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cosmictrickster cosmictrickster
Posts 0
Comments 21
Let me pull this out of my ass
  • It’s not just being good at SQL, it’s knowing the data and relationships therein.

  • Damt in Yemen, tucked under a volcanic cone
  • Looks like the remains of the giant tree cut down in Avatar.

  • Fish rule
  • There’s no such thing as a fish…

  • No title
  • U mad bro?

  • Intrusive thoughts
  • You monster!

  • the chop suey sandwich from salem, maine
  • W…why did anyone even buy this?

  • Iran claims ownership over Antarctica and plans military base there
  • Hahahahahahahahahaha!

    (Wipes eyes)

    (takes breath)


  • The Math would add up
  • All this science talk but the first thing I thought of was a reference to Fallout New Vegas.

  • So that's what a cokehead is
  • Guess he was wigging out.

  • Biblically Accurate John Cena
  • Just like god - nothing to see here.

  • What is the most unusual spirit you have in your home bar?
  • Milk & honey gin. Doesn’t taste like milk, but once the dregs have evaporated, there’s a lingering smell of sweetened condensed milk.

  • Does a bot aneurysm count?
  • Outstanding.

  • What's the funniest WiFi network name you've seen?
  • Saw a 5Ghz one called “COVID Vaccine”

  • found this Y2K style weather website
  • Is…is that Comic Sans?

  • Learning SQL
  • Have a look at Lots of articles and forums there. Of some importance is to think about doing things in sets, not one by one. For example, if you need to do the same thing to a bunch of rows, don’t write a loop to do them one at a time - you can usually do them all at once. Lookup RBAR (Row By Agonising Row).