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Mother, daughter killed by Israel army in Gaza church grounds: patriarchate
  • Unbelievable that you’re being talked down to and told you don’t know what you’re talking about when you’re literally an Israeli with family that survived the holocaust. It’s so upsetting seeing people call you a Nazi for living in Israel when you have family that suffered because of them. I don’t see people on this site circlejerking about how awful Palestinians are when Hamas does something bad. So why do I constantly see people circlejerking about how awful Israelis are when their government does something bad? I’m sorry you have to deal with this trash. It’s gross.

  • Mother, daughter killed by Israel army in Gaza church grounds: patriarchate
  • Yea fuck these Nazis

    I don’t like thinking hard so I just generalize an entire group of people and call them Nazis. Anyone who supports Palestine are Hamas agents. Do you not see how dumb that sounds? If you cared to read both Palestinian and Israeli history you would know both sides are filled with good and bad people. Calling all Zionists Nazis is such a giant fuck you to the thousands of Jews who immigrated to Israel and were very vocal about pacifism and coexistence. Tribalism is wrong, knock it off.

  • Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag
  • What are you even trying to say? You’re having an entire conversation with yourself and putting words in my mouth, it’s bizarre and hard to understand. I’m guessing westernism means the belief in western values and easternism would mean belief in eastern values.

  • Liberal MPs ask universities if calling for genocide of Jews violates school codes
  • Check this out: this guy here is Netanyahus grandpa

    He is credited with helping start the far right revisionist Zionism movement, which preaches expansionism and use of force

    Further into that article you will read the Netanyahus grandpa was directly involved in the assassination of this guy

    Arlosoroff was a very popular socialist Zionist leader who preached pacifism and coexistence with the Arab population.

    Netanyahus family and his ilk not only altered the original purpose of Zionism, hence the name “revisionist Zionism”, but permanently changed Israel’s history and led them down a path of violence.

  • Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag
  • “What “easternism,” Clyde? There is no such thing “eastern civilization” underpinned by “yellow and/or brown supremacy” - it only exists in the fevered imaginations of white supremacists.”

    This word vomit is incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t a Tankie. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. If easternism isn’t a thing why would westernism be a thing?

  • Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag
  • As soon as you called westernism a disease I knew exactly what your profile would look like. You’re a tankie. If I called easternism a “disease” would that be okay? No because I’m not a bigot. If you’re old enough to be using this site you’re old enough to know better.

  • Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag
  • This is the very first line in the book “Der Judenstaat” by Theodor Herzl, considered to be the father of modern Zionism starting with this book. “The idea which I have developed in this pamphlet is a very old one: it is the restoration of the Jewish State.” Herzl simply renewed the idea in modern times, so many websites will list him as the start. However, a little digging into Jewish history and you will find Zionism is a very old idea.

  • Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag
  • I have literally no idea how Jewish communities sharing specific DNA linking them to the levant has anything to do with white supremacy, or how that makes me a white supremacist. Zionism started after the Jewish Diaspora in 8th century BCE. Are all scientists that study genetics racist? Where are you getting this from and why are you so angry about it?

  • Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag
  • Uh no, Zionism is not a Christian idea. It’s been an idea long before Christianity was even around. I’m flabbergasted that you called me a white supremacist for stating a fact. Ethiopian and Ashkenazi Jews could very well share DNA linking them back to the original Jewish diaspora.

    “As the BBC reports, the study suggests that “Ethiopians mixed with Egyptian, Israeli or Syrian populations about 3,000 years ago.” Professor Chris Tyler-Smith, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, told the BBC: “By analyzing the genetics of Ethiopia and several other regions we can see that there was gene flow into Ethiopia, probably from the Levant, around 3,000 years ago, and this fits perfectly with the story of the Queen of Sheba.” Note that the study does not contradict the 2007 work by Entine or other historical evidence. The results suggest that Israelites-Jews entered the region 3,000 years ago, but they were not necessarily consolidated as a group until about 1,500 years ago. Also, note the study does not necessarily confirm the biblical story of affair between Queen Sheba of ancient Ethiopia and king Solomon of ancient Israel.”

    Here’s another

    “By principal component analysis, it was observed that the Jewish populations of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East formed a tight cluster that distinguished them from their non-Jewish neighbors (Fig. 1). Within this central cluster, each of these Jewish populations formed its own subcluster, in addition to the more remote localization of members of some Diaspora communities. The observation of a major central tight cluster was supported by statistical metrics for genetic distances (Fst, allelic sharing distances).”

    With all this said, even if Ethiopian Jews and Ashkenazi Jews are not actually genetically related, they still get targeted the same whether they practice Judaism or not.

  • Exclusive: Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds | CNN Politics
  • I wish we knew more about where exactly these reports are coming from. I don’t trust Hamas or Israel in their reporting on the matter. Al Jazeera has Hamas ties and our American government has Israel ties so I’m skeptical of them too. Israel is being far too aggressive but Hamas isn’t exactly the most honest adversary. What a mess.