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e569668 e569668

moved to username e-five on the same instance

Posts 0
Comments 142
Avatar replaced with text 1 character wide & many rows when avatar is disabled.
  • As an update, this should be fixed now and looks to have been rolled out to this instance. The issue can still happen on user covers and magazine inline icons, which I hope to have a PR for soon(tm). realized it happens basically anywhere images with alt text appear so going to take more time auditing everything

  • Call for problems
  • Minor problem: there's a new feature of 2fa, but at least for me, going to to set it up shows a broken qr code. looks like it's returning an nginx 404 at the moment

  • Call for problems
  • It looks like their instance is having some issues granted that says outbound but I just joined their matrix and there are other issues being discussed as well, I might wait on this to see if it's still happening once things get more sorted

    edit: i posted in their matrix support channel to see if they noticed anything odd as well 🤞

  • Call for problems
  • That is very weird, their /instances page says kbin still... I wonder if they stopped federating / it got marked as an inactive instance by mistake? for instance shows fedia as mbin... I'm not quite sure what this means but they clearly haven't gotten node info in a while

  • Call for problems
  • this might be

    it was fixed in the docs but requires manual change by instance owners that were affected, which this instance appears to be. tl;dr the docs recommended the nginx config add_header Referrer-Policy "no-referrer" always; which broke the style of redirects that were being used, it's now been changed to recommend add_header Referrer-Policy "same-origin" always;

    more info here

    edit: I promise I can read... Your description is slightly different, so it might not be this, but still worth trying it out to see if it helps

  • shutdown - November
  • Both servers are larger than the single server that runs on, yet has about 10x the traffic, and kbin is struggling under the load.

    I wonder what the difference is. One thing I have always wondered is if the double comment / post issue is causing tons of double traffic, not to mention double storage / bandwidth / network costs. I really wish there was an easy solution but I haven't been able to find any answers. The random thing I thought was like, it looks like everything federates with both and, so I was like maybe everything is double sending on its side? (E.G. if you look at or etc they all list fedia twice.) But people didn't seem that was likely to be the cause, as hopefully everything is deduped by signing keys rather than hostnames. I don't know enough to investigate further myself.

  • Are there any kbin instances which are up to date with the source code?
  • I don't know of every instance of course, but from the general purpose ones the order of up-to-date from most to least at the time of posting would be something like:,,, (specific API branch),

    But there's also other considerations. fedia has a double post/comment issue and a low amount of 500s. Artemis has been giving me a lot of 500s, can't upvote anymore (just reloads the page), commenting doesn't always federate. Many instance admins seem to have disappeared since 3 months ago. I'm not sure what life is like on instances I'm not actively using so there might be issues unknown to me.

    Edit: the keys that I look for are localization / ui changes. "more" dropdown now has "more from domain" on updated instances. The UI for the sidebar is different, and most recently the footer is differently styled. There's also the federation list of instances page in the footer now.

  • Why doesn't blocking work?
  • Yeah, Mastodon has separate block and mute functions.

    Ah, good to know. I'll have to look into it a bit more, but reading

    If you and the blocked user are on the same server, the blocked user will not be able to view your posts on your profile while logged in.

    It looks like the limitation that Pamasich and I sort of expected is there. Blocks are basically only possible at your own instance. If the user is on another instance, there's no way to stop them in the fediverse. And that includes it going out to all other instances they federate with too.

    I sort of just experienced how this would work if implemented, in a way. A kbin social user posted to a beehaw org magazine. I replied to it, but my post does not seem to have made it to kbin social. However, it's on my instance, beehaw's, lemmy one, etc, because my instance federates with all of those instances. That's sort of what blocking would be like if the original page refused an incoming comment due to a block, all other instances would still accept it. It's possible there's something I'm missing as I'm not super knowledgable on activity pub or the fediverse, so I'll try to learn more about it

  • Why doesn't blocking work?
  • does the fediverse actually support the kind of block that's being asked for here?

    Yea, that's where I'm thinking the hangup on this might be. A block could be implemented, but it'd come with the caveat of that all it's doing is giving you the idea they aren't continuing to engage with you on your instance. On their instance, and any instance that federates with them, they and others will continue to see the replies.

    Personally, I would like to see block renamed to mute to be more accurate and a block from replying added with the note about the drawbacks of them being able to tell you blocked them and their posts still going out everywhere else. That at least empowers the user to make the decision themselves on what they're most ok with. My reasoning is: changing the UI for, let's say an aggressor, gives them a reason to retaliate. To me, either blocking method is a lose-lose; either it doesn't stop engagement which some users clearly want it to, or it makes it obvious someone is being blocked which start aggressors down the retaliation path. That's kind of why I'd want users to make their own risk assessment on actions.

    Anyways, that's all very unlikely to happen. Most of all I'd like the bug about notifications fixed because that is clearly not working as intended.

  • Expired HTTPS certificate for
  • I posted in as well but just to make sure you see it, ernest was pinged so hopefully this will be fixed when he sees it

  • Blocking any domain hides seemingly unrelated posts at random
  • The good news is this was fixed in latest the bad news is it hasn't made it to yet so hopefully whenever this instance is updated it will be fixed

  • has an expired certificate
  • Peeps pinged ernest in matrix so hopefully he can take care of this when he gets the chance. Thanks (to squiblet as well) for bringing it up!

  • Is auto media preview not working for anyone else? It hasn’t been working for me for weeks.
  • @CarlsIII It's looking to work for me at least opening up in a private window and enabling it. Make sure you're enabling the setting under the "Threads" header and not just the "Microblog" one, assuming you mean for threads

  • My [#kbin]( account seems broken? :\\ For the last month+ I can't get any thread I create to show up in its magazine, even when the magazine is a local one. Comments are f
  • @harmonea you may be blocking a domain, which causes a bug detailed here. tl;dr blocking any domain on right now hides any non-link entries and comments on them. removing them all fixes it, it's fixed in latest which hopefully the main site gets soon

  • Can lemmy users message kbin users?
  • One thing I'm trying to keep an eye on is sup. Not much information at all besides a snippet of 1 to 1 encrypted messaging for activitypub, but the tidbit of working with any fediverse account is interesting. Potentially that could help deal with the different fediverse implementations of messaging. Of course, like I said, this is just me making up assumptions, it could not work the way I envision it at all. The creator just posted something 5d ago about it with "soon" though, so I'm hoping to read more about it

  • Can lemmy users message kbin users?
  • The short answer is no but the longer answer for what happens in each situation was detailed here:

    lemmy -> kbin = pretends to send but doesn't

  • 500 server error when trying to visit external magazine
  • Maybe gremlins, looks like it's working now. (I have noticed some 500s, but I assume jerry is still running his auto-null-image-fixer script and it will start working eventually). It's empty though as is the case with federation they don't automatically pull in things until added so the past content isn't there

  • What's up with notifications?
  • I'm able to see that post, do you see it in private browsing / when logged out? If so, you might be blocking domains on and removing them would make it appear again. That's been fixed in latest which hopefully users should get soon, but wasn't affecting other instances I had checked so you should be fine to do so on artemis

  • What's up with notifications?
  • I don't want to give false information, but on fedia the majority of 500 pages seemed to stem from the image media cache causing issues (our instance admin detailed the issue here). People were able to mitigate it by disabling images everywhere they could, but one place they can't be disabled is the user avatars on the notification page. I could be wrong, but it's my belief it's those images causing the 500s, and that pushed me to add in hopes that if it was possible to disable them the 500s would stop. All this could be wrong though, maybe it's something else like deleted messages or anything else, or maybe there's a better way to solve issues with cached images