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cqws cqws
Posts 5
Comments 8
I hope others consider doing the same
  • Please firefox just add the goddamn custom key bindings

  • Słoik już znikną, teraz pora na krasnala


    Pls dont bully 😡

  • What app is that?

  • sdorfehs on netbsd
  • Can you share the dots?

  • 196 cqws


    [dwm] simple rice on 2008 MacBook
  • what's the file manager?

  • EndeavourOS Xfce
  • Works just fine for me

  • [i3] Mint with onedark color scheme
  • Actually i thought about ditching tabs, because now that i use kitty tabs, there is just too much going on. How do you switch buffers, just standard :b ... or maybe some shortcuts? I thought about using something like harpoon, but just automaticaly adding every file i edit to the harpoon buffer.

  • [i3] Mint with onedark color scheme
  • They are pretty messy, but here they are Dotfiles

  • shitposting cqws

    Worth it

    Unixporn cqws

    Mint with onedark color scheme

    The only bad thing about me loving my setup is that i dunno if i would want to rice it again, maybe if i buy new laptop or smth
