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derek Derek
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A quick 'how to' guide
  • I love this

  • Soil scientists, so pesky!

    Full disclosure, I work with a few soil scientists and I now understand how critical it is that we know the potential of the land if we're relying on it to produce ag or to be used as rangeland.


    At a CT co-op, housing is affordable – and tenants run the property

    I had never heard of a land trust being used to keep rates affordable - sounds like a very cool model!

    Projected in Oakland
  • I love it. And somewhere back in the base there's a hardbitten sargeant breaking in the raw recruits, chewing them out for flying to get to their base and making them scrub the bathroom with organic cleaners on a compostable toothbrush.

  • Futurecop! - Forgotten Summer
  • that was lovely

  • Debian Solarpunk vibes
  • ha! I have the same background. Great minds...

  • Update to version 0.18 and down-votes enabled
  • Every time I return the community here feels more vibrant. Thanks for your work!

  • Sharing my Solarpunk Reading List Book List: Solarpunk - BookWyrm

    Books that are optimistic, revolutionary, and green. 23 books - by [email protected]

    Book List: Solarpunk - BookWyrm

    I especially enjoy reading examples of how Solarpunk principles have been applied in the real world, or fiction that breaks down my own mental barriers about whether a better world is possible. So, I started this reading list to document my favorites. It's starting to grow as a community project, so if you want to make a contribution you're welcome.

    Happy reading!

    getting people onboard
  • I've found that town-level organizing is satisfying, and a scale where a small group of individuals can help make bigger change.

    My town government agreed a few years ago to adopt the framework, which has a bunch of green/sustainable elements I am really excited about.

    Once the town agrees in principle to a framework, you can advocate for policies based on that framework, and mobilize people who are particularly interested in one issue (say, composting!) or another (sidewalk networks! green energy!)

    The trick, I think, is to find a framework the town government is willing to support (in principle) with specific changes. The fact that there's a certification program to go along with the framework that has prestige is really helpful. But really, the core of it all is to find a bunch of folks in your community that want to push things forward towards a goal with a shared vision. Which means that ultimately community organizing is what makes it possible, in my experience.

  • How Indigenous Groups Are Leading the Way on Data Privacy

    Indigenous groups are developing data storage technology that gives users privacy and control. Could their work influence those fighting back against invasive apps?

    How Indigenous Groups Are Leading the Way on Data Privacy
    Seriously, what's up with big sites literally dying as we speak?
  • That's a nice way to think of it, I've felt I must be on the bad alternate timeline for a while now. Maybe this is a healing branch!

  • Terra Nil: A Beginner's Guide to Ecosystem Restoration
  • I like that this game exists. Not many games about ecosystem restoration!

  • The Terraformers is a lovely book about balancing ecosystems The Terraformers - BookWyrm

    From science fiction visionary Annalee Newitz comes The Terraformers, a sweeping, uplifting, and illuminating exploration of the future. Destry's life is dedicated to terraforming Sask-E. As part of the Environmental Rescue Team, she cares for the planet and its burgeoning eco-systems as her parent...

    The Terraformers - BookWyrm

    I've been trying to find ecological fiction. The famous one is Dune, but The Terraformers puts a focus on balancing ecosystems that feels fresh and unique. People on a built world struggle to find balance when the owners of this world exploit and break it and its inhabitants try to keep things together. There's a lot of exploration ojf "personhood" as well.

    “Open Source” Seeds Loosen Big Ag’s Grip on Farmers
  • Open source is like a pressure valve for how much companies can screw people over. I hope this becomes a big thing.

  • Five Years after Ursula K. Le Guin’s Death, We Need Her More Than Ever - Left Voice
  • I hadn't heard of "Always Coming Home" before - a new LeGuin for me to read! Thanks for sharing this.

  • Disguising solar panels as ancient Roman tiles in Pompeii Invisible Solar

    Invisible Solar is a new PV technology that take on the appearance of any building material. Each Invisible Solar module is more than a photovoltaic panel, it also is an active architectural element...

    Invisible Solar

    Invisible Solar is a new PV technology that take on the appearance of any building material. Each Invisible Solar module is more than a photovoltaic panel, it also is an active architectural element with various functionality.
