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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 15 Finding all HTML tags in a project not being self-closed

For some refactoring I needed to find all HTMl tags not being self-closed. I decided to use regular expression for that, and this is what I came up with.

git bisect and the importance of a clean history
  • I agree that some stuff is easier when not squashing commits, but for the teams I've been working with I've felt that the pros of squashing outweigh the cons, but of course YMMV.

    But I didn't know about git bisect skip, thanks for the tip! But sincere question: What happens if there are e.g. three adjacent broken commits? If I have skip all three of those and the error was introduced in one of them, then git cannot tell me which commit introduced the error, right?

  • git bisect and the importance of a clean history

    The value of a clean git history is often underestimated. I will explain one of the advantages based on the git bisect command.

    4 Avoid mocking repositories by using in-memory implementations

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    0 API Design-First vs Code First

    With API descriptions rising in popularity, the main question I hear folks asking about is "API Design-first" or "code-first". This is a bit of a misleading question because these are not two unique things, there are a few variants. Code-First, Write Docs "When We Have Time" This is how I

    API Design-First vs Code First

    With API descriptions rising in popularity, the main question I hear folks asking about is "API Design-first" or "code-first". This is a bit of a misleading question because these are not two unique things, there are a few variants. Code-First, Write Docs "When We Have Time" This is how I

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    Upgrading to MySQL 8.0
    0 Combine jq with curl to improve its JSON handling

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    0 Use external programs like git in Neovim commands

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    0 Configuring nginx with php-fpm in kubernetes and the “File not found.” error

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    0 Some reasons for disliking react hooks

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    0 Use git submodules and make for simple code sharing

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    Code comments are (mostly) a violation of DRY
  • I think this is one of the most common misconceptions about DRY. Just because you have two times the same line in your code base it is not automatically a violation of DRY. If you compare if a number is bigger than 18 it is definitely not a good idea to extract that part if you are comparing the hour of the day once and the age the other time. In that case it would even be bad to create an abstration, and it would not be a violation of DRY. And I agree that something like this leads to code that is hard to maintain.

  • Code comments are (mostly) a violation of DRY
  • I think this is also in line with my article, since not being able to put yourself into somebody else's shoes (or even in yourself future's ones) is the reason for so much bad comments. But adding a comment to every single line cannot be the solution either, at least not in a higher programming language.

  • Code comments are (mostly) a violation of DRY
  • I agree with almost all of what you say, but the thing IME is that in most cases people learn to comment a lot, which results in comments that feel like they've been done just for the sake of it, which is one of the main problems IMO. It's not like "just add a comment, it won't hurt", since comments can be immensely misleading and literally take a lot of time until figuring out that the comment was wrong if you trust the wrong ones.

    I also agree that this tends to be worse with bad code, which also is not surprising. Sometimes it feels to me like people think they can fix bad code with some comments, and I think that is far from being true.

    I also admit that especially the title of the article might be a bit provocative, but giving the general positive sentiment of comments I think this is called for. Sometimes you have to exaggerate a bit to get some attention. I don't like click-baiting either, but unfortunately it works ;-)

  • Code comments are (mostly) a violation of DRY
  • Totally agree, that's why I also mentioned this in the article.

    Very often good code that is self-explanatory does not need any comments at all and if it does, the comment should describe why it has been implemented this way instead of just repeating what the code already says.

  • Code comments are (mostly) a violation of DRY

    Comments in code are quite often a code smell. Let’s see what is suboptimal about comments and talk about some strategies to avoid them.

    Automatic command execution on file changes with entr
  • I am not exactly sure what you mean by that... But the main advantage is that the command does not have to be executed manually everytime you change something. Instead entr recognizes when something changes and re-executes the command for you.

  • Applying design patterns: The builder and factory pattern in a DI context

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    0 Web Push Book

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    Web Push Book
    0 Understanding animated graphs in D3.js

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    It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks.
  • Sure, web applications have different requirements and might warrant the use of more JavaScript than a website does. But one of the biggest problems nowadays IMO is that many developers choose these fancy technologies also for websites, just because they like them, without thinking too much about how that affects the user, and it does so in a mostly negative way. If you are building a website for the local bakery HTML and CSS backed by any CMS probably suffice, and there is no need to add the complexity of client-side JavaScript and SSR (or whatever) to it.

  • It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks.
  • I think the point of the article (and I agree to that) is that "modern" websites (i.e. use heavy javascript frameworks) are having real issues that websites being built without loads of client-side javascript do not have. I guess some websites built in 2005 are performing better and are more accessible than websites being built today.

  • It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks.
  • My experience is the same, the companies I've worked at had not only female designers, so I cannot really relate that part from the article. However, I think the rest is spot on, there is really a gap between design and coding, which causes websites to have fundamental issues.

  • Keep All Commits Green

    The practice of keeping all commits green can help create better software faster. Let’s explore why.

    Keep All Commits Green

    Demystifying Containers - Part I: Kernel Space

    This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective. Together we will discover modern cloud architectures layer by…

    0 Writing a TodoMVC App With Modern Vanilla JavaScript

    Click here to see how I turned ~170 lines of code in moder vanilla JavaScript in TodoMVC.

    Writing a TodoMVC App With Modern Vanilla JavaScript

    Click here to see how I turned \~170 lines of code in moder vanilla JavaScript in TodoMVC.

    Avoid z-indexes whenever possible
  • I have even mentioned stacking contexts in the article, and the thing is that they are not only introduce with z-index, which makes them even more complex :-/ So yeah, it certainly helps if you understand them, but I think it does not make the problem less complex.

  • Avoid z-indexes whenever possible

    Whenever I use z-indexes, I am going to regret it at some point, especially with libraries utilizing components. Let’s see if we can avoid them all together.

    Tailwind, and the death of web craftsmanship
  • I mean it is not really inline styles, with inline styles only it is e.g. not possible to implement a hover style AFAIK. I think the inventor has written a blog post explaining the steps, is that what you are referring to? I also read that, and it kinda makes sense, but basically giving up on development tools to work properly is kind of a high trade IMO.

    I would also be interested in seeing a performance benchmark. As the article says, gzip will probably make the difference in terms of network traffic negligible, but it would be interesting to see the impact it has on parsing HTML.