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darrelplant Darrel Plant

I was never enough of a been to be a has-been. Twitter: @darrelplant Blog: Former Director and Flash developer and author, now I push CSS around.

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Comments 3
Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology?
  • @AA5B @Albbi
    Old people (I mean even older than me on the very tail end of the boom) love tablets and smartphones. They might not use a huge number of apps, or be able to install an app, but just like Donald Trump, they can text and use social media to excess.

  • How would interdiction of Spaceships be possible?
  • @DmMacniel @simonbp @swope @nyrath

    Strains credulity even for speculative fiction.

  • How would interdiction of Spaceships be possible?
  • @simonbp @swope @nyrath @DmMacniel

    Story concepts:

    Giganaire buys space colony and cuts costs, killing himself and everyone on the colony because he used air filters made from toilet paper.

    Giganaire buys space colony and fires 3/4 of the maintenance staff, claiming they weren't doing a good enough job, but does not replace them.

    Hey, this is fun!