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dhc02 DH Clapp

Startlingly awesome and refreshingly modest.

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Comments 4
Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • First past the post voting systems prevent viable third parties because of human psychology. Why are we pretending to argue about how we phrase this?

  • My /r/piracy troll post just hit reddit frontpage!
  • I've been pretty happy with Tusky

  • YSK: A car takes uses about seven seconds worth of fuel to start up. If you are going to idle for a period of time longer than that, you'll save fuel by turning your engine off.
  • Believe it or not, they thought of that when they created start/stop systems.

    In cars with these systems, the back pressure in the engine's cylinders is greatly reduced via a variety of strategies including selective alteration of valve timing and purpose-built secondary valves. What this means in effect is that the torque required to re-start the engine is a fraction of a dead cold start, and even a fraction of a normal warm start. This should serve to minimize additional destructive wear on components.

    In effect, well-designed start-stop systems do not create any additional wear on vital engine components versus the engine running for that same period of time.