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gillrmn gillrmn
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Comments 21
Oregon lifts ban on self-serve gas, leaving N.J. as the only state prohibiting it
  • Self serve drives up gas prices due to insurance. Insurance goes up due to a couple of people smoking while filling gas and gas station without anyone being the favorite place for looters. The self serve campaigns advertise how gas will come down due to it, but it actually goes up. So question is who you want to pay - insurance companies or min wage employees...

  • Sorry but I gave you my best effort with the ingredients I had
  • The designed part is probably not even edible - probably glued and held by wires.

  • Reddit mods fear spam overload as BotDefense leaves “antagonistic” Reddit
  • Reddit drama has been like when city sanitation worker strike. For 2-4 weeks, no one cares. Then everything start to smell like shit...

  • Twitter threatens to sue Meta over the new Threads app
  • If our media was free, they would be ridiculing this action, and calling for more rights of employees.

    If courts made sense, they would throw this case before hearing it to not waste time.

    If unions were functional, they would have …

    Unfortunately, none of that is true and here we are.

  • Meta will kill small instances! Please read.
  • People forget. They go for convenience. That is how we ended up in our present state. Facebook led efforts against net neutrality too in some countries. But how many know/remember that? Amongst all other things they did.

  • Greece boat disaster: Survivors blame Greek coastguard for tragedy
  • On one hand, remains of handful of people are being brought back from depths of titanic - while 750 of them are being thrown into the same depths to be lost forever.

    Property > human life.

    That is the reality of today we are living in.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I read the research paper and went through the questions.

    More republicans correctly labelled 4/10 false headlines. More Democrats in 6/10 headlines.
    More republicans correctly labelled 2/10 true headlines. More democrats in 8/10 headlines.

    Young people in general labelled true headlines as false showing larger mistrust of media.

    Most people who say they use the AP as a news source (55%) land in the highest-scoring category.

    People who get their news from National Public Radio, Axios, HuffPost, and PBS are more likely than consumers of most other outlets to be in the highest-scoring group. Consumers of MSNBC, The Hill, Reuters, Politico, and the Washington Post also do comparatively well on the test.
    worst performers generally are social media platforms. That includes Snapchat (53% of people who get news from it land in the lowest-scoring category), Truth Social (45%), WhatsApp (44%), TikTok (41%), and Instagram (38%).

    The BI headline is clickbait which is to be expected from a 'news source' where company partners collaborate with journalists for 'leak' in order to undermine other partners for promotion.

  • Florida bill allowing radioactive roads made of potentially cancer-causing mining waste signed by DeSantis
  • Trump was chaotic evil (evil because he was narcissistic). This person is lawful evil. If he becomes president, no one will be able to remove him from power forever.

  • They stole the internet from the people and we have to take it back
  • Most of the old internet platforms which failed were bought by corporations - sometimes to do just that, to shut it off.

    Livejournal was bought by Russia to stop any dissent. Similarly twitter was bought to kill activism which for ultra rich was becoming an issue as it was undoing their lobbying. (forget all the drama over it, thats a smoke screen to hide real issue)

    In the end, only when we leave gluttony and greed behind, and understand the full game - can we have a fair internet. Otherwise there are powerful people with power and money behind them who would like to keep controlling you for their benefit.

  • US Supreme Court blocks student loan forgiveness plan
  • Lets be honest - the plan was an overreach. This had to pass through congress. So SC is not wrong.

    But it couldn't pass through congress because of lobbying. Which was bribery made legal by SC. Which was a very controversial decision. But if Roe could be overturned, we should focus on getting Citizen United overturned. And America will be great again.

    But for that US should be united. And that will not happen because all the oligarchs domestic and abroad make sure of that and they lobby secretly and hard. You have Saudis, Chinese buying corporations influencing US decision making. You have Russian interference. European banks also service these oligarchs, so its in their interest too. Now other countries with oligarchs are jumping in too. And they put smokes and mirrors in front of you to keep you off from the real goal - creating issues where there should be none. To keep America divided.

    So its a long attrition based slug war which can only be fought when we love our fellow Americans and stop listening to hate everywhere around us. And realize that all politicians are evil, so you have to keep them pressed. They will not share power, we the people have to be strong and take the power from them.

    No one can destroy US. Only US can destroy US.

  • Aspartame a possible carcinogen, WHO cancer research agency expected to say
  • There was research with sugary drinks and cancer back in 1990s and cola companies bought the research to kill them. Basically all processed concentrated sugar causes cancer and obesity so we should limit it.

    However, just as oil hid the climate change studies and cola companies killed research on sugar - they will hide the poison from you for profit. Unprocessed food cooked at home will always be better than processed food.

    Another fun fact: the tanning light used by popular tanning beds in 2000s was the perfect wavelength to cause cancer.(was very surprising to me when I found out)

  • TIL in Japan raw eggs are generally safe to eat. This is because the country has developed a "super egg machine" that checks the inside of the eggs for salmonella using spectroscopic analysis. It a...
  • In USA, we have pasteurized eggs. When we were pregnant, for recipes which required not fully hard-boiled eggs I used them for my wife.

  • Self-Checkout Machines asking for a Tip
  • CVS used the donations for legally binding obligation. If you want to donate, donate yourself. Money donated here is wasted.

  • Self-Checkout Machines asking for a Tip
  • There was a case in which a company used the donation to fulfil its legal obligation - used the money from customers to give money the company was required to do due to a settlement. So it is a scam.

  • Twitter content now behind login wall?
  • Mastodon has already become viable. I switched when there was court decision that Musk had to buy twitter and deleted my account there. At that time Mastodon was ghosttown - posts related to US were very very few and refreshing the page after a minute gave handful of posts. It changed as it achieved critical mass. By that time I had gotten used to mastodon which is not very user friendly and is different from twitter. Kbin/lemmy are much similar to reddit in that regard.

    Now it does the main thing twitter did for me - telling me the news - what is happening around and what others think about that. And it is much better than twitter which was mostly clickbait. It lacks in terms of depth on specific topics, but general topics are there - though you have to know how to curate those.

  • Fidelity has cut Reddit valuation to $5.5B from $10B
  • I doubt it is related to migration. It is too soon to have any data on that affect and by numbers it is not much of affect either. The only cost factor of migration that can be done before next quarter release would be increased costs in future dur to moderation, but even that would be very subjective. This is probably due to increased interest rate scenario as feds have said they will bring inflation to 2% so there will be more increase. Hence lowering of cost and spend by companies on advertising and marketing.

  • I kinda miss the days when they actually went outside and did things
  • Local journalists are much better in reporting today than big media. And it is actually the local news that matter much more. Mainstream media has lost its reputation by choosing which news to amplify, reporting incorrectly and not correcting properly, and overruling their journalists.

  • Prominent billionaire James Crown dies in crash at Colorado racetrack
  • Why are obituaries for rich passed off as news? How does it not damage a news outlet's reputation?

  • How would interdiction of Spaceships be possible?
  • You can take an idea from real life(very sad news though when I heard).

    The MagLev trains run very fast through a predetermined route. Technically they can go really really fast. But they have to run through a pre-determined route. However, it is through a series of magnets. Earlier iirc, there was a train when some evil people removed just a single magnet and caused the train to crash.

    In your novel, the heroes are taking the predetermined route. The main challenge for agents should be to figure out the route. Then pay some mercenaries along a route which cannot be well monitored (due to being remote or conflict zone) to sabotage the route. As the route is predetermined, exact position of the vessel at exact time is known in an unmonitored area. This can be used to create a simpler electromagnetic trap which would reduce the speed over a long distance, or divert the route. EMP can be used to disable the ship, making the ship just a container being transported. The trap later being destroyed, but still leading a trail behind for someone to find what happened. This should work as long as speed is less than light, should work for <0.5c. But the area of influence where control is not possible should be a large geograhic area due to speed.

    You can also have that at that particular spot the speed is slow due to a curve etc. And villians are just removing what is causing the route to bend for just an exact moment when heroes are travelling there.