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cosmonautjem Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️

I believe in scientific socialism and historical materialism. I sympathize with the Communist struggle against forces of imperialism, capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, fascism, racism, ableism, transphobia, and other oppressive structures.

Posts 5
Comments 26
Came back to COD Mobile. This is what I found:
  • What would be your periodization of the "golden age of gaming"? Mine would start at the introduction of the consoles like the N64 and PS1, and the release Windows 95...then it would end with the coming of microtransactions. So that would be 2006 with the introduction of that horse armor in Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

    This is not to say that I don't enjoy any games released after that though :p I built a gaming pc in 2011 mostly so I could play Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

  • Your favorite communities on Quora?

    I'm looking to get into Quora, the discussion platform. What are your favorite communities?

    What do you tell your “left-leaning” neoliberal friends when they guilt-trip you into voting for their candidates
  • I have no interest in talking to them. Their proper place is to keep their mouths shut and their wallets open for my perusal.

  • Today I am 4 years alcohol free
  • They are sad creatures. Don't worry about them. Their opinions are wrong.

  • In-N-Out Burger threatens workers’ health
  • I really thought regular-ass people would have had enough of this capitalism thing after the pandemic started, but here we still fucking are today.

  • Do you ever argue with people or do you just walk away?
  • I don't bother. Our time is better spent figuring out legal ways to take as much money away from them as possible, not "engaging" in "discourse" with them. 🙄💀

  • This month is the planet's hottest on record by far -- and hottest in around 120,000 years, scientists say | CNN
  • There are redacted things that redacted could have done so long ago, but redacted would not have redacted the redacted. And thus here we are today.

  • Let's make up some dystopian shit.
  • A crowd-sourced app that maps all of the homeless people and tent encampments in every neighborhood of your city. Like snapchat.

  • Are kids even treated like humans?
  • Adult supremacy is a real thing. While it is very prominent among American Baby Boomers, it can afflict people of any generation. I believe we as adults have a responsibility to guide and protect youth, not forcefully shape them into some predetermined mold.

    Frankly it infuriates me when I see somebody of my age (early 30s) acting just like a damned Boomer and complaining about "kids these days", when those kids are just responding to pressures of a world that adults have forced upon them. The only kind of youth I truly dislike are the alt-right kind.

    I cannot speak for any other country, but the US public school experience is designed to beat the kids down until they accept their place within the capitalist system by the time they're 18 years old. Any education that happens in those places is incidental. They're primarily meant for schooling, not education.

  • Deleted Reddit today. I am healing internally lol❤️‍🩹
  • After 9/11, the shittiest people in the world called me the T word for being brown and having a foreign-sounding name. In the subsequent years they hated me for my obvious neurodivergence, my lack of misogynistic tendencies, my refusal to accept the alt right, my insistence on wearing an N95, and now my identity as an nb trans person. This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Every year they get more mad and I only have more middle fingers to give.

  • Which parts of MLism do you find lacking or outdated in the 21st century?
  • It's not looking at them that's the problem, it's the obsessing and worshipping part.

  • Which parts of MLism do you find lacking or outdated in the 21st century?
  • I've read recently that the vanguard structure of the Bolsheviks didn't even emerge until a few years into the Civil War.

    Too many self-described Communists today act like religious cultists who worship a few dead guys, and maintain a single-minded belief in some rapture-like "Revolution Day" where they can re-enact some dumbed-down of events that happened in 1917-1923. I believe this approach is misguided and counterproductive to the needs of the people here and now.

  • Creative Writing Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️

    Alien Incorporated

    Every once in a while I like to revisit my idea for an Alien sequel. This is just a rough outline.

    A woman named Selene, formerly a data miner for the now-defunct Weyland-Yutani Corporation is pursued across the galaxy by a team of bounty hunters on the payroll of Charles Weyland. Before the company fell, she obtained and sold some of their secrets to Lasalle Bionational, WY's chief rival. One day her shuttle is bound for a farming colony on the Outer Veil, but it is intercepted by the mercenaries' ship, so Selene's shuttle's computer reroutes her to the nearest habitable world, the rocky planet of ZT-701.

    When she awakens after the crash-landing, Selene knows she must hide from the mercenaries. She takes refuge in a set of ruined human structures. On further investigation, she finds signs labeled with the insignia of Lasalle Bionational. It seems to have been a science outpost. The entire complex is dilapidated and devoid of human presence for several years. The few isolated areas that have some intermittent power are those still connected to photovoltaic panels or geothermal steam wells. There is damage from both the natural elements but also from acid exposure, and there are a few scattered human bones. One of the walls has been painted with the words "KILL US".

    But before she can enter deeper into the complex, the other ship arrives at ZT-701 and the armed mercenaries land on the surface. Selene thinks she sees something else flying around, a creature like an albatross or a hawk, disturbed by their arrival. The mercs scan the complex in infrared and the only sign of life they find is Selene's heat signature. She scrambles to evade her human pursuers but then encounters a horrific new kind of Xenomorph: the Cobra. She had no idea the Xenomorphs were actually real, and until now had believed they were just a fabrication by the company. This one is long, with no limbs, and it has a hood extending from its head which it flares out to both sides. Terrified, Selene runs the other way until she is captured by the mercs.

    The merc captain Magnus offers Selene a clemency deal to return to work with Weyland's new company. In exchange she has to infiltrate the Lasalle complex alongside them to extract any remaining data from the outpost's central computer. Seeing no better options for her predicament, Selene agrees to go along.

    As they travel into the complex, one of the mercs is ambushed by another new breed of Xenomorph: the Grizzly. It is more heavily-built than any variant previously encountered, and can stand up to firearms. Eventually the others reach an area of the complex which was apparently an animal preserve for many different species of imported Earth life, hinting at the purpose of this facility. In the "zoo" they see several open Xenomorph Eggs, and scattered bones from various animal species.

    Before they can enter the core of the complex, they have to restore power to the security gate. During this diversion, Selene and a couple of other mercs encounter another new Xenomorph: the Lion. It is a quadrapedal variant with a mane of sharp barbs around its head, and a pair of long sabertooth-like fangs in its mouth. Selene deliberately trips one of the mercenaries and he is mauled by the Lion while she reactivates the power generator. The re-activation of the lights startles the Lion and it runs away into an overhead ventilation shaft.

    With the remaining members of the team, Selene and Magnus enter the core and access the central computer. They discover that this facility was a testing ground for new breeds of Xenomorphs, operated by Lasalle's bioweapons division. Shortly before the Hadley's Hope Xenomorph takeover on LV-426, one of Lasalle's operatives stole several Facehuggers and smuggled them to the facility on ZT-701. They eventually broke containment.

    But then the remaining mercs are swarmed by a group of Cobras. In the firefight, Magnus is sprayed with acid blood and loses an arm, where he is revealed to be a Synthetic. He and Selene are now the only remaining members of the expedition. They flee the complex for the landed ship where it is revealed that Charles Weyland was watching them all along. Armed with a rifle, he threatens to take the data Selene and Magnus have found for himself and breed new variants. But then from above he is picked up by the Bat, a flying variant of the Xenomorph. The Bat skewers him in mid-air and Selene and Magnus board the ship and take off from the planet's surface.

    Together they set a new course, towards the Outer Veil and far away from the evils that brought them here...

    Missing Titan sub has 40 hours of air left as search yields no results
  • Thalassophobia is a big thing for a reason. This is what happens when somebody disrespects the ocean.

  • Many of the modern anticapitalists and marxists in the western world are aging out. Parenti is currently suffering from Dementia and Wolff is in his eighties and can't go on forever. Who comes next?
  • For anticapitalist content from Turtle Island, I think we need to start looking for and platforming more Black and Indigenous decolonial content creators. Ones who can take the lessons from the past and apply them to the conditions of the here and now. There are already many people like this on TikTok. Personally I wouldn't put too much trust in big Twitch streamers, but that's just my take.

  • Creative Writing Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️

    SW sequel rewrite

    I am working on a rewrite of the Star Wars sequels to address many shortcomings, missteps, and missed opportunities that I saw in those films. My critiques are not those of a certain subset of SW fans who believe the films were too "woke". In fact, the things I have planned for my rewrite would probably give those guys a heart attack.

    I understand that I will never be able to monetize this, otherwise the big Mouse will drop a Death Star on my head.

    My intent is to start with completing a written treatment of my vision of Episode 7 and then produce that in video format using my own art assets and non-copyright music that sounds John Williams-esque. Once I get some response to that, I think then I would like to flesh out the ideas I have for Episodes 8 and 9.

    I'm happy to share concepts and bounce ideas if interested! One of the main througlines of this trilogy is an armed Droid Revolution.
