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charlie Charlie
Posts 0
Comments 4
It says "Support the color blind"!
  • They could be in this very room!

  • Your top 5 plugins?
  • Well, right now I don't use it.

    But if I did I would use it to create new pages with special templates, then I can format a home page with all the buttons, and dataview queries to sort and organize the new pages.

    Something like a journal where a button might be "Daily entry" and another for "New Project Page" or "New Task" or something.

    It also might work really well for taking notes in DnD. (Quick "new character/place/item page" buttons right in the session notes page.) I'll have to experiment with templates again this summer.

  • Your top 5 plugins?
  • I don't have a complex enough workflow to need a lot of plugins, but I really really like Dataview. Templater and Buttons will probably be really high on my list too if I get around to actually using them.

  • What gaming moment made you genuinely smile?
  • Final moments of OneShot Solstice.