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Samuel Proulx

Blind geek, fanfiction lover (Harry Potter and MLP). Mastodon at: @[email protected].

Posts 23
Comments 165
Apple AirPods Bug Allows Eavesdropping
  • For those of us using screen readers, this is a way bigger deal. Honestly I probably shouldn't use a bluetooth headset and a bluetooth keyboard for my banking. We focus so much on SSL/HTTPS and wifi security, but I wonder how much effort goes into wireless keyboard security? Not nearly as much, I'd bet.

  • forum UI friction?
  • the fact that credentials go stale immediately upon leaving.

    One of our moderators is also having this problem. Unfortunately, I'm not, and no matter what I do, I can't replicate it. Once I log in, I stay logged in. So as the admin of the server, it's quite difficult for me to fix. Could you let me know what browser and version of Windows you're using? I'm not sure that will help, as I've tested on both Firefox and Edge on Windows 11, and stayed logged in for days at a time. But the more data the better!

    about 9 downarrows to get to the the content.

    So once you get to the h1, almost everything up until the content is a link or button. So in NVDA, you can just press n (skip to next block of text) once or twice, and you'll be there.

    The reason we're still listed as Alpha is because we need someone to retheme Lemmy, and nobody has had the time or money to find and pay someone to do it. If you think screen readers are hard, try using Lemmy with screen magnification. It's not ideal. We'll be remaining in alpha until we can find a designer to work on these issues.

    However, in the meantime, Thunder on IOS and android is an excellent mobile app for Lemmy. There are also a few desktop apps, but none of them are more accessible than the web interface yet.

  • A guide on how to pirate e-books using IRC
  • I never did that, my connection was too slow to want to take up someone's DCC slot for like a day to get an entire movie. Remember all the frustrating idiots who would share .lit files, but forget to remove the DRM from them?

  • A guide on how to pirate e-books using IRC
  • Ah, good to know. Back in my day, when we had to walk a hundred miles to school in the snow, up hill both ways, IRC was the only place to get ebooks. I'm guessing it's just the old users clinging on now.

  • The Nonvisual Gaming Toolkit

    This looks like the replacement for BGT. For those of you who haven't heard of BGT, it was a game engine for creating audiogames that was developed throughout the early 2010's. It's possible to migrate old BGT games to NVGT with just a little bit of work. Here's hoping that NVGT brings on a new golden age of cross-platform audiogames.

    Let’s talk GameLit/LitRPG…
  • Prophecy approved companion is excellent! It gave me all the feels. It’s both extremely funny, and extremely poignant as the main character learns who she is, what’s really going on, and her intended roll in it all. It’s one of the few series where the reader knows exactly what’s happening from the start, but the fact the main character being slow to catch on isn’t frustrating.

  • it appears Sonos is about to become less usable by screen reader users
  • I dunno, the sub I got 9 years ago is still going strong. The play fives they quote unquote bricked still work on the s1, for Spotify connect and Apple Music. The only unusable equipment is some 20 year old zone controllers. Sonos stuff is supported for years longer than literally any other tech brand. And I’m sure I’ll get a pretty decent price when I start selling off my Sonos stuff on Tuesday.

  • it appears Sonos is about to become less usable by screen reader users It appears Sonos is about to become less useable by screen reader users. The CEO should stop it now, but here’s how to protect your investment if he doesn’t

    What is Sonos? Sonos develop a series of high-quality smart speakers. They are known for their ability to stay in sync throughout your home when the speakers are grouped. Sonos speakers come in a r…

    It appears Sonos is about to become less useable by screen reader users. The CEO should stop it now, but here’s how to protect your investment if he doesn’t
    a11y (digital accessibility) Samuel Proulx

    it appears Sonos is about to become less usable by screen reader users It appears Sonos is about to become less useable by screen reader users. The CEO should stop it now, but here’s how to protect your investment if he doesn’t

    What is Sonos? Sonos develop a series of high-quality smart speakers. They are known for their ability to stay in sync throughout your home when the speakers are grouped. Sonos speakers come in a r…

    It appears Sonos is about to become less useable by screen reader users. The CEO should stop it now, but here’s how to protect your investment if he doesn’t

    it appears Sonos is about to become less usable by screen reader users It appears Sonos is about to become less useable by screen reader users. The CEO should stop it now, but here’s how to protect your investment if he doesn’t

    What is Sonos? Sonos develop a series of high-quality smart speakers. They are known for their ability to stay in sync throughout your home when the speakers are grouped. Sonos speakers come in a r…

    It appears Sonos is about to become less useable by screen reader users. The CEO should stop it now, but here’s how to protect your investment if he doesn’t
    What FOSS text to speech software do you use?
  • If you use Bookworm and use the built-in support for espeak, you can get up to 600 words per minute or so. Dectalk can go well over 900 words per minute. As far as I know, cocoa tops out at around 500 words per minute. So all of the options accept piper should be fine for you.

  • What FOSS text to speech software do you use?
  • It really depends on your use case. If you want something that sounds pretty okay, and is decently fast, Piper fits the bill. However, this is just a command line TTS system; you'll need to build all the supporting infrastructure if you want it to read audiobooks.

    An extension for the free and open source NVDA screen reader to use piper lives here:

    If you want something that can run in realtime, though sounds somewhat robotic, you want dectalk. This repo comes with libraries and dlls, as well as several sample applications. Note, however, that the licensing status of this code is...uh...dubious to say the least. Dectalk was abandonware for years, and the developer leaked the sourcecode on a mailing list in the 2000's. However, ownership of the code was recently re-established, and Dectalk is now a commercial product once again. But the new owners haven't come after the repo yet:

    If you want a robotic but realtime voice that's fully FOSS with known licensing status, you want espeak-ng:

    If you want a fully fledged software application to read things to you, but don't need a screen reader and don't want to build scripts yourself, you want bookworm:

    Note, however, that you should build bookworm from source. While the author accepts pull requests, because of his circumstances, he's no longer able to build new releases:

    If you are okay with using closed-source freeware, Balabolka is another way to go to get a full text to speech reader:

  • The Mistral AI bot here on Lemmy now remembers context
  • Can Mistral describe images yet? Not sure if it's multi-modal or not. If it could that would be a super useful feature for those of us over on And/or is the code available somewhere for us to hack in something like openrouter and spin up a copy?

  • Rblind now has an irc server!

    We're still testing this out, to see if people want this and if it works well (secure, usable, accessible, etc.). We support SSL, SASL, and all of the latest IRCV3 features.

    To connect:

    • server address:
    • port: 6667 (plaintext) or 6697 (SSL)
    • login method (if you have a registered account): SASL, SSL client certificate, or NickServ
    • channel: #main

    If you're looking for an accessible client:

    • Windows (all major screen readers):
    • IOS (voiceover):

    We're missing accessible android and mac clients thus far.

    To answer some possible questions:

    • No, we won't bridge with Discord; it would cause too many moderation issues
    • The server we're running is Ergo
    • It's on the same box as Lemmy, and fully dockerized etc, so I don't anticipate any server stability issues
    • No, your Lemmy account doesn't sync with the IRC server; maybe someday!
    • We don't yet have a Lemmy post bot, but we might someday.
    4 Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

    Today is the first time I had to update an article before I posted it. The original article, which you'll find below, is about a planned session at the Zero Project accessibility conference (#ZeroCon) in February. The session was organized by a member of the German chapter of the International Assoc

    Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart

    cross-posted from:

    > I appreciate Lainey highlighting the inequities of this panel session. It is important when creating a panel to include a wide range of diverse perspectives and people from different backgrounds.

    1 In-Process 23rd January 2024

    Welcome to 2024! I hope the year is starting off well for you. The NV Access team are all back on deck and looking forward to a fantastic year. If you have written to us over Christmas / New Year a…

    In-Process 23rd January 2024
    What open-source LLMs are you using in 2024?
  • Personally I find myself renting GPU and running Goliath 120b. Smaller models could do what I’m doing if I spent more time optimizing my prompts. But every day I’m doing different tasks, and Goliath 120b will just handle whatever I throw at it, no matter how sloppy I am. I’ve also been playing with LLAVA and Hermes vision models to describe images to me. However, when I really need alt-text for an image I can’t see, I still find myself resorting to GPT4; the open source options just aren’t as accurate or detailed.

  • SLU team developing software for blind learners gets $5 million federal grant

    A team of researchers led by St. Louis University professor Jenna Gorlewicz will put a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation to work building software that will make visual materials more legible for people with visual impairments.

    SLU team developing software for blind learners gets $5 million federal grant

    Server Update: I am a Silly Person; two factor will work for everyone this time, I promise!

    So for those of you who have been having issues getting two-factor to work, uh, (blushing) you should try that again. I forgot to configure time syncing on the server, and it had gradually drifted about 90 seconds out of sync with the actual time. Thanks to fellow server admin and mod MostlyBlindGamer for performing the incantations required to tell the server that we do, in fact, need it to keep the correct time. As each two factor code is only valid for 30 seconds, this could have been an issue for you if your computer's clock wasn't off by a similar amount as our server's clock. Turns out the clock on my laptop is also off by 50 seconds or so, so it wasn't causing any problems for me, meaning I couldn't reproduce the bug whenever I got complaints. Anyway, it's fixed now, and it will stay fixed in future! These are the adventures you have when you run servers for other people, but only do it as a part-time hobbyist rather than a professional system administrator. I'm really glad I didn't file a bug on the Lemmy github complaining about how two factor still doesn't work. Yikes.

    2 Tactile marks on currencies - Blind Coin Collector

    This post is primarily created to help blind people who travel to a different country and would like a quick reference on how to recognize the local currencies. There is of course currency recognition apps which one can use, here I will only concentrate on currencies, which do have tactile features....

    If you have more info on any of these currencies, let this person know! This is a unique resource for travelers.


    Thunder for Lemmy: an excellent iOS app for voiceover users ‎Thunder for Lemmy

    ‎Thunder is a fully open source, cross-platform, community-driven project available on GitHub. Fully free of advertisements and trackers. Here's a peek at what Thunder offers: - Multi-account support: Login to all your accounts, and switch between them at ease - Fully customizable settings: Choose ...

    ‎Thunder for Lemmy

    So I went through about 10 iOS apps on the App Store to see what worked well with voiceover. Thunder is my new fave! customizable accessibility settings, fully labeled interface and easy to tell what you’ve read and voted on. My only wish is that we could have the voiceover actions in the roter.


    State of the instance: you may need to re-enable two-factor

    Hey, folks! As the holiday season approaches, and time off work is granted unto some of us, I thought it'd be a good time to post a quick and informal "state of the instance" report.

    First, the critical info: I've updated the instance to the latest version, and that has changed the way two-factor tokens are handled. If you've enabled two-factor previously, please check to ensure it's still enabled. I posted this on our Discord, but realized I forgot to post here. Sigh.

    Second, we're still looking for a designer to create a custom theme that prioritizes accessibility. We promised this ages ago, I know, but nobody has had the time to drive the effort forward. If you're a person with a disability, you have design experience, you're comfortable with Lemmy themes, and you're interested in helping out, let us know! You can post in the comments, or you can post in the lemmy-alpha-testing channel on Discord.

    And that segways nicely to my third topic: when the heck are we getting out of Alpha? The answer is: who knows! The servers are stable, and the infrastructure is all working well, with one exception. However, I'm not willing to declare this a stable instance until we have a theme that's fully accessible to everyone, and the accessible apps on mobile have matured a little bit.

    Next! Email, the one exception I mentioned above. If you have email notifications turned on here, please note that our email deliverability is terrible. If you're not getting emails from, that's why. We do have SPF configured, and we send email via IPV6 and TLS. However, I don't pay for a service like SendGrid to ensure deliverability, and we send emails directly from our server. Paid email services are expensive, and I have no plans to pay for one. So check your spam folders, and whitelist our emails if you want them. Outlook usually accepts our emails, and Gmail does so when it's in a good mood. This will probably not be getting better any time soon.

    The last topic I guess I have to talk about: threads. We have no plans to block federation with threads at this time. However, threads currently isn't federating directly with Lemmy, and federation is a per-account opt-in on the threads side. Should these things change, we will respond accordingly. In the interests of full transparency, because I don't think this information is publicly visible anywhere, we currently defederate with the following instances:

    • personal instance, user trolling
    • communism, genocide denial
    • more of the same
    • abusive comments in multiple posts, no action taken by the moderators of hexbear.

    We only add a server to that list less than once every three months or so, and only when we notice or get reports of abusive or spammy comments. We don't use any automated blocklists. If this changes, we'll update the community.

    That's everything! Happy holidays, everyone, however you celebrate!


    I have no idea how well this will work in practice; see the recent discussion here about the infrastructural problems with Linux accessibility. But I do know that @[email protected] is an expert with years and years of #accessibility experience in the #a11y space. So it will at least be a step in the right direction: getting the right people on the problem is always a good place to start.


    Planned Downtime on Friday August 11

    Hi, folks:

    The data center where the server for lives has informed me that they're planning some downtime in order to improve the network infrastructure. The downtime is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 11, between 9 AM and 3 PM eastern, and is expected to last a maximum of two hours. During that time, may be unavailable. However, our sister website will remain up, containing information about our Discord, our Reddit, and this Lemmy. Should something go wrong, and the downtime last longer than expected, we will post updates and announcements there.


    Screenreader Accessible Visual Novels

    So playing visual novels written in Ren'Py has become my latest momentary obsession. I figured I'd create a thread to post my thoughts on the few I've played, and see if anyone else has played any good ones. If you have, let me know in the comments! I really want to hear what everyone is enjoying.

    How to Play

    In theory, you can just press "v" in any Ren'Py visual novel that supports self voicing. However, at least on Windows with NVDA, this isn't the best way. It will use whatever SAPI voice you have set as default in the control panel, and that's probably not what you want. First off, it makes it difficult to focus on the game, because frequently Ren'Py is talking, and your screen reader is also talking at the same time, and the game is playing background music, and some games are parcially voice-acted, and it's just a lot. Secondly, it makes it difficult to review text in detail, for example if you want to know how an unfamiliar character name is spelled, when you want to write about them later. Lastly, Ren'Py won't send text to your Braille display, if you have one.

    Thankfully, there's a better way! Instead of speaking itself, you can convince Ren'Py to send all text to the clipboard instead. The best way to set yourself up with NVDA, IMHO, is:

    1. Download and install the autoclip addon for NVDA.
    2. Start the Ren'Py game you want to play.
    3. Press "a".
    4. Press "NVDA+R" to OCR the screen.
    5. Find the spot where it says "clipboard", and move the mouse there (NVDA+numpad divide), and click on it (numpad divide).
    6. Press control+shift+nvda+k. This will cause autoclip to read the text on your clipboard whenever it changes.
    7. You should now be able to move through the menus with the arrow keys and make choices with enter, while NVDA reads out everything with your preferred screen reader voice and settings. You'll need to find "return" to get back to the main menu. Now, even if you quit and relaunch the game, the clipboard setting will be saved in that game. If you want to review something more closely (to check spelling for example), the last text you heard will always be on your clipboard. You can just open notepad and paste it in.
    8. When you stop playing, you'll want to press control+shift+NVDA+k again to turn off clipboard reading. If you forget, next time you copy something to the clipboard for any reason, NVDA will start reading it.
    9. Bonus: if you want to play a game that isn't written in English, you can use the NVDA Translate addon to translate any text NVDA speaks. Install it, and press control+shift+NVDA+t to toggle it on and off.

    If you launch a game that you're sure is written in Ren'Py but pressing either a or v don't seem to do anything, it could be that the game was written in an older version of Ren'Py, that didn't offer the self-voicing feature. However, you can take the files from that game, and play it in the newest Ren'Py version, and it will frequently work. There is a video on getting the files from Ren'Py games and loading them into the latest Ren'Py version by @[email protected]; she's specifically talking about playing games built for IOS or Android on a computer, but the process is the same. I know, I know, YouTube tutorials. But she describes what she's doing, and there's no annoying background music.

    Games I've Tried

    Some of the below contain slight spoilers.

    Arcade Spirits

    Arcade Spirits is an excellent starting point. Self-voicing is officially supported, pictures and animations generally include descriptive text, and the story is sweet and well written. Even if the subject matter puts you off, give this one a chance; I don't have a lot of familiarity with Arcades going in, but I didn't need any. The game manages to embrace all of your choices, and wrap itself around your playstyle in a way that feels seamless, while not railroading you through the plot. Arcade Spirits likes you and wants you to have a good time, rather than the more adversarial relationship that most computer games have with players. If you've never played a visual novel, this is the one to start with. There are multiple endings, and none of the ones I've managed feel better or worse than any of the others; it's entirely down to personal preference.

    Catacomb Prince

    Catacomb Prince, on the other hand, isn't quite that style. There are multiple "bad" and/or less than ideal endings, and the game will kill you off quite quickly for making certain choices. I actually struggled to get an ending that I consider "good", but that says more about my lack of judgement than it says about the game itself. But even the "bad" endings are logical, well-written, and interesting. The game is also short (comparatively), so replaying it a few times doesn't feel like a burden, and the game concept never overstays its welcome.

    However, while self-voicing is available by default, there are a few accessibility issues you need to be aware of. First off, the main menu doesn't respond to the keyboard. You'll need to OCR the screen and click start that way. Once you've done that, though, everything mostly works as normal, with one exception. Sometimes, when transitioning between scenes (Acts? Chapters? Not sure the official term people use) you'll get a menu with no choices for you to make. You'll just have the standard options, save, load, quit, etc. I suspect this is some kind of full-screen image or picture. If you use numpad divide to make NVDA simulate a mouse click anywhere on the screen, the game will continue as normal, and you won't have missed anything.

    Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered

    Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered is a game I should probably love. It's a disability centred high school romance game, with excellent portrayals of characters with multiple differing disabilities, and the process of getting to grips with your identity as a person with a disability. And yet...and yet...It didn't work for me. Maybe because I play games as an escape; I know about disability, and I'm just not that interested in exploring it in the visual novel format. Maybe because I didn't particularly like the main character; I was born with my blindness, so I don't have a lot of patients with people grieving their disability diagnosis, though I recognize that's a personal character flaw. Maybe because I didn't really like any of the love interests, and just following my natural inclinations lead to me dying alone, and I wasn't as unhappy with that ending as the game obviously wanted me to be. But these are the reasons I didn't like the game, not reasons it was a bad game. If none of these put you off (or maybe even if they do) give it a chance. You'll find no accessibility issues, thoughtful characterization of disabled students, and disabled romance, something that's all too rare.

    Doki Doki Literature Club

    Self-voicing is not included in this one by default, and in my personal opinion, it's not worth the trouble of getting it working. If you want to, maybe because this game is so famous you've heard about it and want to know what it is, the best thing to do is to use Doki Doki Mod Docker. Follow the installation instructions, but don't add any mods. Once you launch the game and click I agree using OCR, the self-voicing settings will work.

    But everything about this game rubbed me the wrong way. Note that everything to follow could be considered a complete spoiler, even though I'm trying to avoid it. The game makes some pretty strong assumptions about who the player is (a straight dude who wants to date Japanese high school girls). Normally, that would be fine. But this game breaks the fourth wall, making the player "me". As "I" am a middle aged dude, I don't like it. I'm fine with putting myself into the shoes of a player character, but it's less fine when the game then tries to tell me that me and the player character are the same person. Second, the plot seems to be a complete railroad. No matter what you do, horrible things are going to happen. The problem is, the reason they happen is poorly explained and uninteresting. Without spoiling too much, this game explores obsession, computer games, and psychopathy, in ways that are pretty incoherent, and don't help anyone draw any knew conclusions. It feels like miserable horror, for the sake of miserable horror. Maybe if I knew more about how the love interest that's forced on the player became who she is, how she found out what she knows, or how that knowledge lead her to the conclusions she draws, it would be a more interesting game. But we're not given that. The game just wants us to be impressed by how weird and interesting it is, when it does nothing to earn that depth. I'm glad this was the second visual novel I tried, after a wonderful experience with Arcade Spirits. If it was my first, I might well have given up on the format entirely.

    14 They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub

    Since the [latest "accessibility" update to the Reddit app](, the amount and magnitude of new...

    They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub

    [solved] How do I stop IOS #Braille Translation for a Single word?

    Hey folks:

    I've been using Braille input on my phone a lot more now, since I got my Orbit Reader 20. But this morning, I was trying to write the word "alt", as in alt text. I use Grade 2 Braille, so whenever I typed "alt" and space, IOS translated it into "altogether". How can I make IOS stop doing that for a single word? I don't want to switch to grade 1 Braille, write "alt", and then switch back to Grade 2 Braille. That feels slow and annoying. Does anyone have a better solution?


    Accessible XMPP client?

    I'm looking for accessible XMPP/jabber clients for Windows desktop and IOS. Anyone got any recommendations for me?


    The Current State of Things

    So a quick update on where we're at for folks not following the discord. The stability issues plaguing us over the last couple of days seem to have been fixed, touch wood. Thanks to Arch and VictiniStar101 on our Discord for keeping me moving forward when I was out of ideas, spinning in circles, and becoming unproductive.

    However, in order to get the latest accessibility fixes, we're still running development code. I'm not comfortable with that for any kind of official release, and I would warn you all to continue to expect weird issues moving forward.

    Known Issues

    1. Two factor doesn't work. Turning it on will just lock you out of your account.
    2. The jump to main content link isn't a link and doesn't work. This is a symptom of running untested development code with unfinished features, in order to get the upvote toggles and nested lists for comments.
    3. The theme is really bad for screen magnification users. We can and will fix that locally.
    4. A ton of issues on mobile Android.

    Next Steps

    Assuming things remain stable, our next steps are:

    1. Get back onto an official release that includes the accessibility fixes when it becomes available.
    2. Icons and Banners: we need to find someone who can make us an Icon and Banner. This matters not just for sighted friends, but for our friends using screen magnification who need a unique icon to help them find the tab amidst all the other open tabs they might have.
    3. Theming: we need a custom default theme that looks better when magnified, and has better out of the box contrast. We'd also like to offer several accessible choices, to fit everyone's needs.
    4. Get things working on Android with talkback.
    5. A few more labels: a couple of unlabeled links and buttons remain. Also, some of the heading levels are strange (heading level 5 for posts? Why?). However, I currently don't see these remaining screen reader niggles as a blocker on us opening up more widely, the way the other issues are.

    If you want to help with any of these next steps, reach out! Especially on the more visual aspects, all assistance is appreciated.
