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culprit culprit

Ways of Seeing is a 1972 television series of (four) 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb.

Posts 25
Comments 105
Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first
  • Capitalist insulin manufacturers:

    we have a permanent revenue stream for a live saving medicine, and we can raise prices and they still have to buy it because otherwise they will die

    Chinese scientists:

    seize the means of your own insulin production with this one simple trick

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • I am a dialectal materialist, not an idealist.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • Keep sending weapons and protectors for the genociders. That's a very effective strategy.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • Real leftists understand that ending a genocide will require more than asking nicely and sending more weapons. Must sound completely unhinged to the libs.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • So how many innocent blockade runners have died vs innocent civilians been genocided?

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • Stop doing a genocide.

    Stop blockading the genociders!

    You first.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • So one vs 42,000 and counting. Quite logical.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • Doing more to stop a genocide than the western powers sending weapons.

    How many war crimes on balance?

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • I am very disturbed by mean words on a flag and a naval blockade in protest to an ongoing genocide.


  • reposting 10 months later - educational content
  • confused by simple memes is the 12th type of liberalism

  • reposting 10 months later - educational content
  • you are inside of the middle circle, it's all around you

  • reposting 10 months later - educational content

    Have you learned anything in the last 10 months?

    What is Blue MAGA? Joe Biden's vocally online defenders
  • #VoteBlueNoMatterGenocide #BlueMAGA #GenocideJoe

    #WeHaveToSupportTheGenocideOverThereSoWeDontHaveAGenocideOverHere #CmonJack

  • The President Ordered a Board to Probe a Massive Russian Cyberattack. It Never Did.
  • I wonder if this is related to US Feds wanting to keep certain zero-day exploits undisclosed for their own purposes. This is something that has happened a few times already. NSA and the like will maintain silence on exploits they use on targets, or even force implementation of backdoors via quasi-legal means.

    There's almost no reason to trust closed-source non-free software anymore really, especially from US-aligned corps.

  • crawl, walk, run, fly
  • the United States expanded the geographic scope of its actions beyond traditional area of operations, Central America and the Caribbean. Significant operations included the United States and United Kingdom–planned 1953 Iranian coup d'état, the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion targeting Cuba, and support for the overthrow of Sukarno by General Suharto in Indonesia. In addition, the U.S. has interfered in the national elections of countries, including Italy in 1948,[1] the Philippines in 1953, Japan in the 1950s and 1960s[2][3] Lebanon in 1957,[4] and Russia in 1996.[5] According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000.[6] According to another study, the U.S. engaged in 64 covert and six overt attempts at regime change during the Cold War.

  • crawl, walk, run, fly

    also 'fudalism' is a funny typo considering this is F.U.D. about socialism and communism

  • crawl, walk, run, fly

    Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint
  • #OnTheReichSideOfHistory

    Zionists worked with the Nazi's before WW2 to 'encourage' Jews to move to Palestine. They both agreed that Jews didn't belong in Europe.

  • buy the world a Coke™


    How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7

    killing civilians and hostages is just part of the Zionist war doctrine


    US grade school textbooks


    tell the US to stop supplying bombs to China!!!


    educational content



    trying to share the lane with vehicles in the USA is very dangerous





    the ultimate police state - 'security' is one of their top exports


    happy haunting spectre day


    'political cartoons ARE NOT MEMES!!!' lmao




    Giant Steps Techno Remix


    ACAB includes IDF

    Israeli trainers have been teaching US cops to use deadly choke holds for years now.

    4 Día de los Muertos altars remember and honor local cyclists killed while riding

    SATX Social Ride has partnered with Hill Country Ghost Bikes, a group that makes bike memorials at the sites of deadly crashes, to make one large altar for the dozens of community members killed while riding for this Día de los Muertos.

    Día de los Muertos altars remember and honor local cyclists killed while riding

    >San Antonio is the country’s 16th most deadly U.S. city for bicyclists, altars hope to raise awareness

    >“It’s very hard for me every day. It’s like it was yesterday when he left us,” Enriquetta Amaya said.

    >It’s been fifteen years since Amaya’s older brother, Fernando Amaya, was killed while cycling.

    >“On August 25th of 2008, at 7 a.m. in the morning on his way to work,” Amaya said. “He was run over by a careless driver. He was on his bike on his way to work.”

    >Fernando was 42 years old and had been a deputy with the Hays County Sheriff’s Office for 15 years. He loved to bike, but loved his family more, taking care of all of his siblings.

    >“He was like a father to me,” Amaya said. “He always made sure that we were taken care of.”

    >It’s why for the past several years on Día de los Muertos, Amaya has put an altar together for her brother, with special care to honor and remember him, but also to raise awareness for the many other cyclists who get killed each year in our area by drivers. She isn’t alone. SATX Social Ride, a bike-riding group that promotes safe social riding, has also made an altar for the many members of the community that have been killed while cycling.

    >“On average, we lose four or five people a year to cycling incidents in traffic,” Jeff Moore, leader of SATX Social Ride said.

    >San Antonio is the country’s 16th most-deadly U.S. city for bicyclists, according to an analysis of U.S. Department of Transportation Fatality Analysis Reporting System data by

    >It’s why the organization partnered with Hill Country Ghost Bikes, a group that makes bike memorials at the sites of deadly crashes, to make one large altar for the dozens of community members killed while riding for this Día de los Muertos.

    >“We have one person who is six years old, on up to 70-year-old people,” Moore said.

    >They hope these altars remember their loved ones, but also remind drivers to be vigilant for cyclists on the roads.

    >“It’s very important that we put a human face for the community to see who cyclists really are,” Moore said.

    >Amaya echoes that awareness.

    >“Look out for the cyclers, look out for the people walking just so that those people don’t have to go through what we’re going through,” Amaya said.

    >You can see both of these altars at the Día de los Muertos Festival this Saturday and Sunday at Hemisfair.

    >Fernando’s family and the cycling community will also be part of the procession at the Muertos Fest honoring their loved ones.


    poor little cool memes


    and the fish asked "what is this water you speak of?"


    understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

    many of the most interesting games started as free mods or student projects


    dead bird

    𝕏 𝕏 \\____/


