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Human and Animal Liberation

Over the centuries humans have folded themselves into power structures that benefit the few at the expense of the many. In the same way that the imperialist subjugates and exploits the third world and the capitalist exploits the worker, the human has positioned itself at the top of an explotative and murderous relationship to nonhuman animals. The beneficiaries of the status quo will emphasise their personal benefits, while refusing to acknowledge even so much as the existence, let alone the moral value, of their victims. When forced to engage with them, the justifications are often times the same - considering the outgroup to be deserving of oppression due to a perceived lack of valuable traits, be it intelligence, the ability to "contribute" to society or emotional "depth". If we let our morality only apply to our chosen ingroup rather than extending it to all sentient life, we will inadvertantly leave intact the same unjust power structures we readily criticise in the rest of society. Working towards a life that doesn't contribute to animal exploitation is not just possible but necessary. Go vegan.

Discussion Offer: Why we should be vegan
  • I never said "for any reason at all". I said killing innocents against their will is wrong. I'm not necessarily opposed to all forms of euthanasia. A sterilisation program would not be worse than slaughtering countless individuals and neither would be reintroducing predators that you hunted to extinction.

  • "I find your terms acceptable."
  • How is war not part of American politics? Obviously I interject that liberals are in many aspects equivalent to and supportive of conservative and fascist policies, if people claim that one side is better than the other. If people around here were claiming Republicans to be the better choice, I'd point to their crimes instead. I know full well about my countries past and present crimes and transgressions. The difference between us is that I don't run around advocating for the liberals or the conservatives of my country and also there is the fact that my country isn't a massive empire escalating violence all over the world and dominating the global economy for their own benefit.

  • Discussion Offer: Why we should be vegan
  • You don't have to kill them to protect the environment and what you say about hunters as efficient and precise killers is incongruent with existing statistics. "I support going vegan" - are you vegan then? Clinging to a violent status quo while refusing to even so much as acknowledge the moral worth of its victims, because you feel as though they are so beneath you that you can take their lives and their bodies at will, is not something I would expect from a leftist, or even a decent person to begin with. Bad take.

  • Discussion Offer: Why we should be vegan
  • So you're saying that we shouldn't kill individuals based on how much they destroy the environment actually. Not being native doesn't warrant execution and neither does being numerous. Some places have programs for neutering certain problematic species and while I would be careful about condoning those programs it certainly beat being shot and bleeding to death.

  • Discussion Offer: Why we should be vegan
  • You could try and reintroduce the predators that were hunted instead of hunting more. And that doesn't address the point of killing innocents for what, the environment? If environmental damage is a reason to kill someone wouldn't humans be top of the list?

  • Discussion Offer: Why we should be vegan
  • Hunting still purposefully kills individuals who don't want to die. "Population control" wouldn't be necessary if hunting organisations didn't purposefully increase populations in order to have more to hunt. And eating their flesh is necessary in what way? Why not leave it to the wild animals then?

  • "I find your terms acceptable."
  • I neither stretch nor do I stammer. Killing civilians is a war crime and so is bombing hospitals or trying to starve a population. I'm also not sure why Americans have such a hard time grasping the fact that their country is a globe-spanning military empire, far beyond what "virtually every other major leader" has to answer for. Your federal law is only one part of what is or isn't legitimate or worthy of prosecution. The world outside of your country's jurisdiction matters and deserves justice as well.

  • Discussion Offer: Why we should be vegan

    Since purchasing and consuming animal products both depends on and contributes to animal agriculture, and animal farming necessitates rights violations against nonhuman animals, not being vegan when you have the option is synonymous with support for injustice. I believe that as leftists who purport ourselves to strive towards a more just society, and as human beings who generally value nonviolence and compassion, we should hold ourselves to a standard that doesn't allow for the perpetuation of mass-slaughter. Let's discourse!

    "William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was an American sociologist, socialist, historian, and Pan-Africanist civil rights activist."
  • For non-Americans, the differences between your two parties are cosmetic at best. War crimes and increasingly bloated military budget continue regardless of presidency. Economic sanctions with the goal of causing suffering and unrest employed against less than convenient states are enacted and continued regardless of presidency. Your prison-industrial-complex enjoys bipartisan support. So did the war on drugs, so does the so-called war on terror. If you're going to vote, whatever reason you have to vote for democrats easily applies to better third parties not staffed by war criminals.

  • "I find your terms acceptable."
  • I don't understand what this means. Are warcrimes not crimes to you? Or do you not believe that they happened? In 2021, shortly after taking office, Biden bombed Syria and stole $9B from Afghanistan. Do you remember that? Were those not crimes to you?

  • "I find your terms acceptable."
  • They probably don't have the same rate of crimes but Bill Clinton: War criminal responsible for bombings in Afghanistan, Sudan and especially Kosovo. Also a rapist. Obama: Drone strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

  • I'm salivating just at the thought
  • I'm not a big fan either, but China is still objectively less evil than the USA. I personally can't think of any criticism of China that doesn't equally or more apply to the US as well and only one of those states is actively threatening war and trying to starve other countries through sanctions. Anti-trans legislature is also common among USAmerican states as well as the UK and parts of continental Europe, and actual genocide and concentration camps are European and American staples. I don't like the PRC myself, but they are easily far less destructive towards the rest of the world than the West is.

  • Republicans are enemies of liberty
  • Your examples are extremely weird, friend. When comparing and contrasting countries, how about focusing on politics? The USA is an imperialist oligarchy with a giant, globe-spanning military presence, dominating and exploiting economies under threat of violence and sanctions, while Russia is an irridentist oligarchy that can apply pressure on other countries through little more than it's fairly large military force. If Russia had the same resources and trade-presence as the USA they would be almost identical. If you really want to talk about cultural values, they are generally the same. The average human being cares about peace, justice, love, joy, truth, freedom, beauty. The differences are political.

  • Tomato soup

    Tomato paste, water, some green beans, a carrot, a mushroom, half a red bell pepper and half a can of corn. Covered in Provençal herbs, pepper and lots of nooch.

    The Us of A
  • The liberals happily pave the way for the fascists and collaborate with them whenever they feel it politically opportune to do so. Even ignoring the fundamental issues with bourgeois led parties in liberal democracies, the war on drugs was bipartisan, the war on terror was bipartisan, and so is your big fuckoff wall at the southern border. Being "forced to negotiate" is a laughable excuse, don't embarrass yourself.

  • The Us of A
  • I think you'll find the term genocide is not only not false but an accurate descriptor for your country's engagement in several places across the world both today and especially throughout its history.

  • The Us of A
  • You never had a democracy to overthrow and every single president in your country's history was a criminal, not just the latest dude. Your two parties are the same in all aspects that matter. Neither of them meaningfully addresses climate change, neither of them plans on doing what is necessary to prepare for the next zoonotic pandemic and neither of them gives a shit about you.

  • The Us of A
  • A political party in favour of ever increasing military spending that continues to shit on workers' rights and does absolutely nothing to address the biggest injustices in their own country, let alone the ones they actively fund abroad. One sometimes says nice words and one is additionally actively hateful towards queer people. World of a difference really.

  • The Us of A
  • Correct, the USA help genocidal ethnostates for selfish reasons. The resistance against Israel is rooted in their displacement, murder and continued oppression against Palestinians. And the Middle East isn't the only regions that hates America. Virtually everyone does, because your country violently dominates the global economic system and props up genocidal ethnostates.

  • Frage zu ausgewogener Ernährung
  • Cronometer ist ein ziemlich gutes Werkzeug, um Nährstoffmengen ausrechnen zu lassen. Am Anfang habe ich damit immer Mahlzeiten im Voraus geplant und nach einer Weile hatte ich das weitgehend genug verinnerlicht, dass ich jetzt nurnoch bei neuen Zutaten nachsehe. Die andere Ressource, die mir sehr geholfen hat, ist auf YouTube. Die konzentrieren sich meistens auf einzelne Zutaten und ihre Effekte auf den Metabolismus.

  • Pasta Salad

    Chickpea-noodles, steamed vegetables (broccoli, tomato, onion), hummus, pepper, tomato paste and cornsalad 🤤


    Sweet Potato Soup

    It was tasty 🧡



    Overnight oats with soymilk, hazelnut puree, broken flaxseeds, cinnamon, blueberries and an apple 🤤


    I made a thing

    Rice, kidney beans, kale, raw zucchini, tomato paste, hummus, turneric, garlic, pepper, dried onions, chives and nooch. 🥰


    So much reading and I didn't even get a BINGO out of it 😩

    The issue is complex and there are no easy answers, therefore veganism can't be the answer. Also I can't live without flesh because my biology is special.
