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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Ist die Parole "From the river to the sea" zwangsläufig strafbar?
  • Palästinenser sind halt als Gruppe insgesamt zu homophob um sie nicht zu unterdrücken zu müssen. /s

    Die IDF ermordet zwar jeden Tag Schwule, aber halt nicht weil sie schwul sind, sondern weil es Palästinenser sind. Manchmal machen sie dabei Fotos mit Regenbogenflagge. Das ist sehr fortschrittlich von denen.

    Wenn man den Standard anlegt, dass Menschen erst einmal Teil einer Gesellschaft sein müssen, die sich selbst sämtlichen reaktionären Gedankenguts entledigt hat, bevor sie Hilfe und Solidarität vor Besatzung und Ermordung verdient haben, könnte man keine historische oder aktuelle Befreiungsbewegung unterstützen.

  • Requesting Help with `txg_sync` Error I Can't Diagnose
  • I mean general advice with potential hardware issues is remove as much hardware as possible, and see if the problem still exists. If it does, swap components one-by-one until you find the faulty component.

    Since this seems to a sporadic problem, it would probably help to try find a way to trigger the problem more reliably. Maybe write a script that writes random files constantly, or something like that.

  • A Palestinian was shot, beaten and tied to an Israeli army jeep. The army says he posed no threat
  • Looking at someone being tortured and your first thought is "must have done something to deserve this". That's fucked up.

    And then you immediately tell everybody else this thought. "This guy probably deserved it!" You did not take a couple of seconds to check whether your theory is contradicted by the article. You victimized the guy again with your baseless accusation, but you did not think or care about that.

    Your excuse for this? Can't accept the IDF soldiers being ontologically evil. Yeah me neither pal, it's a childish concept. There are actual material reasons for the cruelty. If you want to steal someone's land, you need to drive them out, and being cruel is a tried and true method to achieve this. No need to invoke good and evil, and no need to invent your own reality.

    But of course, you do not afford the same to Hamas. No elaborate theory-crafting in this instance. There you have no problem declaring them just plain evil.

    What flavor evil are you?

  • Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
  • Are you talking about the claim that he endangered CIA agents? That was just some bullshit they cooked up to get him on, and I don't think anybody even claimed that somebody actually died.

    Imagine thinking exposing the CIA should be a crime, because the poor small beans CIA agents need protection. Who wouldn't want to protect imperial blackmailers, hit men, weapons smugglers and death squad commanders?

    You are the traitor for siding with the oppressor.

  • Germany's new visa programme makes it easier for skilled workers to immigrate
    1. Divide world population into groups, based on birth location an ancestry.
    2. Treat them vastly different, like some kind of global apartheid system.
    3. Allow some into the imperial core, but give them shit rights so they can be exploited extra hard.
    4. Profit.
  • 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos
  • So that’s just a clearly factually inaccurate statement right there, makes me question the validity of the entire thing if they can’t get something that simple correct.

    It is not. The article is from 2013. Back then, that linked worked and shows exactly what the article is saying: he's the only staff member listed. That was 8 years after the founding btw.

    And since the guy is clearly rich and has lots of political connections, you'd figure he'd have sued EF by now if there was anything incorrect in that article.

    Oh you launched into a whole defense of working with the far-right. Figures.

    Believe it or not, people on the “far right” can care about human rights too

    Yeah they care about human rights when they can weaponize them to pressure or topple governments that resist exploitation. Which is what the Oslo Freedom Forum is all about.

    Hmm… I wonder if living under an autocrat might have made him care about human rights and free expression.

    That or he's pissed that they took his father's Telco empire, and now he wants to topple the Venezuelan government and get his "birthright" back. We may never know.

    Also you avoided the whole part of in the article about what he was up to before the HRF. That guy was clearly an activist conservative bigot at the very least, and so he naturally evolved into a Mr. Human Rights Guy. He doesn't just take money from far-right dipshits, he himself is a reactionary.

  • 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos

    Who is Halvorssen? He is best known as the founder and CEO of the Human Rights Foundation, where he is listed as the lone staff member. The Oslo Freedom Forum is his brainchild, a confab he has sought to brand as “a Davos for human rights.”

    Founder and only staff member is this son of a Venezuelan oligarch. Sounds like a completely normal human rights group.

    The Electronic Intifada has obtained Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 990 forms filed by the Human Rights Foundation that include previously undisclosed information about its donors.

    The forms show that the Human Rights Foundation received approximately $600,000 in donations from the Donors Capital Fund from 2007 through 2011. Based in Northern Virginia, Donors Capital Fund is essentially a slush fund for the cadre of rightist donors who bankroll the conservative movement.

    Don't disclose all their big donors. Kinda sus.

    “Since the fund handles money from multiple donors and donors names aren’t disclosed, contributions made through the Donors Capital Fund are difficult to trace,” the Center for American Progress noted in its 2011 landmark report “Fear, Inc.” “Potential donors are required to open a minimum $1 million account to utilize the fund’s services.”

    In 2009, Donors Capital Fund channeled $60 million to various conservative causes and from 2009 through 2011 a whopping $21,318,600 “to groups promoting Islamophobia,” according to the Center for American Progress.

    Peter Thiel is also one of the big donors.

    But a look at the early stages of Halvorssen’s career, which he spent as a conservative operative combating gay rights initiatives, feminism and multiculturalism on US college campuses, suggests otherwise.

    That checks out.

  • 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos
  • The guy that organizes this is a rich Venezuelan gusano, and he gets donations from the far-right. This is not about "Challenging Power" or "Freedom", but to further US imperialism.

  • Javier Milei in Deutschland: Hoffnungsträger oder Scharlatan? - ZDFheute
  • Die liberalen Gründungsväter der USA waren Sklavenhalter, Völkermörder und Eroberer, und deren Vorstellung von Demokratie war eine Klassenherrschaft, wo nur weiße Männer mit Grundbesitz wählen durften. (Liberale Demokratie ist sowieso immer die Herrschaft der besitzenden Klasse.) Das waren trotzdem Liberale.

    Das ist dieser no true scotsman Fehlschluss. Das ist eine korrekte Verwendung des Wortes liberal. Dich stört vermutlich daran, dass du dich irgendwie als liberal identifizierst, aber nicht mit Milei in eine Topf geworfen werden willst. Dann benutze halt "sozialliberal", oder "sozialdemokratisch" oder so, wenn du dich abgrenzen willst, anstatt dich darüber zu beschweren, wenn Worte nach Definition korrekt benutzt werden.

  • Javier Milei in Deutschland: Hoffnungsträger oder Scharlatan? - ZDFheute
  • Wieso der ist doch liberal? Das ist eine Art von Liberalismus. Liberalismus ist kein nettes Gefühl, das ist die Ideologie des Kapitalismus.

    Privateigentum, Markt, Wettbewerb, persönliche Freiheit (wenn man sich es leisten kann) und damit auch die Freiheit andere Auszubeuten und die Not anderer Auszunutzen war von Anfang an Teil (ich würde sagen: Kern) der liberalen Ideologie. Für all das steht der Milei. Wieso willst du dem absprechen, aus welcher Tradition der offensichtlich kommt?

    Die Hayek-Gesellschaft hat dem gerade einen Preis gegeben, viel liberaler wird's nicht. Steht ja sogar in Link:

    Mit dem Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Preis ehrt die Gesellschaft herausragende Beiträge zur Förderung der Prinzipien des Liberalismus und der freien Marktwirtschaft. Der Preis genießt in akademischen und liberalen Kreisen hohes Ansehen und gilt als bedeutende Auszeichnung auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Sozialphilosophie.

  • Disk space counted twice on root folder?
  • Very weird, I can think of some things I might check:

    • It is possible that you have files on disk that don't have a filename anymore. This can happen when a file gets deleted while it is still opened by some process. Only the filename is gone then, but the file still exist until that process gets killed. If this were the problem, it would go away if you rebooted, since that kills all processes.

    • Maybe it is file system corruption. Try running fsck.

    • Maybe the files are impossible to see for baobab. Like if you had gigs of stuff under (say) /home on you root fs, then mount another partition as /home over that, those files would be hidden behind the mount point. Try booting into a live usb and checking your disk usage from there, when nothing is mounted except root.

    • If you have lots and lots of tiny files, that can in theory use up a lot more disk space than the combined size of the files would, because on a lot file systems, small files always use up some minimum amount of space, and each file also has some metadata. This would show up as some discrepancy between du and df output. For me, df --inodes / shows ~300000 used, or about 10% of total. Each file, directory, symlink etc. should require one inode, I think.

    • I have never heard of baobab, maybe that program is buggy or has some caveats. Does du -shx / give the same results?

  • China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait
  • The right to self-determination does not mean a right to an independent state or any right to secede.

    Also I'm not a fan of creating a new national identity just so the US can claim part of China for its puppet regime. That's using nationalism for a colonial divide-and-conquer strategy, that's pretty much the opposite of liberation and self-determination.

  • Help with sink switching script
  • Like this?

    set -eu
    name_from_desc() {
        LANG=C pactl list sinks \
            | awk 'BEGIN {FS=": "} /Name:/ {name=$2} /Description:/ {print name, ":", $2}' \
            | while IFS=' : ' read name desc; do
            if [ "$desc" = "$1" ]; then echo "$name"; fi
    id_from_name() {
        pw-cli i "$1" | awk '/id:/ {print $2}'
    ret=$(LANG=C pactl list sinks | awk 'BEGIN {FS=": "} /Description:/ {print $2}' | tofi)
    wpctl set-default $(id_from_name $(name_from_desc "$ret"))

    I don't get how that case statement of yours is even supposed to work. I'm pretty sure that's just a syntax error. I guess you want to map from description to name? But that's not remotely what that does.

  • China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait
  • It doesn't. The vast majority of countries recognize the PRC having sovereignty over Taiwan, as does the UN. There is no right to separatism or anything like that. Rather the PRC has the right to enforce their sovereignty. The US btw has no right to send to troops into China, that's an act of war.

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • I'm still skeptical. At the time of the original Pentium (the last 586 from Intel, the fastest of which was 300 MHz), the usual amount of RAM was something like 16 or 32 MB. A 586 with 1 GB of RAM is extremely weird and probably impossible unless it's some sort of high-end server. This does not check out.

    Oh and DDR is also from around the time of the Pentium 4. I don't think there exists a machine that has both DDR and an original Pentium (aka 586). Again, this does not check out and is probably impossible.

    There could be another reason it won't boot.

  • what linux OS should I install on a backup notebook if my main one is debian?
  • I used unstable for years (don't anymore). It broke itself in minor and major ways every couple of months. Maybe it wouldn't boot or X wouldn't start, or the package dependencies were broken and I couldn't install certain packages for a couple of days. Stuff like that.

    You will have manually to fix these things from time to time, or do a workaround (like manually downgrading certain packages), or wait a week so stuff gets sorted. Most of the time it works fine though. I imagine the experience is somewhat similar to running arch.

    You do not get security fixes, but it's not a massive problem usually, since you'll get the newest version of most software after a couple of days (occasionally longer) after it is released.

    Anyway do not recommend unless you want to be a beta tester. I did report bugs sometimes, but almost always by the time I encountered an issue, it was already reported and a fix was already in the works.

  • Berliner Sparkasse sperrt Konto der Jüdischen Stimme

    > Am 25.03.2024 wurde unser Konto bei der Berliner Sparkasse mit sofortiger Wirkung gesperrt. In einem Schreiben teilt uns die Sparkasse mit, dass sie diesen Schritt vorsorglich unternommen hat und wir zur Aktualisierung unserer Kundendaten zahlreiche Vereinsunterlagen bis zum 05.04. einreichen sollen. Die Sparkasse ist als Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts an das öffentliche Recht gebunden und darf nicht willkürlich Konten sperren ohne es zu begründen, was sie nicht getan hat. Außergewöhnlich ist auch, dass zu den geforderten Unterlagen eine Liste unserer Mitglieder mit vollständigen Namen und Anschriften gehört.


    Berlin state bank freezes Jewish Voice account

    > On 25 March 2024, our account with the Berliner Sparkasse was frozen with immediate effect. In a letter, the Sparkasse informed us that it had taken this step as a precautionary measure and that we should submit numerous internal documents by 5 April to update our customer data. As a public corporation, the bank is bound by public law and may therefore not arbitrarily freeze accounts without providing an explanation, which it did not. It is also highly unusual that the required documents include a list of our members with their full names and addresses.


    Kommentar in der Zeit fordert Israel-Unterstützung an Bedingungen zu knüpfen Rafah: Schluss mit der Heuchelei!

    Angesichts der Angriffspläne auf Rafah muss die militärische und moralische Unterstützung Israels an konkrete Bedingungen geknüpft werden. Kritik allein reicht nicht.

    Rafah: Schluss mit der Heuchelei!

    > Angesichts der Angriffspläne auf Rafah muss die militärische und moralische Unterstützung Israels an konkrete Bedingungen geknüpft werden. Kritik allein reicht nicht.

    Langsam kommt etwas Realität auch in den deutschen Medien an, was da Israel eigentlich so macht.

    Kommentarspalte ist aber übel. Da wird Israel jegliche Verantwortung abgesprochen. Solange sich die Hamas nicht ergibt geht das Morden weiter, und die Hetzer halten das für absolut gerechtfertigt.

    2 Hind Rajab: Palästinensischer Roter Halbmond meldet Tod von sechsjährigem Mädchen

    Palästinensische Quellen melden den Tod eines Mädchens, das mit seinen Verwandten auf der Flucht aus Gaza-Stadt unter Beschuss geraten war. In einem dramatischen Notruf hatte sie zuvor um Rettung gefleht.

    Hind Rajab: Palästinensischer Roter Halbmond meldet Tod von sechsjährigem Mädchen

    > Palästinensische Quellen melden den Tod eines Mädchens, das mit seinen Verwandten auf der Flucht aus Gaza-Stadt unter Beschuss geraten war. In einem dramatischen Notruf hatte sie zuvor um Rettung gefleht.

    5 SPD und FDP ermahnen Länder: Mehr Abschiebungen durchführen

    Kanzler Scholz überraschte, als er Abschiebungen «im großen Stil» forderte. Der Bundestag beschloss dann ein Gesetz, das die Verfahren für ...

    SPD und FDP ermahnen Länder: Mehr Abschiebungen durchführen
    57 PFAS: Für ewig im Boden und Grundwasser

    PFAS sind umwelt- und gesundheitsschädlich und finden sich mittlerweile im entlegensten Winkel des Planeten. Noch dazu lassen sie sich nur schwer wieder aus Boden und Wasser entfernen. In der EU wird ihr Verbot geprüft.

    > Giftige PFAS reichern sich in der Umwelt an und belasten die Gesundheit. Nun sollen sie schrittweise verboten und ersetzt werden


    KI-Verordnung: Grüne wollen automatische Gesichtserkennung akzeptieren

    > In ihrem Koalitionsvertrag hatten sich SPD, Grüne und FDP darauf geeinigt, biometrische Erkennung im öffentlichen Raum europarechtlich auszuschließen. > > Grüne warnen vor unregulierter KI > > Dennoch plädierten inzwischen mehrere Grünen-Politiker dafür, der Verordnung auf EU-Ebene zuzustimmen. So sagte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Tobias Bacherle auf Anfrage von "Statt jetzt den AI Act auszubremsen und aufs Spiel zu setzen, muss die Bundesregierung ihrer Verantwortung nachkommen und sich klar für eine Verabschiedung des AI Act einsetzen. Nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen alles aufzuknöpfen, führt nicht zu einer besseren Verordnung. Es führt lediglich dazu, dass wir bei der dringend notwendigen Regulierung von KI sehr viel Zeit verlieren."


    Zelensky: No way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned

    > Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.


    Ukraine expands conscription, removes medical exemptions for HIV, hepatitis, mental disorders and more

    > Now, the words and figures "with the exception of articles 2-c, 4-c, 5-c, 12-c, 13-c, 14-c, 17-c, 21-c and 22-c" have been removed from the Regulation, i.e. everyone will be recognised as fit under the "controversial" articles: > > * 2-c – clinically treated tuberculosis; > * 4-c – viral hepatitis with minor functional impairment; > * 5-c – asymptomatic HIV carrier; > * 12-c - slowly progressive and non-progressive with minor functional impairment and rare exacerbations of anaemia, blood clotting disorders, purpura, haemorrhagic conditions, other diseases of the blood and haematopoietic organs, and some disorders involving the immune mechanism; > * 13-c - diseases of the endocrine system with minor functional disorders; > * 14-c - mild, short-term, painful manifestations of mental disorders; > * 17-c - neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders with moderate or short-term manifestations, with an asthenic state; > * 21-c – slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system with minor functional disorders; > * 22-c – episodic and paroxysmal disorders, except for epilepsy, with minor impairment of organ and system functions.

    65 BRICS-Gruppe will sechs Länder aufnehmen - darunter Iran und Saudi-Arabien

    Die BRICS-Staaten haben eine Erweiterung beschlossen. Zum 1. Januar 2024 sollen sechs Länder aufgenommen werden, sagte Südafrikas Präsident Ramaphosa als Gastgeber des BRICS-Gipfels - darunter seien der Iran und Saudi-Arabien.

    BRICS-Gruppe will sechs Länder aufnehmen - darunter Iran und Saudi-Arabien
    0 Mondsonde aus Indien sicher am Ziel: Dark Side of the Moon

    Wenige Tage nach Russlands Scheitern feiert Indien mit der Landung am Südpol des Mondes einen Erfolg. „Indien ist auf dem Mond“, jubelt Premier Modi.

    Mondsonde aus Indien sicher am Ziel: Dark Side of the Moon

    Die WELT will noch mehr Ukrainer mobilisieren. Foto dazu: Schwarze Sonne

    Nachdem sich langsam herumspricht, dass der Krieg nicht so gut läuft, kommen jetzt solche Forderungen:

    > Es gibt also nur einen Weg nach vorn: den Krieg ernsthaft so zu führen, wie es sich für einen nationalen Befreiungskampf gehört. Die Bevölkerung der Ukraine ist zwar zurückgegangen, liegt aber immer noch bei über 30 Millionen, sodass die Gesamtzahl der Streitkräfte bis zu drei Millionen betragen könnte.

    Bei so viel Menschenverachtung passt die Schwarze Sonne auf dem Foto eigentlich perfekt.

    19 Racism and rape fantasies: A PR headache for Finland's new government

    The incoming economy minister has addressed a rally organised by neo-Nazis, while the Speaker of Parliament has a decades-long track record of race-related court convictions and deeply disturbing blog postings.

    Racism and rape fantasies: A PR headache for Finland's new government