Opinions are like arseholes, I have one and am opinionated. Header: Big F'ing Amplifier (BFA) https://www.shinyhappyrainbows.com/2023/04/look-over-here-distra-um-distortion.html Avatar: AI generated from "Steampunk bicycle rider in Impressionist style. Played live music 35 yr Tassy, 5yr Melbs, and worked in radio (ops) for 27 years. Polemic, 3DP, MCU, bass & guitar. Music - https://secretsofthehand.bandcamp.com Anarchisms - Social\_anarchism, Relationship\_anarchy
@croobat The thing I like is that I come and go at random, getting way more of retirement life projects progressed and finished. I tend to not surf mindlessly, unlike with my defunct farcebollocks account. Quick hits, here and there with Masto. Some astute observations, more brain and thought from most, and generally a nice bunch. It's really surprised my just how manipulated I was on Facey.