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Check out cVn! Where you can watch user-sourced pre-listed synchronized youtube videos while earning some XNO (Nano) for it, or queue your own youtube video of choice to the list for some crypto-dust, all while chatting in a chatroom with the rest of the viewing community.

Posts 17
Comments 291
True monsters
  • I'm wearing 2 pants (one cloth and a jeans with a belt on top) cause it's cold outside and I slept wearing both yesterday... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

    I do prefer without, but it has never really bothered me to sleep in anything I wear... πŸ˜…

  • Study finds anti-piracy messages backfire, especially for men
  • I actually spent time on ripping the 'you wouldn't steal...' video from the first DVD that I had with it on it, just for the sheer irony. πŸ˜…

  • Napoleon's legacy
  • Happy nation, living in a happy nation, Where the people understand and dream of perfect man...

    Ace of Base anyone? πŸ˜…

  • In the near future, it is projected that contrarians will gain self awareness.
  • I just love this meme-template... πŸ˜…

  • Android 15 could add built-in support for app archiving
  • First off, my apologies for the tone of my first post. I am cyclothimic and sometimes (in bad moments) shouldn't be on social media. Hard to draw that line sometimes, though.

    Secondly, in a more positive manner and admitting my error in comparing native in Android to the Play Store: I had this message popup on a full phone in the Play Store if I wanted to enable it. It is now also in my Play Store settings underneath "Google Play Feedback".

    I have Play Store v39.4.23-21 [O] [PR] 599960585

    It also only sometimes does Archiving, but not often. Usually it'll just still pop-up the uninstall-other-apps popup as usual.

  • Android 15 could add built-in support for app archiving
  • Uhm. Newsflash. My Vanilla Android 9.1.0's vanilla Play Store already does... πŸ™„

    Edit: Apologies for the tone above. I deserve the downvotes. πŸ˜…

  • Me: Keep fingers crossed. Fingers:
  • Painful eels

  • POV: You are a CPU fan
  • I'd be looking up otherplaces if given the chance... πŸ˜…

  • POV: You are a CPU fan
  • ...and a stranger.

    I am this stranger. πŸ˜…

  • POV: You are a CPU fan
  • I actually assumed there was a new asian band called Chinese Persons Unlimited or something... πŸ˜…

  • Music Piracy Is Back in a Big Way
  • wakes up in 2002

  • ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain
  • I just use * as a local dns entry in my own server with local addresses using and itself going to my gateway/routerpage. πŸ˜…

  • My Ex loves to swat
  • Cops are like a box of chocolates...

    ...they'll kill your dog.

          - Gorrest Fump
  • More things like Star Trek?
  • I liked the "Lost in Space" series, tbh... Exploring is key lost in space on alien planets.

  • What a great try
  • Fun fact: In Dutch 'vowels' is the same word as is used for 'streetstones' (klinkers), so if you ask this question in Dutch, the answer is 'dirtroad'. πŸ˜…

  • Cialis [Mr Lovenstein]
  • Well, not sure what you mean by that, but I think that wouldn't rip the whole shaft's skin, nor the exposed gland...

    I shedded like a snake... πŸ˜…

  • Times have changed
  • I came here to post this. πŸ˜…

  • :wq!
  • There's a button to exit vim on your pc. Just hold it 7 seconds and vim is closed. πŸ˜…

  • Cialis [Mr Lovenstein]
  • I would disagree as I have torn my skin without meds once even. I did not burst any bloodvessils, but at one point in my life it kinda went harder than ever before, rupturing my outer skin on the shaft and on the gland... It was no fun sight as it healed while peeling.

    If that can happen without any meds, I can surely believe it can on.

    I am circumcised btw.

  • Reality check!

    And it's just downhill from here... πŸ˜…



    Only a nightmare...


    Made my first Python anything!

    Made a Mastodon bot using Mastodon.PY and I'm so happy it works! πŸ˜…

    I just got this random idea in my head and decided to see if I could create it, so I built a working slots that uses the 4 image uploads to show the results. It will automatically grant you 10000 Coins the first time and playing costs 50 coins per play. The prices go from 25 to 750, every play adds 25 into the jackpot that starts at 500 when it gets won and 4 jokers will give jackpot. It will say the results in text too and it saves all wallet-amounts to file too which it can load back on restart however it gets killed. πŸ˜…

    Sorry, just wanted to share this somewhere. πŸ˜… I hope it's fine here.

    I am however not really promoting it, not even sure how it will do under pressure (probably get throttled by Mastodon eventually) and it might either stop working or switch account to one of it's own (it's currently just using a personal infobot for testing) depending how it goes... I'm assuming if I give it a 5 plays per day per user limit it could be manageable... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

    (If you still want to try it, please do not abuse or spam it or I will have to take it offline, but the command to play on Mastodon is: "@[email protected] !slots"

    Anyway, thanks for reading about my victory! πŸ˜…


    A Dutch old meme I still think is so hilarious. Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Throwing this out here for the Dutch understanding among us.

    For those that don't: This is a nightly TV-broadcasted astrology telephoneline you could call in 2012. This piece shows an extremely calm person named Erik calling in and getting yelled at and eventually thrown off for being too stressfull. At some point he's even told to stop screaming by the presentator, while the Erik-guy can't be more calm... πŸ˜…

    I hope the foreign language doesn't disturb anyone... πŸ˜…


    Domain names


    I was looking for a second fun domain, and I know this is a hard subject, since nobody really likes giving away rare finds of unused, cheap, and yet cool domain names, so not asking for suggestions. I actually found a whole bunch of those against my own expectations last week, tbh, but I'm still looking for a 'perfect one'. So, my question is: how do you go about looking for fun domain names? Is there anything that can help with getting something nice? And what are your expectations in getting one? (Short? Funny? Pronounceable?)

    I did already try asking a LLM (ChatGPT) or three, but I actually came up with way better ones than those could generate, so they aren't adding to the solution. I also tried those websites that ask you to enter a few words to put one together, but they were even worse, cause they just spit out .com addresses, while I like to integrate the TLD into the name (like for [already taken] example: ""). πŸ˜…

    Or do I really have to depend on my own imagination alone? Cause the thing is that my imagination is known to usually spit out the best ideas when it's just too late. πŸ˜…

    Anyway, TL;DR: Any input that improves the finding of a good unique domain name would be welcome. 😜


    Small question

    Hi, Just a question about this community. I also followed it on a Mastodon account of mine (before I knew about Lemmy) and I wonder if it's intentional that it boosts random replies that seemingly have no preceding message attached when opened in Mastodon? As of now only this community seems to do that, but I'm not sure if any of my other follows is Lemmy so it might be some kind of default Lemmy behavior because this could be the only actual Lemmy-community I accidentally followed. In case of the latter, my apologees for the misdirected question.

    Anyway, I might just unfollow the community on my Mastodon as Lemmy is not (yet?) very readable from a Mastodon account anyway, but it still left me wondering...

    This post may be removed if not wanted here as it is not a meme (and might just turn out to be a question for Lemmy techs instead of this community, feel free to direct me as necessary), but should anyone here be able to provide me some insight first, it would be greatly appreciated. πŸ™‚


    "My dearest Penelope,"

    "It is day three of the Beef Stroganoff memes and I fear there will be no end to them."
