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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Does the southern hemisphere get colder farther from the pole? Why?
  • I'm not an expert but I think it's because of the shapes of the continents and oceans and their effect on ocean currents.

    The Arctic Ocean is effectively a northern extension of the Atlantic, with relatively little water exchange with the Pacific. So, currents flow primarily north-south, allowing warm water to be exchanged.

    By contrast, the Southern Ocean is not hemmed in by land, and so there's nothing stopping currents flowing longitudinally rather than latitudinally - which is exactly what happens. Cold water is exchanged for other cold water, at least on the surface, keeping the ocean and surrounding areas cooler.

    (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

  • Warum diese Bremerin bei Rot über die Straße gehen will - buten un binnen
  • Dass man eine Straße nicht überall und jederzeit nicht überqueren darf, habe ich nie verstanden. Insbesondere weil manche Ampeln soooo langsam wechseln.

    Wir kommen hier in GB ganz gut auf die andere Seite der Straße, auch ohne zu prüfen, ob liebe kleine Süße in der Nähe sind. 😂 (Eines der einzigen Dinge, die wir nicht völlig falsch machen)