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drzoidberg Dr. Zoidberg
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Season 1 (Series 14) Episode 5: "Dot and Bubble"
  • It's kind of turning me off to the show. I wanna watch The Doctor, not The Doctors companion and one off characters. One or 2 over a season are fine if it's spread out, but not like 3 in a row.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • This. Firefox has always been just good. It wasn't great or anything, it was just a good browser. Then chrome came around and it had more, better features. It was a bit more memory usage, but those were for the additional features Firefox didn't have.

    Firefox didn't really change a whole lot, it added synching features across accounts, and didn't get worse. It just stayed the same.

    The people made Firefox better, because now they're creating add-ons for Firefox, where chrome had more.

    I feel like once chrome got the majority of browser users, it immediately started going to shit. I have no proof of this, just a memory of it being better until it was announced that chrome was the most used browser, and the near immediate heavier memory usage.

  • Rosa May Billinghurst, sufragette, in her tricycle wheelchair, sometime around ~1910?
  • A tricycle only has 3 wheels. I'm seeing 2 in front, 2 in rear, and if there's a wheel in back, that makes 5. Your math ain't mathing.

  • Liberals don't want you to google this
  • And we've been trolling cons for like a full day with this. I did this to my trump loving aunt on her Facebook. She got super mad and deleted me off Facebook. She was the last holdout that refused to unfriend me no matter what I commented on her brain dead posts.

  • Large swimming pool (could not confirm if it indeed is the largest)
  • Maybe largest in volume, it looks a lot deeper than the one OP posted, almost like a tank for an orca.

    The one OP posted looks like it's just really long, and maybe a bit more shallow, like 5 feet might be the deepest part. I don't see any diving boards, or depth markers like you usually see for pools with varying depths, so maybe made shallow to accommodate kids.

  • Michigan Republican unseated after losing to Democrat by 20 points
  • It's been over a decade since I answered a call from a number that wasn't programmed into my phone. I won't return the call unless a voicemail is left.

  • Trump says he'll seek a new judge in election case
  • I was gonna make one to troll them, but you can't make an account without linking a phone number, and I actually use my Google voice account.

  • "Hank the Tank," notorious Lake Tahoe bear, being sent to Colorado rehab
  • Mama needs to go to fat camp and shed a few pounds.

  • Musk offers to pay legal bills of people ‘unfairly treated’ for posting on platform
  • It helps if you still have friends that work at the company, that can kind of spy for you too.

    An older woman was fired from the company I worked at in the early 2000s, and she was friends with a few people that still worked at the company. Found out she was replaced with a younger less qualified guy, and her friends were able to corroborate a lot of the ageism/sexism stuff, and she won the suit. Think she ended up being awarded something like whatever her salary was until the age of retirement, and ended up with close to a million dollar settlement.

  • My network cupboard
  • Love the motivational poster for your server.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • But what about the thousands of bald eagles they kill?! Checkmate librul!

    /s in case

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • First off, it's Dr. I didn't get a doctorate in art studies to be called Mr.

    Second off, do you hug your food before you eat it?

  • Timelapse from the start to the 48 hour mark | Lemmy Canvas 2023
  • I like how that nig morphed into never gonna give you up.

    Real subtle.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Why is it dripping down your leg? Are you hugging your garbage when you take it out?

  • Oregon lifts ban on self-serve gas, leaving N.J. as the only state prohibiting it
  • I fucking hate this state. I've been here for 9 months, and hate every part of it. The water is fucking disgusting, the heat is absurd, the traffic is ridiculous, the roads are shit, the beaches are shit, the people are.... mentally handicapped is the nicest way to put it, the food is meh at best unless you want Cuban or something fried. There are absolutely no cultural things, like museums or anything that's not hick crap. Went to a ship museum in Tampa with my kids, and it was a rusted out hulk of a boat.

    Enjoy the cultural overload of the excess of museums, including the Nimitz, the amazing and huge variety of food, the cooler weather, really good pizza, and amazing pizza if you get closer to NYC, water that doesn't smell like sewage until it's ran for a minute or 2, water that doesn't destroy your pots pans, and basically rust everything, you lucky bastard.

    Oh yeah, and go fruit picking other than oranges, because you can just hit up dozens and dozens of orchards for all kinds of fruit picking, without sweating your balls off, pretty much any time of year.

    Also, it's called pork roll. Anyone that tells you it's Taylor Ham is a monster, because Taylor Ham is the company that makes pork roll. Pork Roll with egg and cheese is a cure-all. Hangover, depression, snacky, quick breakfast, hungry, and dying? Yeah pork roll with egg and cheese on a roll will solve all your problems. If you have extra problems, add bacon and double meat. Pork roll with bacon, egg, and cheese on a hard roll will cure all your problems.

  • Winning is relative
  • Both of y'all are melting American brains trying to do the math on figuring out what times you're talking about.

    Most Americans have no clue that 13:00 is 1:00pm because 12+1 is too difficult, and God help you if you say 22:00, because 22-12 might as well be euclidean geometry.