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"Battlestar Galactica - The Last Days": filmed by Dennys Ilic primarily during the shooting of "Daybreak" fifteen years ago
  • I honestly don't know. (Wouldn't surprise me if it's Vimeo's doing.) Sorry.

  • Finally, an answer!
  • Both of you were reported; both were given the same message.

  • Finally, an answer!
  • We only have a few rules here ... one of them is "be nice to each other." So knock this off.

  • Finally, an answer!
  • We only have a few rules here ... one of them is "be nice to each other." So knock this off.

  • To mark the fifteenth anniversary of BSG's finale, I have published "Colonies of Kobol - Collection: Special Edition"

    A couple of years after the end of the reimagined series, I wrote and self-published the Lords of Kobol series of books. People seemed to like it quite a bit, so I spent years working on Colonies of Kobol to bridge the gap between them and the TV shows. Three massive volumes were published last year, but I've now given them the "special edition" treatment, creating additional content and writing an author's commentary. Via the commentary, I discuss connections to the TV shows, historical/mythological inspirations, share art and pics I made for myself during the writing, and so on. Most importantly, all three volumes are now in one and in chronological order.

    Here's the official description:

    > Visit the sixteen Colonies of Kobol in a single volume ...

    > Two thousand years before the Cylons destroyed the Twelve Colonies and the Battlestar Galactica led a ragtag fleet to Earth, the Lords of Kobol fell and mankind fled for the Colonies.

    > See the settling of the first colony on Gemenon. Behold the destruction of Earth and the flight of the Final Five. Witness the rise of empires on Virgon and Leonis and the thousand-year-war waged across the plains of Tauron, the seas of Picon, and the mountains of Sagittaron. Visit the jungles of Libran and Scorpia, the mines of Canceron, the farms of Aerilon, and the volcanoes of Aquaria. Read the continuation of the short-lived TV series Caprica and watch the horrors of the Cylon War and the creation of The Colony. Revisit New Caprica and then, on our own world, go on one last journey with Bill Adama and Saul Tigh, and get a look into our own future as the Messengers of The One True God work to free mankind of the cycle.

    > This is the definitive special edition collection of these books in chronological order, complete with additional chapters, behind-the-scenes information, art, pics, and author's commentary. Learn all about the writing of these tales, connections to the Battlestar Galactica and Caprica TV shows, and much more.

    > There is a Plan and questions will be answered.

    The book is free and it is currently available here. As the book filters out to other apps and stores, I will update its page on my personal site.

    Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.


    "Battlestar Galactica - The Last Days": filmed by Dennys Ilic primarily during the shooting of "Daybreak" fifteen years ago Battlestar Galactica - The Last Days

    2008 saw the filming of the highly anticipated finale of the groundbreaking tv series Battlestar Galactica. In the final weeks of the episode "Daybreak"…

    Battlestar Galactica - The Last Days

    TIL KFC promoted a contest coinciding with the final season in 2009 called "Frak Pak Sweepstakes." Once KFC found out what "frak" meant, they changed the name of the contest ...

    Here's one of the promotional images.

    Here's what you could win.

    Here's the edited/censored version.

    And this is a blogpost from 2009 discussing the contest, and a follow-up post after the name change.


    To mark the twentieth anniversary of BSG's debut, I have published "Lords of Kobol - Collection: Special Edition"

    A couple of years after the end of the reimagined series, I wrote and self-published the Lords of Kobol series of books. People seemed to like them quite a bit, so I recently embarked on a re-read of that series, added deleted chapters back in, and created an author's commentary to go along with it. Via the commentary, I discuss connections to the TV shows, historical/mythological inspirations, share art and pics I made for myself during its writing, and so on. Most importantly, all five books are now in one volume. So that's nice.

    Here's the official description:

    > All five acclaimed Lords of Kobol books collected in a single volume ...

    > Thousands of years before the Cylons destroyed the Twelve Colonies and the Battlestar Galactica led a ragtag fleet to Earth, the Lords of Kobol lived among mankind in peace and harmony. Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Ares ... the gods provided and the people worshipped. But who or what were they? In Book One: Apotheosis, see Kobol in its golden age, with gods and humanity working together, and witness the creation and exodus of the Thirteenth Tribe. In Book Two: Descent, learn the origins of the Olympians and the tale of their coming to Kobol, as well as their war against non-believers. In Book Three: The Final Exodus, watch the end of the Pantheon's reign as Cylons revolt and mankind flees for the Twelve Colonies. In Prelude: Of Gods and Titans, spend more time with Zeus and the gods, and meet their parents, the Titans, and observe the beginning of the cycle. And in the background of it all, The One True God and its Messengers seek to preserve humanity in the face of doom. Finally, in Alternate: Tales from Ancient Days, read a different take on the end of the world and how the gods played their parts.

    > This is the definitive special edition collection of these five works, complete with deleted chapters, behind-the-scenes information, art, pics, and author's commentary. Learn all about the writing of these tales, connections to the Battlestar Galactica and Caprica TV shows, and much more.

    > There is a Plan and questions will be answered.

    The book is free and it is currently available here in all file formats. As the book filters out to other apps and stores, I will update its page on my personal site.

    Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.

    (Colonies of Kobol - Collection: Special Edition will be released in March.)


    Saudi Arabian "mega project" Neom has unveiled art for their planned pair of "jagged skyscrapers" ... and they look very familiar

    It's the original series Ship of Light.

    Here's an article on Neom's plans.


    In case anyone missed it, here's Joel's post from the end of the campaign

    Greetings, backers.

    Well, we’ve come to the end of the month, and the end of the Turkey Day Marathon and this campaign.

    While we’re incredibly grateful for all of the support, enthusiasm, and encouragement, it’s clear we’ve fallen short of our goal this time.

    First, to be clear, please understand that that means that no one will be charged anything, and we will not be collecting anything that you pledged to this campaign , since the agreement was that we’d only collect funds if we reached our minimum goal. No charges will be put on anyone’s credit cards.

    Second, and more important, please know that we’re incredibly grateful for all of your input, feedback, concerns and questions, and are thinking about all the suggestions you have made over the past month.

    One silver lining is that the continued support for this campaign, and the show, may have opened up some new conversations about potential partnerships and fundraising that could be key in getting the show another season.

    We’ll spend some time now exploring those, and working to integrate all of the feedback and suggestions we’ve heard from you, and will follow up again next year, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, when we’ve had a chance to regroup and have more to share downstream.

    For now, whether you pledged or not, please accept our thanks and gratitude for your ongoing dedication and investment in MST3K.

    We’re proud that the show continues to mean so much, to so many, and will keep working to figure out a path forward so that we can hopefully continue to #MakeMoreMST3K.

    Until then, have a wonderful holiday season, and thanks again for all of your support.

    Cheers and Thanks,

    Joel and Team MST3K


    "Baz Builds" has completed his full-size Viper (more pics and info on his Facebook page)

    Let's Make MST3K Season 14
  • If anyone is interested in the math of this, meaning, what you get out of it for what you put in, here's my way of thinking.

    I look at new MST3K in the vein of RiffTrax. Not beholden to a network and therefore not getting production funding either, so they have to directly charge for their output.

    In the case of RiffTrax, they charge about $12 for a full-length HD VOD release and about $2 for a short. Carting those numbers over to this campaign, let's see what we get.

    If the lowest goal is reached ... That's 6 episodes and 6 shorts for a total of $84. (There's also the "enhanced" older episodes, but as those won't be available for download, I'm ignoring them for the moment.)

    If the middle goal is reached ... That's 9 episodes and 9 shorts; a total of $126.

    If the top goal is reached ... 12 episodes, 12 shorts; $168.

    Which goal will be reached? Who can say? The season 13 Kickstarter finished with $6.5 million. That's over the middle goal but shy of the top goal by almost a million. I think reaching the middle goal is very likely with the top being a bit of squeaker. (Just my thoughts.)

    Conclusion? Donating at the $85 level is simply a bargain. You get each of the episodes and shorts as a download, PLUS access to the Gizmoplex which -- I'm hoping -- will include a ton of livestreaming events and those were a highlight of season 13 for me. (Oh yeah, and all those "surgically enhanced" episodes, too.)

  • I got my Southern Sun ornament from Hallmark!


    My Hallmark ornament came in the mail!


    "Battlestar Galactica" premiered 45 years ago today (Sept. 17)

    Infamously, the premiere was interrupted by news of the "Camp David Accords," a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. This Washington Post article discusses the impact on TV that night and speculation that the announcement was planned for that evening.


    Star Trek and ... Kid Cudi? Star Trek Embarks on an Epic Collaboration with Kid Cudi to Launch 'Boldly Be' Campaign

    The multi-faceted partnership, which includes music, gaming, and fashion, will launch this October.

    Star Trek Embarks on an Epic Collaboration with Kid Cudi to Launch 'Boldly Be' Campaign

    Auction includes several original Galactica items, including Viper helmet, filming miniatures, and more


    New RiffTrax VOD: "Truth or Dare?" (Mike, Kevin, Bill; 1986) Truth or Dare

    When we say we’re riffing a movie called Truth or Dare your mind might go to the black & white documentary full of naughty images of Madonna and her backup dancers. Hey, get your mind out of the gutter! And into the totally different gutter that is THIS Truth or Dare. The truth is, this is the k...

    Truth or Dare

    New RiffTrax VOD: "The X From Outer Space" (Mike, Kevin, Bill; 1967) The X From Outer Space

    An intrepid crew of astronauts is headed to Mars when they encounter a hidden menace: spores. Fortunately, the spores quickly realize how dull of a villain they are and decide to mutate into the terrifying rubber kaiju known as The X! The X, who resembles what the offspring might look like if Gonzo ...

    The X From Outer Space

    In case you missed it, a brief Season 14 update from MST3Kon: "Joel did say that, after the strikes, he expects there will be a Kickstarter for season 14"


    New RiffTrax VOD: "The Careless Years" (Bridget and Mary Jo; 1957) The Careless Years

    A classic Romeo & Juliet situation that brings blandness to a whole new level! The Careless Years is the story of two high schoolers from opposite sides of “the track” who wash dishes together. Minutes later, they’re planning to elope, so they can have socially acceptable marital relations. Arth...

    The Careless Years

    New RiffTrax VOD: "Fatal Combat" (Mike, Kevin and Bill; 1995) Fatal Combat

    An eccentric billionaire is ripping off The Running Man, but he didn’t count on one man ruining the party: John Stoneman. No, not John Ryan, that’s a character played by the same actor in Street Law. And not John Stone, he’s from Stone Cold. John Stoneman is a professor of “Warriorism.” This sounds ...

    Fatal Combat

    Roslin and Adama (and Anders), together again

    From Michael Trucco's Instagram


    Given the talk about studios wanting to scan extras once and use them in perpetuity, this oldie feels like new again


    New RiffTrax VOD: "The Man Without a Body" (Bridget & Mary Jo; 1957) The Man Without a Body

    A wealthy businessman discovers he has a brain tumor and seeks medical help. What should he do next? 1. Contact the Mayo Clinic? 2. Connect with family and friends? 3. Seek out a scientist who along with a lovelorn assistant is experimenting with transplanting monkey heads, then, fly to France to di...

    The Man Without a Body
    A massive fan-created book is now available: "We Have Engaged the Borg: The Oral History of the Battle of Wolf 359"
  • Edit: I've edited the post (I nearly forgot I could do that here!).

  • PRODIGY's cancellation may have been the tip of the iceberg: Paramount as We Know It Has 2 Years Left, at Most — Analyst
  • Unfortunately, that's not the only article talking about Paramount's woes. Here's another which suggests that Netflix may be looking to buy pieces of Paramount.

  • Official Game Trailer | Star Trek: Infinite
  • If that's the case, I'm on board with that. (BotF did the same thing.)

  • Official Game Trailer | Star Trek: Infinite
  • I appreciate the apparent Birth of the Federation aspect as briefly seen in the trailer. I loved BotF and I've missed it terribly. However, I am still irrationally annoyed by the note that this game takes place "decades" before TNG, yet Galaxy-class, Intrepid-class, and other newer vessels are featured. (This would have been the best opportunity to feature ships from the "lost era" between the Kirk feature films and TNG, such as Ambassador-class, Constellation-class, and any number of ships seen as wreckage at Wolf 359.)