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What's a cool website you’ve visited that no one seems to know of?
  • Scrobling used to be huge back in the day of mp3s and practically invented it.There are also alternative APIs implementing the same idea. Unfortunately for them they never caught up on the age of streaming.

  • You never forget your first
  • Ubuntu was a fantastic distribution to start early on. Especially in the pre-10.x days there weren't many beginner friendly ones. Your alternatives were Debian with very outdated software, SuSE which was kind of OK, Fedora which was also quite unstable and lacking packages (remember hunting RPMs on the old RPMfusion?) or Ubuntu. At some point I'd outgrown Ubuntu and moved on to greener pastures. Nowadays I'm not sure I'd be recommending Ubuntu to new users, Fedora is quite good and without all the snap store shenanigans. Even Debian installation experience is not too bad and it's not lacking too much in software.

  • Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser
  • Unfortunately what's going to happen in reality is that any non-standard ad consumption (including non consumption) will be flagged as fraudulent. "We cannot verify your activity, please disable your add-ons to continue".

  • Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser
  • It literally lists countering ad-blocking as a use case.

    Users like visiting websites that are expensive to create and maintain, but they often want or need to do it without paying directly. These websites fund themselves with ads, but the advertisers can only afford to pay for humans to see the ads, rather than robots. This creates a need for human users to prove to websites that they're human, sometimes through tasks like challenges or logins.

  • (Linux users !) What was the first Linux distro that you used ?
  • Yay another Mandrake user! I actually bought the box from a computer store back in 2003. Mandrake was actually a decent effort for a user friendly distribution and the standard installation included tons of software. Getting pppd to connect that serial ISDN modem to the internet for the first time was magical. I've been a Linux user ever since. The other main alternatives at the time were Debian, Slackware both too complicated for a newbie.

  • How many people here have actually used XMPP?
  • I run a small server for my family on a cheap VPS. We've been using it for about 5 years now and it's chugging along. It's simpler and lighter than Matrix (at least from the server's point of view) but the user facing side could use some polish. It's perfectly fine for one to one chat. I wish it was more popular for group chatting.

    Here's a list of good servers if you want to try it out. You will also need a client. Check one with E2E suppo ort (called OMEMO in XMPP).

  • The real problem with Britain’s water companies
  • Isn't that too complicated for no reason? Just keep them under public control. No need to incentivise anyone, no need to share dividends to anyone.

  • Revealed: UK plans to drop flagship £11.6bn climate pledge
  • It's the be-all end-all justification for anything

  • YouTube tests disabling videos for people using ad blockers
  • While I'm not opposed to paying for YouTube (it is a service after all) the only way to do so would be by being logged in to YouTube with whatever black box algorithmic tracking and curation that entails. There is no "proper" way to anonymously access YouTube without ads.

  • New data proves almost no one uses Bitcoin as currency. It's actually more like gambling
  • I tried to pay something with Bitcoin instead of debit card a couple of years ago. The transaction took ~4 hours to clear and that's with fees totalling about 40% of the amount. Granted the original amount was like $10 but still way too slow and way too expensive. I understand that technically credit cards are not instant too, but there's an intermediary that guarantees that the amount has been reserved until the bank clears your payment. I wasn't expecting Bitcoin to be instant but 4+ hours is excessive.

    That's 2-3 years ago so my experience might be outdated.

  • Filipino fishermen in the UK live lives of peril and loneliness

    Two cousins came to the UK for a better life. They left changed forever

    cross-posted from:

    > The fishermen > > The struggling UK fishing industry has come to rely on low-paid workers employed through a little-understood immigration loophole. A tightly knit band of Filipino fishermen suffered the consequences

    Saturday thread
  • Adulthood means being excited for a new mattress!!

  • The UK Is a Hot Country. It’s Time to Build Like It
  • My previous house was like that. Top floor flat, western facing, drowned in sunlight 14 hours a day. Nice and bright but during moderately sunny and warm weather it was minimum 28°C all day long.

    Never again.

  • The UK Is a Hot Country. It’s Time to Build Like It

    The UK's houses are still designed to retain heat. In an age of global warming, that needs to change.

    The UK Is a Hot Country. It’s Time to Build Like It

    The UK’s houses are still designed to retain heat. In an age of global warming, that needs to change.

    Boris Johnson starts new job as Daily Mail columnist day after report found he lied to Parliament
  • Well, he's a serial liar, he might as well work for an outlet that bases their business model around that.

  • 193i Lithography Takes Center Stage...Again

    High-NA EUV is still in the works, but more chips/chiplets will be developed using older, less-expensive equipment.

    Which upcoming games are you most excited for?
  • Baldur's Gate 3 that's (finally) coming out of EA in August.

  • Image uploads have been enabled on! (Images are limited to 100kb for now)
  • Same problem trying to upload a 17 kB avatar

    SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data