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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 6
Comments 134
Canada 'sleepwalking' into cashless society, consumer advocates warn
  • The powers that be will likely push for cashless society because it gives them more surveillance & control

    If credit/debit cards were the norm and cash was invented today, it would likely be outlawed down because criminals/terrorists/child kidnappers will use if for nefarious purposes

  • Protestation
  • You're still not answering my question.

    But it's now clear that communism for you is a religion. Upper stage communism is the paradise that is promised to those who follow the tenets of the faith fully, and I am a heretic non-believer

    I will not be continuing this discussion any further

  • Protestation
  • How about instead of just saying that I am wrong, describe to me how an individual in a higher stage communist state would be prevented from slacking in his duties (and still gaining "according to his need") without state induced violence

  • Protestation
  • There are different kinds of work which needs to be done for our society to function. These tasks have costs for those who perform them (lost time, spent energy, danger, boredom, etc).

    In pure communism, everyone works hard and everyone is given the spoils of the work we collectively provide. But it is rational for any individual to not work as hard, because he will bear less of the cost of that work, but still realize the same gain

    Therefore most people tend to shirk their duties, and the output of the entire collective drops. In order to maintain the system, the threat of violence is introduced, and we quickly get to Stalinist purges

  • Hidden by default
  • I have to give credit where it's due, I actually like this change. Likes used to be private, and then they became public and subject to the toxic performativity of social media

  • Man who survived ebike fire that killed his family fights for change to UK law
  • Online market places to be jointly and severally liable for anything on their sites

    This should be something AI can do now. Give it a list of what kinds of ads are not allowed, and ask it if the contents of this ad are acceptable

  • Been using lightning for a few months, it's awesome, let's clear up some misconceptions and old info
  • I would love for lightning to scale the network, but I'm worried that it won't. I don't have much experience with it myself (I've set up a small channel to try it out) but I know many people have been disappointed by it.

    I hope that something like the OP_CAT soft fork can be initialized, so that ZK-Rollups can be implemented on Bitcoin. IMO that would open up so many more scaling options for the network

  • Canadian Home Prices "Need" To Be High To Pay For Retirements: PM - Better Dwelling
  • It's not the simple unfortunately, because of 2 factors:

    1. Our boomers are a very large generation, larger than the millenials

    2. Life expectancy has increased so people live much longer (with high medical costs)

    In the 70s - 2000s we had a large generation of in their working years paying for a small generation's 5-10 year retirement

    Now, we have a small generation in their working years paying for a large generation 15-25 year retirement

    And this is not something we can solve by just "taxing the rich". The numbers are so huge that taxing Canada's richest people is a drop in the bucket

  • Poilievre Wants to Axe the Tax. Could Foreign Tariffs Change His Tune?
  • I can't believe the carbon tax is getting such bad press lately. IMO it's one of the best policies to come out of the current government. Everyone is upset about high gas prices, but the forget that they get a big rebate at the end of the year. This means for people with fuel efficient cars, the tax is minimal, and the gas guzzlers pay a lot. Encourages better use of limited resources.

  • First time GMing advice, is my prep good?

    I'm going to run my first DW game soon. I've never GM'd a TTRPG before, but I've played a few. Most players haven't played TTRPGs, so I like DW for it's simplicity to learn. I'm very comfortable improvising, but I have a bit of prep and would like some feedback on it.

    My current idea is to start where all the characters are in a large jail cell. I'll ask the following to set up the world.

    • Where is this jail cell? What's the city name, vibe, etc?
    • Why have each of you been arrested?
    • Who else is in the cell with you?

    Then we'll set up bonds and then the adventure will begin. Based on how things go, they'll either have to do a prison break, or fight in a gladiator style arena. I'll have some enemies prepared for those scenarios. For anything else, I will just wing it.

    Does this feel like good prep for the session?


    Dungeon World Wingman (ChatGPT for DW questions)

    I created a GPT to answer DW questions. In my testing it's pretty good about not getting confused with DnD rules (which regular ChatGPT does). I'm organizing my first DW game as a GM and I'm planning to use it to help me out.

    Some good prompts for it:

    • How much XP does a character need to level up?
    • How do I resolve damage from multiple NPCs attacking the character?
    • Suggest 3 monsters the party might encounter in an evil wizard's castle
    • Create some stats for a Giant Chihuahua monster

    You do need ChatGPT Plus to use it though

    Meditation space doylio

    Crying during noting

    I've been doing Vipassana meditation for over a year now, but I recently decided to experiment with some other forms. I have been trying the noting technique lately and each time I try it, I end up being overwhelmed with energy in the body, tightness in my chest and throat, and I begin sobbing quite hard. I cut my meditation short today because I was weeping too much.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Should I stop this practice?


    Staked deposit to ensure good behaviour

    EDIT: I know many people have a knee-jerk aversion to anything crypto, but this is not a scheme to make money. I would be happy to see this done with fiat as well, but IMO this is much easier to do with smart contracts.

    I am very excited about the possibility of the Fediverse, and the potential for many experiments in instance governance. A problem that all instances must content with is trolling and spam. It seems very difficult to impose a cost on these bad actors without harming honest users as well. Either instances have minimal signup friction and are vulnerable to being overwhelmed with bad actors & defederated (see the recent defederation decision from Beehaw), or they present frustrating barriers such as manual approval or waitlists for folks who just want to have fun

    A possible solution comes from the blockchain space, which has been dealing with anonymous bad actors since its inception. Many blockchains and blockchain apps require users to stake some asset in order to gain certain privileges (basically a deposit). If the user is determined to be a bad actor, they lose some or all of their stake.

    An instance could be integrated with a smart contract to manage membership could be very effective at dissuading trolls and spammers. A user could stake a small amount of money (say $10) in order to create an account on the instance. This could be done very quickly and would require no manual approval from admins. If the admins determine they are acting poorly, they could ban the user and slash their funds. If an honest user decides they don't want to stay on the instance, they could delete their account and recover their deposit.

    (EDIT: An important part of this is that the funds are destroyed when slashed, not given to the admins or mods. This prevents a profit incentive to ban)

    I've got a prototype smart contract for this. Would be interested in working with someone on this if there's anyone with experience with the instance management
