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geoffervescent geoffervescent
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What films that flopped when they came out but you saw in the theater and loved, that are now universally acclaimed or cult classics?
  • Funnily enough it did fine at the box office but because it was positioned at the end of Disney's "golden age" and made noticeably less than any other Disney movie of the era, they pivoted away from it to the point where many people assume it's a DreamWorks or Universal animated flick.

  • ‘X’ Rebrand Gets Twitter Blocked Under Indonesia Porn Laws
  • You are extremely charitable my friend but Indonesia is not going to stop being Indonesia for Elon, so yes this is Musk's strategic error. You don't abrubtly change your entire multibillion dollar brand without doing some due diligence on the implications it will have. Or maybe he truly is deranged enough to believe he doesn't need customers in 4th most populous country to run a successful social media site.

  • It's good to take a moment to relax every now and then.
  • Yeah he apparently started making a statement to the press and only got about 5 words in before freezing and going blank, a classic show of senility.

  • Libertarians if they were consistent
  • As long as there is legal privatized medicine and legal privatized health insurance, there is an incentive and market for legal privatized emt service.

    Private for profit services have a main goal of profiting off of the service they provide with a secondary goal of serving their clients. Public services have a main goal of effectively serving the public with a secondary goal of using the entire budget effectively without going over. Because of that, the two classes of EMT service will make different large scale decisions affecting patients and employees, that lead to vastly different outcomes for the people using these services.

  • Landlord Hires Three Men To Break Into Tenant's Apartment and Threaten Her to Settle Dispute. Isn't Arrested.
  • Investigators say they later learned the landlord of the building solicited the men following a landlord-tenant dispute.

    It's only alleged because that's the journalistic convention to prevent a libel lawsuit from the landlord until a guilty verdict is handed down by a jury. That's just how articles always phrase it.

  • Landlord Hires Three Men To Break Into Tenant's Apartment and Threaten Her to Settle Dispute. Isn't Arrested.
  • The trespassing thugs were, their co-conspirator/boss was not.

  • What youtuber has the most wholesome community that you know of?
    • Karen Puzzles is just a bunch of wholesome jigsaw puzzle fans.
    • Townsends for wholesome 18th Century cooking fans.
    • Technology Connections for wholesome ELI5 electronics and engineering.
    • Post 10 for the most wholesome channel focused on unclogging of waterways and culverts you'll ever see. I'm not even joking.
    • acollierastro, someone called Dr. Collier's channel the "Jenny Nicholson of astrophysics" and thats not even wrong, but is it wholesome? I think so... but decide for your self.
  • Bicycle
  • hmmm. Well, whatever distances or gradient you're used to traveling by foot, a bicycle is quite effortless in comparison.

  • FurRule
  • Great post terrible title.

  • Estimated Russian losses from 24.02.2022 to 01.07.2023 (Day 493)
  • If you look historically at how counties have exaggerated their performance in war, you see there is more to it than that. They're rarely if ever totally invented figures during an ongoing conflict, it's much more often both sides manipulating the numbers through a concerted bias in their rounding method. Intentional or not, the goal of reporting to the public is to stave off low moral while setting up realistic expectations for the future however the military intelligence defines 'realistic.'

  • 'Rate limit exceeded;' Twitter down for thousands of users worldwide
  • Unintentionally based Melon Husk destroying Twitter from within.

  • Reminder: reddit may be dead, but trolls are not.
  • You either haven't been on the internet long enough to recognize this very common slippery slope, or you do recognize it - and you're rooting for the slope.

  • ELI5: How does electricity actually transfer energy?
  • Batteries have an insulated separator between the positive and negative sides. They design the battery with a particular maximum voltage in mind, so they engineer it with a separator that is always a higher resistance. Thus the electrons will only be able to make the jump when a circuit with lower resistance is formed.

  • ELI5: How does electricity actually transfer energy?
  • I could visualize your description of this, but ONLY because I recalled this great little Steve Mould video where he talks about a really neat toy called Spintronics. It teaches electricity through the analogy of gears, ratchets, and pulleys of a "mechanical circuit."

  • Estimated Russian losses from 24.02.2022 to 01.07.2023 (Day 493)
  • Would you prefer exaggerated data from both sides or no data? That's the options. I think you get a better estimate of the reality using the first option as a starting point.

  • PSA: anyone still looking to protest, promote fediverse, any form of rebellion ON REDDIT, the place to do it is r/pics. you can post anything with basically no censorship. as long as you mention John
  • The best de- endorsement will come from people's experience on reddit as the quality of user engagement drops. There are people who genuinely will never give a shit and will stay there, but those are exactly the sort of lazy minds who made up the critical mass of the shallow "hivemind." Id rather we make this a community that encourages independent thought more than bandwagoning.

    Don't waste your time engaging them on that platform unless you're a child, douchebag, or troll. If your posts are actually good content, it sends a mixed message that good independent thinking redditors are whethering the shitstorm. Your actions will speak louder than your words, and our collective absence from their platform will speak volumes.

  • Humans pump so much groundwater that Earth’s axis has shifted, study finds
  • I don't intend to imply that groundwater extraction should cease, only that this effect desperately needs to be studied further. Perhaps we can develop a way to safely replace or counterbalance the mass of the groundwater we take out. Perhaps we wont need to, and natural processes that take longer than human timescales will have negative feedback mechanisms that will gradually counteract the effect. We need more precise data than an 2 decades model can provide if we want to be able to project how this will continue. Of course we also don't want Antarctica at the equator in X thousand years. We should understand what's happening better before we define and label this as a problem problem develop and propose solutions. But the known unknown, the potential for extreme axial drift leading to mass exctinction via a "global roll," is just waiting to be investigated.

  • Looking for a spaceship/sci fi game to play. Any thoughts?
  • I'm currently loving a bunch of games in the factory building genre so can I offer you some Dyson Sphere Program in these trying times?

    Imagine factorio but you're in a mecha suit building factories spanning multiple planets eventually multiple stars, to build exponentially more complex resources until you're able to shoot swarms of dyson reflectors and eventually build a rigid sphere in orbit.

    Still in Alpha after several years, but exquisitely polished, runs fine on legacy machines, excellent responsive dev team, combat is being added soon.