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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 3
2024: Hottest year to date, and first year over 1.5ºC
  • Grim milestone and barely a peep about it in popular discourse. Everyone needs to prepare personally for the consequences.

    For one thing I'm not expecting food prices to level off for the rest of my life. Everything's just going to get more scarce and expensive. Is it possible common foods we enjoy now we may never have again at some point?

    On a lighter note. I got a new winter jacket in 2019. Between covid and the rapid decline of cold winters I've barely worn it.

  • Lemmy feels really busy to me
  • Pretty much...

    Especially when you comment anything remotely social or political. The mouth breathers clamor to project their personal war on the nearest comment that vaguely resembles some words they can latch on to.