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fairyhedgehogg fairyhedgehogg

I'm a retired children's play therapist. I like reading fantasy and sci fi, riding my bike in the local woods, and learning German.

I live in Surrey, but grew up in Brighton. I've spent a couple of years in France, and now have a German granddaughter.

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Comments 2
[IMPORTANT] We need to apply the 'Undetermined' language option
  • Thank you! I didn't spot the interface language, and I've set it to English, so now it's all a lot easier.

  • [IMPORTANT] We need to apply the 'Undetermined' language option
  • I'm not sure I follow. I see a list of numerous languages, and if I select them they don't stay selected. I tried to remove one language that uses an unfamiliar writing system but that didn't work either.

    Also, I'm seeing all this interface in French, despite having set Opera to English as default, with French a third choice after German.

    I'm a bit confused!