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Bacon, egg, and cheese with adobo chili aioli
  • "Alioli" in catalan All = Garlic i = And Oli = Oil Garlic&Oil

  • Roman Legion on the march, 1st-2nd century AD
  • Could you provide a link? I invite you to check out the work of Isaac Moreno Gallo. He has videos in English on his YouTube channel. There's a significant confusion between urban streets and highways. In Spain, there are many remnants of Roman roads, and a simple stratigraphic cut reveals how they were constructed.

  • Roman Legion on the march, 1st-2nd century AD
  • Nice illustration but it is incorrect. Roman roads were not made of stone. They were roads covered with compressed earth, wide enough for two galloping horse-drawn carriages. At that time, there were no horseshoes, imagine a horse walking on stones for kilometers… Look at this:

  • What is the one most astonishingly dumb things that, as a child, you believed was absolute truth?
  • When I was little, I used to think that before I was born (1977), people and the world in general were in black and white. All the photos I had of my family before my birth were in black and white.

  • What is your favorite insult in your native language that doesn't exist or cant be directly translated in English?
  • "Te falta una patata para el kilo" (in Spanish)

    English: "You're missing one potato for the kilo."

    When you want to call someone a fool or an idiot, you question if they're in their right mind, if they use their head before speaking or doing something.

  • Romans building a road, layer by layer
  • Truly, streets were built this way, not roads. I recommend checking out the work of Isaac Moreno Gallo, where he debunks this image. On his YouTube channel, he has videos uncovering Roman roads in Spain and showing the authentic way they were constructed.

  • What are your thoughts on restricting children’s access to pornography online?
  • I believe that pornography is illegal in Bulgaria, while in other places, there are no strict laws. There's a warning banner that you must check if you are over 18 years old. That's it. On the other hand, we have many gun control laws. Priorities.

  • TIL that dragonflies live 80% of their life underwater as larvae.
  • Service Unavailable in EU region 😓

  • What are your thoughts on restricting children’s access to pornography online?
  • It is still very shocking to us in Europe that the United States wants to control pornography before guns. I don't know many people who have killed themselves by masturbating.

  • ChtGPT vs Bard
  • ¿Y cómo genera imágenes?

  • Scene of the construction of a Roman road

    Explanatory drawing of the constructive process of a Roman road and the elements involved. Extracted and modified from Sánchez Priego et al 2015: 82, fig. 16. Also, refer to the original figure, "scene of the construction of a Roman road" (Moreno Gallo 2010: 41), which served as inspiration for the authors.
