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efi Efi (nap pet) šŸ¦ŠšŸ’¤

am kitten | I don't understand most things | help kitten make cool videogame | please, tell kitten if you need a cw tag | enby eĻ†

illegally a girl since 2014

the person to ask about Xenia

don't follow me if you're a minor or pretending to be or not be one | don't follow me if you don't want me to have a crush on you | don't offer me hugs, just hug me, gddmt!!

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Comments 1
GDShader: What's worse? if statement or texture sample?
  • @Smorty because gpus can't feasibly do speculative execution, forking is more expensive than a lookup, which can be done in parallel and cached, but of course, it depends on what you're testing and what you're sampling
    it's not the same to test for one equality than a complex function call, and it's not the same thing sampling a small or big texture, with or without mipmap levels, aggregation, etc