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fearofthedark fearofthedark
Posts 54
Comments 137
Showcase of an excellent Oldhammer Blood Angels army
  • What an absolutely wonderful collection, I am super jealous of quite a lot of that. Probably all of it actually.

  • Dreadnaught by Jason Lockwood, 2002
  • I know what you mean. I'm pretty sure the back section of the gun arm is from the assault cannon arm though, so I figure the plasma cannon was stuck on that.

  • Space Fleet, the 1991 GW game.
  • Fun fact, it was originally called Battlefleet Gothic when they teased it in White Dwarf back in 1989

  • A wonderful advert for some new zombie miniatures
  • Do you have any oldhammer preferences?

  • A wonderful advert for some new zombie miniatures

    Well new in 1982 when issue 32 of White Dwarf was released. I particularly like the way they have incorporated the classic Citadel Miniatures logo into the art.

    Dreadnaught by Jason Lockwood, 2002
  • Wow, the amount of extra detailing on this is incredible.

  • GW adverts were a bit different back in the 80s
  • I thinks its meant to be a joke, to 'sort someone out' could mean help then find what that are looking for, or beat them up.

    There is a lot of weird stuff like this in old white dwarfs.

  • Some more great art, this time a wizard from White Dwarf Issue 20

    This wasn't specifically attributed in the magazine, but looking at the style I assume it is by Russ Nicholson who sadly died earlier this year. Feel free to correct me if you know better.

    Art from the front cover of White Dwarf no. 4
  • It would be great to have any John Blanche art up on the wall.

  • Finished my Alpha Legion Spartan
  • Oh, what a lovely loyalist tank!


  • Looking good like that.

    Honestly I'd just leave them black, trying to paint yellow stripes over black will send you mad.

  • Hazard stripes is another good option and yellow goes super nicely with red.

  • Howling Griffons Space Marine army, 1994
  • Having just painted this I will never paint an army of these buggers

  • [WIP] Base for DG Huntsman
  • You will probably want to look at a previous post of theirs

  • Rick Priestley on Warhammer Fantasy Battle 1st-3rd Editions
  • I don't think anyone has, this lot should keep me busy for a while.

  • Rick Priestley on Warhammer Fantasy Battle 1st-3rd Editions
  • Well this will definitely be worth a watch, thanks for sharing.

  • Knight WIP
  • Looks great, the couloir scheme pops!

  • My trophies have arrived!
  • I think that's 40k, haha

  • Nearly finished my 3D 2nd Edition Scenery, can't wait to get it painted
  • Wow, those are the nicest I've seen made! 😍

  • Capping off Sept'ember with a T'au Auxilliary Stealth Suit proxy
  • This is a really cool concept, nicely executed too. The fact that GW went there you go have some kroot that'll do is a real middle finger to tau players.

  • Some lovely Eldar conversions

    And once again GW if you are reading this, look an awesome exodite model! Why not try making some yourself!!!


    Is this the last metal miniature that GW sells?

    I've had a look through the site, but may have missed something. Everything else seems to be plastic or resin (shudder). That said, I may have missed something.



    I love this amazing Doom Blaster conversion. The answer to what do you do when you have half a Basilisk in your bitz box.

    The original epic model is pretty…er…epic too:



    Bedroom Battlefields Podcast: QandA with Andy Chambers Hobby Q&A With Andy Chambers - "Jervis Beat Me Many Times!"

    Andy Chambers tells us what he's not very good at, why Jervis couldn't beat him in battle reports, & why he's changed his mind on I Go You Go.

    Hobby Q&A With Andy Chambers - "Jervis Beat Me Many Times!"

    They've also had great interviews recently with Gav Thorpe ( ) and Tuomas Pirinen ( ) definately worth a listen.


    Crazy Original Land Raider conversion s Vol. 5

    Who remembers the original Land Raider Featured in the pages of the Rogue Trader Rule book?

    This beast went onto inspire the iconic kit that GW went onto produce.



    Crazy Original Land Raider conversion s Vol. 5

    Who remembers the original Land Raider Featured in the pages of the Rogue Trader Rule book?

    This beast went onto inspire the iconic kit that GW went onto produce.



    What chapter is this fella from then?

    Answers on a postcard (or just post below, whatever is easier).
