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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Wait wait, let me guess, now all of the sudden we're not literally fascists for thinking that it would be best if Biden stepped down. A sincere fuck you too everyone who commented accordingly for the last month.

  • Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton (August 2016)
  • I'm absolutely positive that he thinks this was actually a Democratic sympathizer. These people's brains are so full of conspiracy theories it's ridiculous. We're talking about the same people who think that there's a global movement to groom minors just because some people prefer bussy and would rather present in a different way than they would. These people are so far gone.

  • Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton (August 2016)
  • I'm in a gun club and the WhatsApp chat had, surprise surprise, a rich, fashy vet immediately saying that the attempt meant that all supporters of the Democrats were now "enemy combatants" and should be treated like enemy combatants were back when "they" were deployed. Fucking psychotic, brownshirt ass. I know this makes me sound like him, but people like him have one solution and it's measured in six foot increments of rope.

  • Organize, Vote, Resist
  • Let me guess, "Something something literally anything that interacts with outsiders makes you actual Hitler something something accelerationism something something historicism something something capitalism is scientifically destined to fall like, tomorrow if you just don't vote for anyone but CPUSA guys I swear."

    EDIT: Wait do people not know that I'm mocking tankies here?

  • Four killed in Kentucky mass shooting before suspect turned gun on himself
  • People like them reek of the sheltered-liberal-20-year-old mindset of "the system is almost perfect, is we just make a couple of tweaks here and there it'll be fine." As if firearm restrictions alone will address socioeconomic ossification, the lack of meaningful state protection of vulnerable populations, deep resentment of minorities in homogenous, conservative areas, etc. Whining about how dumb people who hate guns less than they do are lets them get away with not doing the difficult work of addressing deep-rooted structural injustices. Fucking weak.

  • Four killed in Kentucky mass shooting before suspect turned gun on himself
  • That's what people have to do when they transparently have no actual knowledge of the regulatory landscape they're trying to wade into lol. The same kind of idiot who actually believes it when some politician tells that that a complicated problem has an easy solution.

  • The Absurdity of the Dump-Biden Uprising
  • This is so fucking dumb, the entire thing is premised on meaningful primaries occurring all over the country. How many of those "57" were actually competitive? I know my state had literally one candidate on the ballot. Biden extremely strongly implied that he wouldn't run for a second term, then pulled a "lol jk it's me or the literal fascist." Most people didn't want Biden to run again, but here we fucking are. And The Atlantic has the gall to say that this is a vocal minority of crybabies demanding an open and competitive primary be overturned. Fuck off.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • Really? Huh. I get natural too and I feel like it stays good for a couple weeks, but gets a kinda weird bitterness after that. Kinda like celery but less dramatic. It's definitely still edible either way though.

  • Nate Silver's model for the 2024 election is out, currently predicts a 65% chance of a Trump victory.
  • Yeah, his model gave her less of a chance than most others and their podcast constantly, over and over, warned people that this means Trump wins three elections if you run it ten times. People who wrote 538 off because it didn't call the election for Trump are some of the dumbest mouthbreathers you'll run into.

  • Disciplinary panel recommends Giuliani's disbarment Disciplinary panel calls for Rudy Giuliani’s disbarment

    His ultimate disbarment or other penalty would be decided by the D.C. Court of Appeals.


    Broward's better baby!

    Thanks for making this community, look forward to hanging out here with you all.

    3d6 butwhyishischinabook

    Happy to see the ember of r/3d6 carried here

    Sad to see reddit effectively die, but a big thank you to everyone who set this community up so that the party can keep rolling! (Budum, ting)


    Goodbye RIF, it was a great dozen years

    Well, it all ended so suddenly, mid scroll through the comments. After a dozen long years RIF, and for me reddit along with it, is finally dead. Thanks for all the entertainment RIF team, sincerely.
