🏳️🌈 lui/he/him 📍Bologna (IT) 💬 IT/EN
Arti visive, graphic design, videogiochi, astronomia, caffè, diritti LGBT, gatti e cose ignoranti Nel tempo non libero faccio il grafico
Scrivo una tesi sull'onboarding al Fediverso, #TheFediGuide
Visual arts, graphic design, videogames, astronomy, coffee, LGBT rights, cats and silly sfuff In my busy time I’m a graphic designer
Writing a thesis about Fediverse onboarding, #TheFediGuide
Foto ❦ @fdrc\[email protected]
@[email protected] If I stick to the Porlex the tall could be my next step. The Mini is handy until you need to brew two cups or a liter of cold brew 🙃
@[email protected] Actually I literally just did it after tasting a V60 coffee in a local cafe. I got a 150g bag of the same coffee (a really good Colombian) and I managed to obtain a cup almost as good as the one they served me, even if I'm using a stovetop kettle without termometer.
However my main doubt is about the setting of the grinder, mainly because I can calculate how many steps it needs to obtain a theorically correct size of the ground, however I mostly end up looking for instructions online and finding the right setting by trying
@[email protected] tbh we shouldn't expect the adoption curve of any Fediverse software to be somewhat similar to the ones of centralised social networks, since Fediverse completely misses the commercial aspect that encourage key users to stay in the platform easing communities to stick to it as well. My guess is that without the action of commercial dynamics, the situation wouldn't be so different from the jumps-and-losses moments we're used to
What is your expeience with the Porlex Mini II manual grinder?
What is your expeience with the Porlex Mini II manual grinder? It's the only grinder I've ever used, I find it quite handy and consistent in the grinding but I have actually no benchmark to judge it objectively. Is it actually good? @[email protected]