your webcam to your LAN low bandwidth

    you wont find this in VLC manuals or docs

    stream very low BW, stable cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :sout="#transcode{vcodec=theo,vb=600,fps=6,scale=0.5,acodec=none,scodec=none}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=ogg,dst=:8080/},dst=display}all:keep"

    cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 --sout="#transcode{vcodec=theo,vb=2000,fps=15,acodec=none,scodec=none}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=ogg,dst=:8080/},dst=display}all:keep" 14fps=50KBs, 6fps=23KBs, 4fps does not work must be 6 or above

    on receiving end use a browser or vlc or smplayer http://192.168.x.x:8080 find the source's IP# replace x.x above

    Irfanview alternatives
  • gthumb play videos if you installed proper codecs

  • unsupported title format, post goes limbo
  • Centre for Inquiry Canada - Your community for scientific, skeptical, secular, rational and humanistic inquiry

  • unsupported title format, post goes limbo
  • "invalid post title"

  • Support / Questions godfree2

    unsupported title format, post goes limbo

    i've been copy pasting some titles for post, but I get an invalid title format. Are there some characters triggering this from my text? too long? After error post screen (create button) goes into limbo. Fixes?
