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caoimhinr caoimhinr
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After delays, crewed Boeing Starliner finally launches from Florida, bound for the ISS
  • Instinctively read this as ... "screwed" Boeing Starliner ...

  • MyBike with unique QR code goes nationwide to combat bike theft
  • From

    De sticker is bijzonder moeilijk te verwijderen en UV- en weersbestendig.

    Il est particulièrement résistant à l’arrachage, aux UV et aux intempéries.

    So I'm guessing the best protection is parking your bike with a sticker next to bikes without one.

  • ‘The machine did it coldly’: Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets
  • The AI in question: targets.forEach(target => target.isHamas = true);

  • US asks Ukraine to stop strikes on Russian energy infrastructure – FT
  • Your source? This one says US ranks 19th among countries if we go by % of GDP:

  • Long trek home
  • Should've at least added some output to the loop, now the brain can just optimize and jump straight to the end.

  • Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case
  • Jesus fucking christ. Is this a real opinion? Like, not only is this the thought that came to your mind, but after going through the cognitive filter, you decided this is both an accurate and acceptable thing to say?

    Reconsider your values and the harm/benefits they bring. You need help.

  • If netflix made evangelion
  • If Netflix M. Night Shyamalan made Evangelion.

  • Israeli undercover forces dressed as women and medics storm West Bank hospital, killing 3 militants
  • Local news here reported they were killed in their hospital beds, so not sure about "holding up". There's a video showing a couple lifeless looking people in beds, but who knows what the truth is.

  • Use case(s) for owning a homelab?
  • it does seem that most homelabs are big server racks with at least two CPUs and like 20 cores in total.

    I'm not sure if your premise is correct, a lot of hardware discussion I see is people repurposing old desktops/laptops or running with sff/mff pc's.

    Why should I get a homelab instead of a regular NAS?

    In case you want more than just storage like vpn services, hosting containerized applications, etc.

  • What (free and open-source) applications do you use on a daily basis?
  • Install it though F-Droid, third party app store.

  • X removes support for NFT profile pictures
  • Crypto is up because the SEC greenlit crypto ETFs being traded on the stock market.

  • A $2M missile vs. a $2,000 drone: Pentagon worried over cost of Houthi attacks
  • Or don't bring a missile to a drone fight.

  • Ukraine's Zelenskyy says the war with Russia is in a new phase as winter looms
  • Going authoritarian would kill their EU membership application, I don't see it happening.

  • Saudi Arabia: Man Sentenced to Death for Tweets
  • In other news, new KSA national trainer Mancini to be the best paid football coach at 30 million a year. I'm sure he's having sleepless nights after hearing this news together with Ronaldo, Neymar & co.

  • How does the difference in 6%/21% tax for bouw/verbouw work?
  • If you're not working with a contractor then I'm afraid you're out of luck:

    Als de aannemer de nodige materialen aankoopt en u deze samen met de werken factureert kan het geheel eventueel 6 % genieten. Als u zelf bouwmaterialen aankoopt, betaalt u hierop sowieso 21 % btw.

  • starting guide
  • I believe a user account from kbin needs to interact with the community before it gets indexed by kbin.

  • >MR en PS hebben wél een alternatief plan om de verkeersveiligheid op te krikken. Met bijvoorbeeld hogere boetes voor wie op een parkeerplaats voor mensen met een beperking staat, of het afschaffen van de tolerantiemarges bij snelheidscontroles of meer trajectcontroles.

    I wonder how many people have been injured or died by someone unlawfully parking in a handicapped spot. Not that this wouldn't be a good measure on its own.

    >Ze zijn vooral bang dat ze kiezers gaan verliezen. Er sterven dus mensen op de weg, vermijdbare doden, omdat zij weigeren om maatregelen te nemen om de verkeersveiligheid te verbeteren

    The article doesn't mention their official arguments against the policy, couldn't find the equivalent article on rtbf either, but it would be nice to know their reasoning to block this.

    No English version on vrt yet so posting the Dutch version.

    EDIT: Can barely see the quote markup so italicized as well.
