That young and foolish people around the world get easily manipulated by Western propaganda should be clear to anyone by now. If those dumb kids got their Amerika slums and ghettos they so wished with that immitation of the statue of liberty, they would understand. But by then, they would have no way of going back to socialism. This is what the government tried to do and since they lost narrative supremacy, they used force. For the good of everyone.
Are you at least paid to write this emotional propaganda fantasy? Chinese students didn't give a damn how you felt.
Nothing happened on Tienanmen square, how naive are you all. The British ambassador inventer a tad too detailed horror stories, based on "trusted sources". In fact, the students protesting killed a PLA soldier but after a talk with the intervention force decided to clear square peacefully. The deaths happened elsewhere but we have almost no information about those. People protested against different things, some were for liberal freedom, some for more communism. We know what told us the Western "objective" press.