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clegra Clemens Grabmayer

Postdoc in Computer Science at Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, AQ, Italy. Interests: mountains, sport, politics, health, science (mathematics, logic, statistics, physics). Work: applied logic and theoretical CS (automata, processes, formal languages, rewriting theory, parameterized complexity).

Posts 1
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Interoperability with Threads is being worked by Threads implementing the open standard ActivityPub (but AP is not changing anything to use Threads, see

Interoperability with Threads is being worked \by Threads\ implementing the open standard ActivityPub (but AP is not changing anything to use Threads, see ) rolled out over the next year, as I understand from ActivityPub's main developer @evan in his post (hattip @gavinkarlmeier for referring to it on @hakendran of 15 Dezember). -- For me that is good news as I do not want to register for another platform (Threads).